China Anne McClain Essays

  • College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Career

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    There are many different careers in the world. Each of them offer various amounts of financial gain, with each one being unique in tasks. I am greatly interested in the field of performing arts, which means a lot to me. It is a difficult field to get into and be successful in, but performing arts is the only path I have been genuinely interested in long-term. I aspire to one day become a model, actress and singer. Staring at about ten years of age, all I ever wanted to do with my life was write

  • Difference Between Aristotle And Confucius

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    Scholars Aristotle and Confucius are both well-known people in history. Aristotle was an incredible Greek rationalist and researcher while Confucius was a Chinese government official, a savant, and an instructor. They both made huge commitments to ideals and morals. Their thoughtful works were comparable in nature, yet with some unique perspectives, thoughts, and points of view toward temperance. Their rationalities are still being used today. They were incredible masterminds with awesome impact

  • Mongol Empire Dbq Essay

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    They conquered nearly all of Asia and achieved the dream of controlling the continental caravan routes from China to Persia (Doc J). The Mongol Empire made significant contributions to the political institutions, economic development, and cultural diversity of many lands (Doc J). In both China and Persia the Mongols had taken up homes among their subjects and blended with the local societies which led to the diversified economic development (Doc J)

  • The Good Earth Analysis

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    Pearl S. Buck’s fantastic novel, The Good Earth, draws readers with its simple story of the hardships and journeys of a young man, Wang Lung as he grows up in Ancient China. In the beginning of the story, Wang Lung marries a slave girl from the rich and powerful family in the village. O'lan, his new wife, looks simple with her unbounded feet, but works hard at everything she does and deems a suitable partner for Wang Lung. Together they farm in the sunny fields and grow their family. Life looked

  • Chinese Lunar Calendar Essay

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    to allow parents to choose gender by conceiving during certain lunar months. ( The Chinese lunar birth method becomes needy and in demand for the reason that the government policies of China requires couples to limit reproduction to a single child. The beauty thing about the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart is that it predicts the sex of the child long before a

  • Benefits Of Confucianism

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    Back to the traditional Chinese management system, or can be called management in Confucian context, the values permeate every aspects of the organizational behaviour. Confucianism is a philosophy of humanity. Relation, connection, interaction between persons are highly respected in order to achieve the harmony among employees. Confucianism also reinforced centralised authority and vertical hierarchical order by paternalistic management (Chung, Lee, & Jung, 1997; Lee, 1998). Can be seen that the

  • Hofstede Cultural Analysis

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    Singapore is a multi-ethnic society with around 77% Chinese, 6% Indian, 15% Malay and about 2% expatriates. To analyze the country’s cultural specificities, we used the Hofstede cultural dimension tool to help us understanding how different is the culture there compared to France. We started off with Individualism: Singapore, with a score of 20, is a very collectivistic society. This means that the “We” is important, people belong to in-groups (families, clans or organisations) who look after

  • The Importance Of Cultural Universals

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    Humans, what make us the most intellectual species on planet Earth? Is it just because of our morphological characteristics and highly developed neural network or also because of our culture? Yes, some truth is behind our body geometry but a greater role is also played by the norms, values and ideas passed on to us by our fore fathers. These complex integrated pattern of learning that is passed on just like genes from earlier civilization to today’s generation, is defined as culture. Human societies

  • Subculture Definition

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    When talking about culture, we should not forget to mention subculture. Many people often mix those two definitions up. With subculture, a culture within a culture is meant. You could also compare it to those films about American High Schools where everyone belongs to a certain group, those groups represent the subcultures. It is possible to belong to more than one subculture. In a certain society, everyone shares the main culture, but not the same subcultures. The definitions culture and subculture

  • Examples Of Heteroglossia In Things Fall Apart

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    Throughout his masterpiece Things Fall Apart, Achebe accentuates the African cultural existence through heteroglossia. The term heteroglossia was first created by the Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin. In his Dialogic Imagination, Bakhtin defines heteroglossia as "the internal stratification of any single national language into social dialects, characteristic group behavior, and professional jargons, generic languages […] language of the authorities, of various circles and of

  • Consumer Behavior In Don Delillo's White Noise

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    The role of technological advancements in business cannot be taken for granted. The products that an individual buys are informed by various factors need is one of them. Few are the times that people think about their buying behavior and also the impact these behaviors have on the lives. Don DeLillo’s the white noise novel majors on the American consumption culture the novel explores the various consumption behaviors as the characters top get and discerns the meaning of every aspect of human buying

  • Similarities Between The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Iliad

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    Epic verse is one of the most punctual types of writing started as an oral portrayal depicting a progression of legendary or historic occasions. Inevitably, these stories were composed down and read so anyone might hear to an audience. The Epic of Gilgamesh was composed around fifteen hundred years preceding the Iliad, however the two epics indicates a large number of the similarities and differences in respects of symbolism, themes and allegory. This research will provide an overview of both Epic

  • Effects Of Consumerism On Poverty

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    More than three billion people, nearly half of the world’s population, has an income of less than $2.50 a day. In addition, more than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty their income is $1.25 a day. Additionally, this mind-blowing statistic stress the fact that consumer behavior may be the main reason behind poverty. The first use of consumerism term is in 1944 mutual movement in the USA in 1930s. Therefore, Consumerism has variety of meanings, it can be defend as protecting consumer interests

  • Racism And Prejudice In War Movies

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    CHAPTER THREE AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED CONTEMPORARY HOLLYWOOD WAR MOVIES IN TERMS OF RACISM My goal of this chapter is to analyse selected Hollywood war movies in terms of racism and other racial prejudices. I will examine as follows: Glory (1989) which deals with African American Civil War troops, Windtalkers (2002) which centres around Pacific War and Navajo code talkers, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) which portrays British soldiers in Japanese captivity. The last two movies Flags of Our

  • Marco Polo Book Report

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    20 countries, starting from Cambodia, then going through Thailand, to India, Turkey, France, the USA and everything In-between until he finally arrived in China and stopped In Guangzhou, the starting point of the ancient maritime silk road. Stories of the old Silk Road fill my childhood memories: Marco Polo and his adventure from Italy to China and back. Pictures of great ships crossing the oceans and great caravans crossing the world in search of new

  • A City Of Sadness Analysis

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    1989) The script describes the life of Lin family, during the turbulent period from 1945, when the Japanese army withdrew from Taiwan after 51 years, to 1949 and the secession from China. The eldest brother Wen Heung returns from the war and opens a restaurant that names “Little Shanghai” to honor the reunification with China. The second brother, Wen Leung became insane during his tour of duty, and is being treated at the local hospital. Eventually he is released, but due to lack of job offers, he ends

  • Essay On Japanese Food

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    Japanese foods had developed over the past 2,000 years ago with strong influences from both China and Korea. However, only in the last 300-400 years, all the influences come together to make up today’s Japanese cuisine. Rice was among the major influences that introduced from Korea around 400 B.C and within a hundred years it had become the staple food in Japan (Takeda, 2014). During Yayoi period, the migrating tribes from Korea that settled in Japan passed on their techniques for rice cultivation

  • Opium War Causes

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    wars fought between Britain and China in the 1800s. The first Opium War took place from 1839 to 1842 when British traders imported opium from India to China against the Chinese government’s wishes. The British sent a fleet of warships in retaliation to the Chinese destroying a warehouse full of opium. The second Opium War took place from 1856 to 1860 when Chinese officials searched a British ship. The British, joined by the French, sent an invasion force to China and occupied the Chinese city of

  • Asian Influence On European Art

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    Paintings which were on silk or paper were limited in numbers, and were only done by professional artists in China. Even calligraphy was not sought out, which I find incredibly surprising considering in the modern world, so many types of art are influenced by Chinese calligraphy alone – tattoos, souvenirs, fashion, etc. Over time, popularity of Chinese painting

  • Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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    anyone I wanted to be in a story, through a character.” Said by Amy Tan, one of the best-known Chinese-American authors who was prominent in contemporary American literature field. Her first book, The Joy Luck Club, introduced the cultural value of China and America which was highly successful. It remained nine months on the Times Bestseller and was translated into more than seventeen languages. People wonder how Amy Tan was inspired to write about the interactions between Chinese and American culture