Cambrian Essays

  • Cambrian Explosion: The Evolutionary Life System

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    Introduction Approximately 530 million years ago, there was a rapid diversification of animal species. In this relatively short evolutionary event, most major phyla appeared. The term Cambrian Explosion describes the geologically sudden appearance of multi-cellular animals in the fossil record. Pre-Cambrian organisms consisted of prokaryotes, eukaryotes, bacteria and ediacaran life forms. In less than 5 million years, most of the basic body plans that we observe in modern groups appeared; cnidarians

  • The Cambrian Explosion

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    The Cambrian explosion was a relatively short evolutionary event which occurred approximately 543 million years ago during the Cambrian period. The Cambrian explosion It is referred to as an explosion because it was during the Cambrian period where there was a mass increase of many different multicellular eukaryotic organisms. Fox Douglas, author of What Sparked the Cambrian Explosion, described the Cambrian explosion as an “evolutionary burst 540 million years ago that filled the seas with an astonishing

  • Upper Ordovician Period Lab Report

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    Introduction: Over the duration of two lab periods we analyzed Paleozoic fossil from the Upper Ordovician Period of the Paleozoic Era. After an assemblage of fossils were collected from a road cut on Route 1, about one mile south of the junction of Route 1 with Route 52, Franklin CO., Indiana we identified the fossils and made counts of each individual taxon within the different strata’s (lower (oldest), middle, and upper (youngest)). We started of this lab with the null hypothesis: no change in

  • Stephen Jay Gould Non Overlapping Magisteria

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    The debate surrounding God’s role in nature is one of controversy and intertwining beliefs. The most tremendous question of them all — Creationism versus evolutionism — shapes the precedent for one’s view of religion in nature. Nature, a showcase of miraculous feats and horrific scenes, is often unquestioned as the workings of a higher power. Yet, when naturally occurring heinous actions are discovered, the question arises: can an omnipotent and benevolent God really create such cruelty? Stephen

  • Lewisian Gneiss Analysis

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    The relationships between the lithologies in the Lewisian Gneiss complexed can be obsereved best at Loch na Fiacail, NC 233 486 (Field Notebook page 42). There are three main lithologies found which are the Lewisian gneiss, amphibolite and pegmatite. The gneiss was wasformed first as it is cross cutted by bothe the pegmatite and the amphibolite. The amphiboliote mafic protolith was intruded next and the youngest event was the intrusion of the pegmatite which cross cuts all the ither lithologies

  • Cambrian Period Essay

    492 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Cambrian Period is the start of the Paleozoic Era (1). It is the first geologic time period of this era and lasted about 55 million years (2). The Cambrian Period starts at around 543 million years ago. The start of this period is marked with the first appearances of worms that dug horizontal burrows. The Cambrian Period ends with a great extinction event that occurred 490 million years ago (1). This period is known for an incredible evolutionary burst that occurred during its time. This is known

  • The Cambrian Period: 540 Myth

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    During the Cambrian period, no life existed on land. The Cambrian period occurred 490 to 540 Mya. In the Cambrian at this point, no life, yet existed on land all of life had been rare. Very early in the Cambrian period the sea floor was covered by a mat of bacteria . Above was a thick layer of oxygen-free mud. The first multicellular life forms had been in the late Proterozoic to look at the microbes. So at this point animals decreased since this time period. The Cambrian period had

  • Cambrian Period Research Paper

    660 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Cambrian Period is the first geological time period of the Paleozoic Era. This period lasted about 53 million years and marked a dramatic burst of Evolutionary changes in life on Earth, known as the "Cambrian Explosion. Plant and Animal Life • In the Cambrian period life was in the oceans and some of variety of microscopic plants were in the oceans. Many Early Cambrian invertebrates are known only from "small Shelly fossils". • There were a variety of microscopic marine plants like the Margarita

  • What Are The Arguments Against Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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    and repeatable (Grant, 2003). Natural selection is representable in different types of birds such as the Island Scrub-jay. A study published in 2015 on these Island Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma insularis) demonstrates examples of natural selection. The Cambrian explosion argues against Darwin’s theory of natural selection. It

  • Identify The Legal Arguments In Favour Of Ernie's Claim Of Discrimination?

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    because he was promised this job would lead to a supervisory position. b) Briefly describe the legal arguments in favour of Ernie’s claim that the Cambrian Pulp and Paper Company wrongfully failed to promote him. According to Ernie, he only took this job in hope of a promotion. He was told by his colleague Doreen, Vice President of Operations at Cambrian Pulp and Paper Company, also a representative of the company that he would be promoted in the near future, which was false. The company negligently

  • Endoskeletons

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    Back to the Cambrian If I were to time travel, I would travel back to the Cambrian Period. An underwater adventure would be extremely ideal since no life exists on land during this period (Bagley). Shelled animals and other marine creatures evolved as well as other animals with endoskeletons and exoskeletons. The major event that happened was the Cambrian Explosion, caused by glaciations, changes in ocean chemistry, and evolution of predators (Monroe and Wicander, p. 240). The atmosphere had

  • How Did Adam Sedgwick Contribute To Science

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    development of the modern discipline of geology. Sedgwick played a significant role in the development and advancement of the principles of geology and contributed to Earth Sciences. Sedgwick discovered the two geological time scales the Devonian and Cambrian period. Sedgwick even taught and influenced the young Charles Darwin, one of the greatest scientist to ever live. But Adam Sedgwick wasn’t the only geologist to become famous. Mary Anning played a significant role in paleontology and as a role model

  • Big Changes During The Paleozoic Era

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    place. Also at this time the first vertebrate animals conquered the land. Also Paleozoic appeared with the Cambrian Period, 53 million years is when life started to burst on Earth. The Cambrian period again gave way to the beginning of arthropods. Furthermore during the Paleozoic Era, life blossomed in the ocean. 45-million- years later the Ordovician Period arrived after the Cambrian Period. This is recorded in the fossils by a large amount of marine invertebrates. One of the well-known

  • Regressive Facies Patterns

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    Describe what transgressive and regressive facies patterns are. Where is there an example of where they can be found in the US? What do they tell us about geologic history through time? Why are they so prevalent? If you were to go to a rock outcrop alongside a road, what would you look for in order to identify a transgressive and regressive facies pattern looks like? Transgressive facies patterns are an upward succession in rock sequences from shallow waters to deeper waters. When there is a rise

  • Penfield's Argument For Creationism

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    Consequently, any evidence that contradicts or enervates evolution 's argument strengthens the argument for creation. The fossil record, specifically the Cambrian explosion and the Precambrian period preceding it, is clearly supportive of creationism. To recapitulate, the Cambrian explosion is a period of time where many new and complicated organisms spontaneously appeared in the fossil record. Additionally, there is no fossilized evidence of less complex creatures

  • Complex Life Is Uncommon In The Universe

    2017 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction This book report discusses the book which is called “Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe”, and written by Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee. The designated book is in the paperback edition published by Copernicus Books in New York in 2003. There are thirteen chapters in total. “Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe” is a book introducing and discussing the “Rare Earth Hypothesis”. The “Rare Earth hypothesis” argues that the occurrence and development

  • Ordovician Period Essay

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    The first geological period during the Paleozoic Era was the Cambrian period. This period took place roughly around 542 to 488.3 million years ago. During this period was when most animal groups stared to appear in fossils. This was also the time were the earth had one super continent, which was called Rodinia. The climate during this period was mild and the oceans were beginning to become oxygenated (The Cambrian Period). The second geological period during the Paleozoic Ear was the Ordovician

  • Origin Of Species: Is Evolution A Fact?

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    Paleontologist Alfred Romer agrees with this statement, as he presents, “Below this [Cambrian period], there are vast thicknesses of sediments in which the progenitors of the Cambrian forms would be expected. But we do not find them; these older beds are almost barren of evidence of life, and the general picture could reasonably be said to be consistent with the idea of a special creation at the beginning of Cambrian times.”—Natural History, October 1959, p. 467. Zoologists Harold Coffin, who also agrees

  • Summary: The Beak Of The Finch

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    years, in which they show how much or even how little each species had adapted and changed over time. One of the most noticeable period for fossils was during the Cambrian Explosion that occurred around 540 million years ago. This marks an important history of fossils and species on earth as the Cambrian Explosion, also known as Cambrian period was when most major species started to appear on the fossil records in which it formed a diverse range of fossils. This however, challenged Darwin’s theory

  • Description Of A Universal Evaluating Tree

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    through gradual variations occurring before we see the presence of current species. From the fossil record, around 545 million years back, an unstable of broadening happen prompting obvious of countless, multi-celled living being. This is known as Cambrian. A large number varying animals appeared suddenly in which most still exist presently known as the phylum which are in the tree of life. Because of the natural selection, some creature which don't have the characteristic which are positive to environment