Cello Essays

  • Cello History

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    In the beginning of 6th grade, when Mrs. Gomez first taught my class the different parts of a cello, one question was going through my mind. How did the cello come to be? As I researched about the cello’s history, I finally realized something. The structure of the cello has changed massively from the 5th century BC, to the 19th century. The early ancestor of the cello is the viola da gamba, which first appeared in Europe in the late 15th century. The viola da gamba’s structure is similar to the

  • Virtuosos Like Yo M Modern Cello Techniques

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    The cello is capable of extended techniques to create novel effects. Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images Having a solid understanding of modern cello techniques can make the difference between a good performer and an exceptional performer. The modern cello has developed into a substantial instrument capable of several modern cello techniques. Using the bow in non-traditional ways, cellists use different parts of the bow to create effects and manipulate the strings in non-standard ways. Modern composers

  • Concert Review: The Fifth House Ensemble Concert

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    opera songs about “Employees Wash Hands”, “Cascading Water”, and “Lipstick”. These songs were comicial with a refreshing twist. Megan Ihnen was the solo singer throughout the pieces. The second act was a concerto featuring three soloists. A Pianist, Cello player, and flutist. before they began the cellist introduced herself and told a little about the song. As she told us about the songs, she related it to her eighteen-month year old son, who is curiously learning

  • Why I Want To Be An American Essay

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    wide range of careers, my mom is a teacher, my aunt is a composer for her band, and my dad lays down tile for various houses and other places. Then there is me, who is on YouTube and performs with my cello and piano in her room dreaming big. I have always dreamed about performing on stage with my cello or on Broadway on some stage in New York. Then you look at other countries, not England or Austria, but countries like Syria or Pakistan. Countries like those who don’t have the freedom to do what they

  • Prelude From Bach's Suite No. 1 Essay

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    The piece I will reanalyze is the Prelude from Bach’s Suite No. 1 in G major, which was the most representative pieces of baroque music, and it was played with cello as the solo instrument. This prelude is recognized as one of the best-known movement from the entire suites, and it is widely adopted into many modern films and commercials, for example, movies like How Not to Disappear Completely, Irrational Man, and TV series like Parenthood all cited the prelude as their soundtracks (Johann, n.d.)

  • Concert Review Of The Non 49 By Tchaikovsky

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    performance was in the auditorium of my high school, New Providence High School. My sister plays the violin and has been playing for almost her whole life.The principal performers included assortments of string instruments, including violin, viola, cello, and bass. Also, there was an assortment of brass instruments such as trumpets, french horns, and trombones. The entire woodwind family was included in this performance as well. Although, the use of percussion instruments and the piano was extremely

  • Essay On Violin

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    Among four groups of instruments – Stringed, Keyboard, Wind and Percussion Instruments – I single out the first ones, in particular violin. I like the sounding and the way sounds are elicited from the instrument. Violin - bowed stringed musical instrument with high register . It has four strings tuned in fifths : G, D 1 , a 1 , e 2 (salt low octave, D, middle C, the second octave), the range of G (G minor octave) to a 4 (A fourth octave) and above. There are also five-stringed violin , with

  • Greys Anatomy Stereotypes

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    Brian Rotella Midterm Paper All throughout television, media has created a meaning of race and ethnicity that plays an important role in shaping the way we understand cultural identities. Television influences how we think about race in our everyday lives. By watching specifically prime time television, you can see the cultural diversity spread out amongst the characters in the show. The show Greys Anatomy is one of those shows that display many different characters from different backgrounds

  • Soundpost Thesis

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    THE EFFECT OF THE SOUNDPOST ON VIOLIN SOUND The sound output and the response of a violin were measured for three positions of the soundpost: no soundpost, inside and outside the treble foot of the bridge. The sound quality was assessed with Long Time Average Spectra that showed small differences. There were significant differences in the response plots, whether measured by a microphone in front of the top or a magnet/coil pickup on the bridge. These results may be related to previous studies, in

  • Afterwards Liebesleid Analysis

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    The upper string studio recital, under Dr. Yu-Mei Huang’s teachings, is an annual event which showcases the violin and viola performers of Texas A&M International University. Upon approval of entering the College of Arts & Sciences of the University, this would be a student’s midterm performance for that semester. The handful of talented students from Dr. Huang are encouraged to perform a show piece, alongside with the accompaniment of Dr. Huang playing the piano, to improve their repertoire and

  • Cello Concert Review Sample

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    7:30 PM in Williams Hall, I attended the cello concert performed by Sophie Shao. This performance included the Seven Variations on the theme “Bei Mannern, welche Liebe fuhlen,” from Mozart’s Opera, “The Magic Flute,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven; Sonate in D Minor by Claude Debussy; Five Pieces in Folk Style op.102 by Robert Schumann; and Violin Sonata op.78 (transcribed to a cello sonata by Paul Klengel) by Johannes Brahms. Sophie Shao began playing the cello at age six and graduated with a bachelor’s

  • Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites For Solo Cello

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    for Solo Cello around 1720 when the suite was already a well-known genre, but they were the first of their kind. (Green, 2017) 1.2 Reason for Selection & Aim I chose to write about the Six Suites for Solo Cello as I believe that they hold a great significance. The cello as an

  • J. S. Bach Essay

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    the rhythm Bach was born in a music family, his father is also a great musician who taught him to play violin and harpsichord. The six unaccompanied cello suites was written by J.S Bach during 1717-1723. This work is one of the most famous works by J.S Bach.This suites was written in kothen. When Bach was serve as a Kapellmeister.The title of the cello suites on the manuscript was Suites a violoncello solo senza Basso. Every suites was organized by different dance.In the suites ,the prelude is the

  • Piero Mantovani's Andrea Amati

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    In 1558 when Piero Mantovani attempted to steal the first cello created by Andrea Amati, he was cursed. Not by Andrea Amati, but rather the housekeeper. A wizened woman that dabbled, frequently, in magic. It was said that Piero, upon first seeing the instrument, was so overwhelmed with emotion that he had to have it. To possess it. To hold it, and polish it, and more importantly, to play it. While Piero was quite adept at the violin and viola, it was the dulcet bass that spoke to him. The melancholy

  • How Does Shostakovich Use Music To Express Freedom?

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    Through history, people are always finding new ways to express their feeling through different media. From Shakespear's time where theatre play a major role in expression love and innocence to twentith century where Shostakovich uses music to express his rebellion towards the Soviet Union. Artist are constantly searching for new ways that allows them to express their freedom in showing feeling. During the Sixteen Century, major great composers rises and during this particualr period, many artists

  • Narrative Essay On John Wilson

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    silence. You see a man walking towards the center holding a thin stick. As he raises his stick you raise yours, which in your hands is a 73 centimeters of elegant horse hair and fine brazil wood. You are on the edge of your seat, bow in one hand with a cello in the other. All of your hours of practice have come down to this precise moment. Not many of the audience knows how hard you worked to play this piece. In fact, not many people really know who you are until they see how hard you have worked. As

  • A Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Casals Suite' By Marc Migo

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    performers and many more. This piece is written for violin, cello, and piano and consists of 5 movements that are connected to one another. Since the movements move seamlessly from one to the next, the audience and listeners lose the concept of time and begin to feel confused as to which movement is currently playing. Another factor that plays into the audience confusion of time is the fact the motif seen in Figure 1 repeats several times

  • TCU Symphony Orchestra Concert Report

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    Dr. Germán Augusto Gutiérrez. This concert also featured soloist such as, Peng Wang, Liqian Zhao, Ruixue Zhang, and Dawen Li. The piece feature during this concert were, Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra in F-sharp minor by Serge Koussevitzky, Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85 by Edward Elgar, Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18 by Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26 by Sergei Prokofiev. Serge Koussevitzky (1874-1951) Concerto For Double Bass and Orchestra in

  • Jon Shidmt Biography Essay

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    He initially started with violin but found more passion on the cello. He never planned for music to become his future career but after singing with Stone Angel Music, he released his first solo album, ‘Sacred in Cello’ in 2006. In addition, he earned the Pearl Award for Best Instrumental Classical Album. His music invites people in/from all over the world that has different taste in music

  • Mahler Fifth Symphony Analysis

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    Mahler composed his Fifth Symphony in 1901 and 1902 and conducted the first performance in Cologne on October 18, 1904. Of all Mahler’s symphonies, this is the one most rooted in Viennese tradition. He stylistically swings every rhythm in the Viennese style, which is decidedly different from the German tradition. It is his first purely orchestral work since the First Symphony written in 1888 and his first orchestral work to dispense with both the human voice and programmatic elements. Mahler’s Fifth