Carbon-13 Essays

  • Relative And Absolute Dating Techniques Are Necessary To Find The Most Accurate Date Of An Archaeological Site

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    Radiocarbon dating involves knowing that carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope and has a half-life of 5730 years. The concept involves all living organisms containing carbon 14 through radiation entering the atmosphere and taking a proton away from nitrogen 14 to produce carbon 14, flora then takes in the carbon 14 in the form of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Fauna then eat this carbon 14 that has been synthesised in the plants, and eventually the carbon 14 decays back into nitrogen 14 and the cycle

  • Fluorenone Lab Report

    872 Words  | 4 Pages

    The goal of this experiment was to isolate three different molecules (acidic, basic, and neutral) from a mixture and identify their molecular structure. This was accomplished by using acid/base liquid extraction and H NMR analysis. The neutral component of the unknown mixture #191 was fluorenone. This was evident due to an H NMR spectra that had a high presence of hydrogen signals in the 7.2- 7.7 ppm range. Chemical shift values for fluorenone stated in the lab manual were 7.27, 7.47, 7.48, and

  • Nmr Spectra Lab Report

    1392 Words  | 6 Pages

    Again the 13C NMR spectra is consistent with the back bone or cholesterol remaining constant in the reaction. There are 27 carbon environments in the spectrum which matches that starting material. There is an evident peak at 201.25 ppm which is due to the C=O in the molecule. The carbon that had the bromine added, in chlestan-3-one this carbon is at 38.36 ppm and in this spectrum using the HSQC spectrum this peak was identified to be at 54.67 ppm which shows an increase in chemical shift. This is

  • Apollo 13 Analysis

    1140 Words  | 5 Pages

    The movie Apollo 13 is based on the actual Apollo 13 mission in April 11, 1970 that was just a routine mission to the moon that went horribly wrong. However, the movie is overall historically inaccurate, primarily due to the false facts it ultimately portrays about the moon and the life depending procedures they needed to perform. In the movie Apollo 13 the central focus in the beginning of the movie was to go to the moon and in the meantime encountered the threatening situation to go around the

  • Similarities Between Odyssey And Apollo 13

    342 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing Odyssey to Apollo 13 In Apollo 13 and Homer’s Odyssey, problems occur as the men try to return home. During the Apollo 13 mission, there were many struggles that occurred as the men tried to journey to the moon. The major conflict that arises only a few days into the mission was the explosion of the gas tanks which plummeted their oxygen supply into outer space. Just as the gas tanks caused a great difficulty almost halting the men’s trip home, Odysseus also faces a huge problem that

  • Apollo 13: A Leader-Follower-Situation Model Of Leadership

    1901 Words  | 8 Pages

    Apollo 13 depicts the historical story of the 1970’s spacecraft and its tumultuous journey through space. The film highlights the successful failure of a space launch where a series of unforeseen circumstances would become the culmination of NASA’s most demanding challenges. The ability of the individuals’ involved showed great human ingenuity, courage, and the collaboration between these people depicted a human triumph over the human failure. A collection of highly knowledgeable mathematicians,

  • Apollo 13

    1154 Words  | 5 Pages

    on leadership that you have learned from the movie APOLLO 13. a. Teamwork Teamwork was very essential throughout the movie. The astronauts were in a life or death situation. The pressure of the said situation caused a lot of stressed to the teams which forced them to be an innovative and to come up with a useful solution given the time constraint and resources for survival. b. Professionalism The crews of the Apollo 13 mission, and the people of the Mission Control that supported

  • How Does Apollo 13 Relate To Physics

    573 Words  | 3 Pages

    The movie Apollo 13 represents an event that happened in Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The importance of this event is that it was a spacecraft launch to the moon that didn't reach the moon successfully. This happened because on the way to the moon, the spacecraft had an explosion This caused fear among NASA and the three astronauts, who were originally scheduled for a later launch. They were all fearful for the lives of the astronauts because with the explosion, the tank had gotten damaged.

  • Leadership In The Movie Apollo 13

    1274 Words  | 6 Pages

    Introduction: For this term paper, I decided to write about the movie Apollo 13. I chose to do so because it gives many great examples of good leadership, how people react in stressful situations and (add too). French and Raven: This movie shows multiple people who express the types of powers listed in French and Ravens 5 bases of power. The first type of power expressed is Legitimate Power. Legitimate power means that someone has the formal right to make demands and orders because of their

  • Apollo 13 Essay

    995 Words  | 4 Pages

    Efforts to change. After the explosion, Apollo 13 lost its primary means of both generating power and supporting life. The Oxygen tank was not only supplying oxygen to the crew but was also mixed with hydrogen to generate water and power. The mission control team had to make a series of life saving decisions without violating the NSPE code of Ethics. The first decision was to transfer the crew from the Control Module to the Lunar Module, this was to keep the Command Module’s oxygen intact, because

  • Apollo 13: America's Third Moon Mission

    667 Words  | 3 Pages

    Apollo 13 is a film made in 1995 telling the events of the aborted lunar mission in 1970 of “Apollo 13”; this was America’s third moon landing mission. The problem that I identified in the start of the film is in the original team of three astronauts, one of them had either become ill or will become because he was exposed to the measles. This happened a few days right before the launch. So, they wanted to replace the sick one and use a different astronaut. At first the other astronaut was against

  • Ethical Issues In Gattaca The Movie

    686 Words  | 3 Pages

    The movie Gattaca is set up in the fictional not-too-distant future. The not-too-distant future is a society in which eugenics are the dictating ideology and genetic discrimination is real. The use of biometric based on the genetic database registry has helped create two categories of people; the ‘valids’ and the ‘invalids’. The ‘valids’ are those individual who are created based on the choices of the biometrics and are seen as actually being superior that the invalids who have been conceived by

  • Examples Of Altruism In The Martian

    659 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the novel, The Martian, a central theme of the power of human altruism remains a key role as the main, behind-the-scenes driving factor within the story. Though constant themes of isolation and perseverance are also present, it is important to realize that, without the benevolence and support of his colleagues, Mark Watney would never have survived on Mars. On top of this, the presence of altruism within each character persists throughout the entire book, from beginning to end. From the beginning

  • Apollo 13 Disadvantages

    568 Words  | 3 Pages

    As the third attempt on landing on the moon, Apollo 13 was meant to be an improvement for the previous failures, but ended up as a danger to people working in space. Apollo 13’s launch happened on April 11, 1970, and lasted for 6 days. NASA sent 3 men, including Fred W. Haise, James A. Lovell, and John L. Swigert. Initially, Ken Mattingly was supposed to join the crew but was replaced by Swigert because he was supposedly diagnosed with German measles. The team’s mission was to land on the moon, but

  • The Apollo 13 Mission

    948 Words  | 4 Pages

    On April 11, 1970, the Apollo 13 mission broke the mold of space exploration programs. Three men, one spacecraft, and a Mission Control crew set off for what was supposed to be an exploration and experimentation of rocks found on the moon. This mission became one of the most miraculous events in history. The Apollo 13 is significant to exploration, encounter and exchange in history in that it set the foundation for the space program's growth and further development. The spacecraft’s crew encountered

  • Determination In 'Barrio Boy'

    321 Words  | 2 Pages

    moon while leaving everything behind. Two different reasons but both are determined to succeed. What drives people to undertake a mission is determination. For example in “Barrio Boy” he was determined to become an American citizen and and in Apollo 13 three astronauts were determined to survive. “Barrio Boy” by Ernesto Galarza is about a young boy who immigrated from Mexico to America. The boy must face challenges to fit in and become an American citizen. Knowing not even the english language

  • Lindy Chamberlain Case Essay

    978 Words  | 4 Pages

    Brief background of the accused Lindy Chamberlain and her husband Michael were both born in New Zealand. They were married on 19 November, 1969. Shortly after their marriage, they moved to Tasmania where they lived for 5 years. During that time, their first child Aiden was born in 1973. After Lindy received her dressmaking, tailoring and drafting certificate in 1974, the small and happy family moved to Northern Queensland where their second son, Reagan was born. Soon after, they moved to Mt Isa

  • Apollo 13 Research Paper

    707 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract Apollo 13 was the seventh manned mission in NASA’s Apollo program and it was the third mission intended to land astronauts on the moon. The lunar landing was aborted when an oxygen tank exploded, severely damaging the Service Module that supplies the Command Module with water, electricity, and oxygen. Despite enduring great stress and hardship, the three American astronauts, with the help of NASA’s great minds on the ground, miraculously returned safely back to Earth. The mission was

  • Persuasive Essay On Space Exploration

    954 Words  | 4 Pages

    Space Exploration The warm morning air melted the early morning fog. The birds sang their morning songs and greeted the day. Crowds of people stood around growing more and more impatient as time went on. The children were bugging their parents asking, “When is it going to start?” Finally the announcer came on the speaker. Immediate silence came over the people. “Five.”, said the announcer in his commanding voice. The ground started to rumble with great force. “Four.” The switches were being flipped

  • Narrative Essay On Super Blue Moon

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    It is the week of the super blood moon and vaguely mentioned before by my mother. was how she was sure she would have dreams of the moon falling out if the sky as it is a reoccurring dream, and the event of the blood super blue moon would only fuel it. Me looking somewhat perplexed, “the moon, falling out of the sky.” She asked if I have ever dreamt such a dream, with a confused look I said no. Skip a day, it’s the night of the 31st or the official supermoon. We had just finished watching an episode