One of the most important aphorism that I remember and live by is one that my mom told me “es mejor estar solo que mal acompañado” which translated in English means that “it is better to be alone than have bad company”. This aphorism goes back to a verse in the bible from Mateo 5:30 “Y si tu mano derecha te es ocasión de caer, córtala, y échala de ti; pues mejor te es mejor que se pierda uno de tus miembros, y que todo tu cuerpo sea echado al infierno”. In English, Matthew 5:30 states, “If your right
All of the proposed education comes from the volunteers that would go to Haiti. Representatives from Conceptos Plasticos could teach the villagers how to assemble and rebuild the plastic houses should there be any damage. The Doctors would teach more doctors and nurses while they help heal and teach the importance of sanitation and how to achieve it. Food