Cell wall Essays

  • Osmosis Lab Report

    605 Words  | 3 Pages

    can cause cells to swell and sometimes burst. We can see this property in the lab we did in class. When we put gummy bears in the water they grew up to 500% of their original size. This happened because the water was entering the cells, causing them to swell and increasing the size and mass of the gummy bears. When cells grow due to osmosis it causes two different things to happen, based on the cell. If it is an animal cell then cytolysis will happen, which is the bursting of the cell. This can be

  • Nursing Case Study 1 Tobramycin

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    corticosteroid, which works to prevent the release of substances in the body, such as leukocytes, that cause inflammation. It does this by binding to glucocorticoid receptors to either activate or influence the biochemical behavior of most inflammatory cells.1 Tobramycin is an antibiotic, which works to fight off bacteria

  • The Effect Of Glomerular Concentration On The Body

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    ADH is protein hormone which is secreted by heart muscle cells, it is released by the posterior pituitary gland into the blood. ADH holds water in the body and compresses the blood vessels. ADH and aldosterone regulates thirst and fluid reabsorption by the kidneys, which are the two control mechanisms that serve

  • Caspofungin Research Paper

    1955 Words  | 8 Pages

    echinocandin antifungal agent licensed as a first-line therapy for invasive candidiasis in patients with moderate to severe illness or recent exposure to azoles [1]. Caspofungin acts by inhibiting the synthesis of (1,3)-β-D-glucan of the fungal cell wall, ultimately causing cell death [2]. The recommended dosage regimen of caspofungin is a loading dose of 70 mg followed by 50 mg daily (70/50 mg), administered intravenously over 1 h. Caspofungin is highly protein bound (~ 96%) and metabolizes slowly in the liver

  • Effect Of Sucrose Concentration On Osmosis

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    Research Question What impact will solutions of different concentration have on the percentage change in the masses of potato tubes? Variables Independent Variables The concentrations of sucrose in the solution (M per mL): 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The control: Water with no salt/sugar added (therefore 0.0 M per mL) Dependent Variables: The percentage change in the mass of the potato tubes after bathing them in sucrose solutions of different concentrations Controlled Variables The variable

  • Potato And Osmosis Experiment

    859 Words  | 4 Pages

    Discussion The effect of different concentration on the percentage change in mass while osmosis was observed, and each experiment was performed by calculating the initial and final masses of the potato pieces and the small bag of Visking tube. According to the table 1 and graph 1, the effect of concentration was identified as the concentration of sucrose increase the percentage change in mass of potato also increase because sucrose is hypertonic solution which means that it has a higher amount of

  • Soap's Effect On The Surface Tension Of Water

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    Soap’s Effect on The Surface Tension Of Water By: Lusinda Garcia Biology I - Pre-AP December 10, 2017 Introduction Surface tension is when the surface of a liquid that’s in contact with gas, acts like a thin elastic sheet. Water has a high level of surface tension, which means that when the molecules on the surface of water are not surrounded by similar molecules on all sides, they're being pulled by cohesion from other similar molecules deep inside. These molecules bind to each other strongly

  • Summary: Heme Binding Studies

    1785 Words  | 8 Pages

    The in vitro evaluation of these hybrids against D6 and W2 strains of P. falciparum depicted activity in the micromolar range. Also, these hybrids exhibited high selectivity indices and low toxicity against the tested cell lines. Three compounds (7g, 8a and 8b) exhibited better antimalarial activity (IC50 = 0.019 µM to 0.033 µM) than the standard drug chloroquine (IC50 = 0.035 µM) against CQ-sensitive strain, whereas except 7a, 7b, 8c, 9a, 9b and 9e, all the compounds

  • Explain How Balancing The Concentration Of Sodium Ions That Affect The Regulation Of Osmolarity

    264 Words  | 2 Pages

    Regulating the osmolarity can be accomplished by balancing the concentration of sodium ions with the correct volume of water. Sodium is the main ion that affects the osmolarity of extracellular fluids. The regulation of osmolarity must be assimilated with the regulation of water volume as any changes to one will affect the other. When you need more body fluids you will lose more water than sodium and the osmolarity of the body fluids will increase. The body must keep a certain amount of water however

  • Egg Osmosis Lab

    748 Words  | 3 Pages

    placed into corn syrup, then it will shrink. If the egg is placed into distilled water, it will grow. Background: Cells have an outer covering called the cell membrane. The membrane is selectively permeable which means it has small openings that allow objects to move through it. The cell membrane dictates what moves in and out of the cell. Food and oxygen move into cells across the cell membrane by the process of diffusion. Diffusion is movement of a substance to an area of low concentration to high

  • Does Too Much Water Affect The Amount Of Homeostasis In Plants

    589 Words  | 3 Pages

    dioxide and sunlight is taken into the plant, and how much oxygen is let out. These stomata, when open, can cause the plant to let out a portion of water through evaporation, also known as transpiration. Surrounding these stomata, there are guard cells that control this opening and closing, when open transpiration can increase greatly but when it is closed it is decreased.This can be seen as the feedback mechanism due to its change to maintain homeostasis. Additionally, because pea plants generally

  • Essay About Vietnamese Food

    771 Words  | 4 Pages

    Living in a new place can be a tough thing. One of the hardest things in my life is to move along from my home country to study in Vietnam because I have to adapt myself to the new environment. After nearly two years of being in Vietnam I have found out that the unique of Vietnamese culture, friendly people, beautiful and attractive places make Vietnam charming and unique. But if you asked me what do I like most in Vietnam, undoubtedly my answer would be the food. Vietnamese food is well-known

  • Planarian Worm Lab

    557 Words  | 3 Pages

    were observing them. Next, the planarian worm was picked up from its container with a pipette and then placed in a separate petri dish with some water. This took some time and I ended up having to use a pick to get the planarian worm off the inside walls of the pipette. Once the worm was in the petri dish, a razor was used to cut the worm in half, creating a “head” and “tail” segment of the worm. Since my worm was of a larger size, I did not feel the need to place it under a microscope and cut it

  • Sypharochiton Pelliserpentis Research Paper

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    Sypharochiton pelliserpentis S. pelliserpentis has a dorsal shell that is made up of eight shell parts known as valves. These eight valves are bound together by a girdle which is strong and flexible and circles the valves. This particular species of chiton has its plate overlapping to resemble snake’s skin, thus, being colloquially referred to as the snakeskin chiton. The valves of S. pelliserpentis are very hard and allows the chiton to lay flat against a rocky surface. S. pelliserpentis has many

  • How Does Sucrose Affect Osmosis Experiment

    1460 Words  | 6 Pages

    Osmosis Investigation Aim the aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of sucrose on the rate of osmosis in cylinders of potatoes. This would happen by using similar sizes and lengths potato cylinders and applying them to different concentrations of sucrose(0%, 10%, 20%, 40%) in small beakers then measuring the change in mass of the potato cylinders afterwards. Maintaining all variables unchanged such as pH, same size, and a constant temperature. time taken

  • Potato Osmolarity Experiment

    303 Words  | 2 Pages

    The aim of this experiment was to find out how many sugar did the potato include, how many sugar did we have every day by eating the potato. To know the sugar that includes in the potato we have to compare the mass of the potato before and after the experiment with different concentration of sucrose solution. We went through our procedure, put the result into the data table and calculate the percent change to the graph. And get the osmolarity bass on the graph we have. The mass of the before the

  • Hydroquinone Study

    1068 Words  | 5 Pages

    Daptomycin caused a reduction in cell viability of 3 log 10 CFU/mL after 6 h in PBS while tetracycline caused only bacteriostasis. TBHQ had no effect on bacterial viability for the first 120 min of the experiment, but killing was observed thereafter. The bacterial killing was initiated after the conversion of TBHQ into TBBQ and the extent of kill was increased with increasing TBBQ concentration, ultimately leading to a 4 log 10 drop in cell number after 6h. TBBQ was rapidly and extensively

  • Colistin Case Study

    2242 Words  | 9 Pages

    Q1A: What is the mechanism of action of colistin? Colistin is an antibiotic that works best against Gram-negative bacteria. It works by binding to LPSs (lipopolysaccrides) and phospholipids in the outer cell membrane of the bacteria. This, in turn, disrupts the outer cell membrane by displacing cations and leaking the intracellular contents, combining it with outer cellular contents, causing the bacteria to be unable to differentiate the bacteria’s intra and outer cellular contents from one another

  • Polyploidy Advantages And Disadvantages

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    Introduction Polyploidy is an inherited condition whereby the organism possesses more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes. It is common amongst plants and some fish and amphibians. Advantages of polyploidy include the fact that they are able to use their genes function in other ways that are not necessarily needed in non-polyploidy organisms which allows them to evolve in many different ways. Another way is by disrupting certain self-incompatibility systems, thereby allowing self-fertilization. However

  • Alkaline Phosphatase Lab Report

    1627 Words  | 7 Pages

    carried out is to determine the kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, of Alkaline Phosphatase. Theory, Principles and Application of Principles Enzymes are a huge varying group of proteins which are needed to carry out essential metabolic functions in cells. Substrate-specific enzymes, like Alkaline Phosphatase, act as catalysts lowering the needed activation energy to convert the substrate to product. Enzymes are made up of amino-acids and amino-groups have side chains referred to as R-groups. These