Araceae Essays

  • Duckweed Lab Report

    1046 Words  | 5 Pages

    Duckweed ORT. Dylan Nourse INTRODUCTION Duckweed is a water plant that grows and floats above or just below the surface of fresh slow moving water and is part of the Araceae family and reproduces through asexual budding. Hypothesis: Duckweed grows best in water

  • Taro Root Essay

    1485 Words  | 6 Pages

    Health Benefits Of Taro Root Summary Taro root is an exceptionally healthy food, filled with numerous nutrients like vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants. Therefore, it should be consumed in ample quantity on a regular basis to avail the many benefits it possesses. Some advantages that can be obtained from the consumption of taro root are controlled blood sugar, Healthy digestive system, prevents cancer, delays the aging process, improves the skin, health reduce fatigue, improvement