Entity-relationship model Essays

  • Marks And Spencer Essay

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    SECTION D: Findings and Recommendations Marks & Spencer (M&S) has weaker business in Malaysia due to their poor skill of stock control. Sun Zi mentioned, ‘Be as steady as mountains when encamping’ in his rules of manoeuvring of the troops. Thus, M&S has to make sure that its workers are all as steady as mountains as they are the main pillars of the company and representation of the company image. It is no doubt that M&S is a prestigious brand in the mind of consumers, and they believe that M&S is

  • Persuasive Essay On Permissive Parenting

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    Persuasive essay Parents should be permissive Instantly, several parents are struggling to find a way to raise their children effectively. Permissive parenting is one of their choices. Being permissive is treating children with plenty of love, caring and nurturing but not much authorities, rules or punishments. They might make their children lack of self-control or aggressive, but alongside with these disadvantages, there are also numerous benefits. Permissive parenting helps children to be successful

  • Proctor And Gamble Essay

    499 Words  | 2 Pages

    Research Reports, we appreciate your business. My goal is to ensure that you are able to maximize on the benefits of our research to achieve your goals and ultimately benefit the broader Proctor and Gamble organization. As we continue to develop our relationship, I will proactively reach out to you for feedback and share with you any updates about Market Research, Economic and Legislative trends that may impact Proctor & Gamble. I have attached a Market Research Report on “Soap & Cleaning Compound Manufacturing

  • Reflection In Criminal Justice

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    As a criminal justice major, I was able to take numerous courses that thoroughly analyzed the many aspects of our country’s prison system. These courses taught me that in a system where oppression is rampant, social injustice will also be prevalent. Particularly, the issues of death by incarceration, racial disparities and the prioritization of punitive measures rather than treatment filled me with an indescribable rage. Consequently, my frustration left me with a sense of disappointment and hopelessness

  • Acme Fireworks: Commo Common Law Vs Uniform Commercial Code

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    company into another entity type. It was further discussed that most of the fireworks display needs insurance, skilled labor and actual service to set off the fireworks. For Acme Fireworks to formulate a significant and comprehensive business plan that will expand the company contracts with new businesses there is need to look into few different areas of the entity as a sole proprietorship in relation to liabilities, contracts and employees to enable us recommend another business entity. In relation to

  • Business Level 3 Unit 5 Understanding Business

    573 Words  | 3 Pages

    Unit 5: Understanding Business 1.2. There are three different types of business structures and each has its own responsibilities, they are private, public and third. Businesses that are in the private sector are a sole trader so the owner is responsible for all activities that are run within the business and has unlimited liability for debts, however as they are sole traders they are often able to set up a partnership and share skills but that also means sharing profits. Businesses in the public

  • Vicarious Liability In Criminal Law

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    The liability of corporations under federal criminal law is based on the doctrine of respondeat superior, or vicarious liability, which is a form of strict liability. 1. The Duality of Corporate and Individual Criminal Liability Statutes that expose a corporation to criminal liability do not absolve the officers, employees, or agents whose violations lead to the corporation’s plight. Courts have noted that, “No intent to exculpate a corporate officer who violates the law is to be imputed to Congress

  • Comment Wang-Fu Fut Sauve Analysis

    1011 Words  | 5 Pages

    Critical Analysis “Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé” by Marguerite Yourcenar The text that I have decided to study is “Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé” by Marguerite Yourcenar. The extract is located after the first paragraph at the beginning of the story. We are introduced to the characters Ling, Ling’s wife and Wang-Fô . This presents a development of characterisation when we meet Ling in the first paragraph of the extract. The description of Ling’s wife follows straight after. In the second paragraph , we

  • Alter Ego Identification Theory

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    of Salomon v. Salomon . In this case, the Court held that the corporate entity is different from the people who are in the business of running of the company. The breach of this principle results to “Lifting of the Corporate Veil” where the shareholders or creditors of the company are protected if the company is engaged in any fraud or other criminal activities. At the same time, this theory possesses several relationships with criminal and tortious liability of companies. This paper will demonstrate

  • GRUENDL V. OEWEL Citizenship Inc: Case Study

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    Alter ego is defined as, “Legal doctrine whereby the court finds a corporation lacks a separate identity from an individual or corporate shareholder, resulting in injustice to the corporation’s debtors. Finding alter ego gives the court cause to pierce the corporate veil and hold individual shareholders personally liable for debts of the corporation” (Alter Ego. LII / Legal Information Institute, n.d.). The case of GRUENDL v. OEWEL PARTNERSHIP INC. the overall partnership of the OPL is OPI and not

  • Nt1310 Unit 1 Business

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    to the demands of the future (stakeholders-and-their-role-in-business-activities, 2016). Suppliers: Are one example of key stakeholder Ooredoo Company suppliers are peoples who sell products, raw materials or give a service to a business. Good relationships with this stakeholders group can help a company’s operations run smoothly. By working well with suppliers, businesses can encourage suppliers to list their stock, deliver services and product on time and be as efficient as possible. If suppliers

  • Unit 1 Explain The Legal Requirements Of Different Types Of Business

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    In the eyes of the Law the sole trader is not required to register itself with Companies House but should inform the HMRC of its trading. This business type and the owner have unlimited liability to all debts and legal actions, it is not a legal entity on its own. The Sole Trader is also required to pay income tax and national insurance, also if hiring staff they need to set up a Pay-As-You-Earn payroll so that any income tax and national insurance can be deducted from their pay. The Sole Trader

  • Salmon Vs Salomon Case Summary

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    Introduction: Salomon v A Salomon Co. Ltd is a historical UK Company Law case which led to the establishment of The doctrine of separate legal entity (Macintyre 2012). This case is often cited in journals and textbooks and the principles are often observed in English Law Firms (Karasz 2012). The case describes the limited company that was founded by Mr. Aron Salomon, a leather shoemaker at London, Whitechapel road. The company had seven members formed by Salomon with major shares and his family

  • Comparison Of Corporation And Karl Marx

    751 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Corporation is a single unit that is dispersed from its shareholders and it involves a legal individual with their own right. Corporation and Karl Marx link together as corporation illustrates the influence between human beings and the society we living in, meanwhile Marx’s identified his ideology through alienation, labour, revolution and economy which are core features. In this following assignment corporation and Karl Marx ideology will be discussed through comparison, using the

  • Essay On Piercing The Corporate Veil

    1001 Words  | 5 Pages

    PIERCING THE CORPORATE VEIL Meaning of ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil’ Starting a limited liability company is always advantageous since directors are not directly liable for any debts that may be incurred by the business. When the corporate veil is pierced, this protection seizes and the business directors and, or shareholders are legally responsible for company liabilities. ‘Piercing the corporate Veil’ is therefore the legal removal of what separates the shareholders from the corporation itself

  • Tilly Case Analysis

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    Tilly has developed a business plan to start her business and is deciding on the structure and how she will finance the start up.  Additionally, Tilly would like to structure her business in a way to protect her personal assets, “A sole proprietorship is the most common form of business organization. It’s easy to form and offers complete control to the owner” (www.irs.gov). A sole proprietorship is one of the business structures mentioned as an option for Tilly.  A sole proprietorship would be the

  • Business Case: United States Vs. Best Foods

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    Any type of communication is usually channeled from the top tier entity, that is, the parent company to the subsidiaries. Therefore, there must be a two-way communication, and it is imperative that the team of the subsidiary communicates any actions that necessitate consultation of the parent company. Whether a parent

  • A. P. Smith Manufacturing Company V. Barlow Case Study

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    Introduction The case of A.P. Smith Manufacturing Company v. Barlow has been used to cite an important rule of law i.e. state legislation can be applied to pre-existing corporations under reserve power. The company A. P.Smith Mfg. was incorporated in 1896 and is engaged in the manufacture of sale of valves, fire hydrants for water and gas industry. Issue In the case A.P. Smith Mfg. Co. v. Barlow case, the issue was: can state legislation adopted in the public interest be constitutionally applied

  • Pastizzi Cafe Pty Ltd V Hossain Summary

    513 Words  | 3 Pages

    Pastizzi Café Pty Ltd v Hossain (No 4) NSWSC 808 (28 July 2011) Facts of the case: - An agreement was made between second plaintiff , third plaintiff and first defendant that third plaintiff and first defendant would conduct a pastizzi café business. - Second plaintiff held the guarantor of the leased premises so it was agreed that she will become an equal partner in the business. - It was agreed that three of them will be equal partner in the business but only second plaintiff and first defendant

  • Crosby Vs. Beam: Case Study

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    Crosby v. Beam: There is "a heightened fiduciary duty between majority and minority shareholders in a close corporation. Where a controlling majority shareholder in a close corporation breaches their heightened fiduciary duty to minority shareholders by utilizing their majority control of the corporation to their own advantage, without providing minority shareholders with an equal opportunity to benefit, such breach, absent a legitimate business purpose, is actionable. Where such a breach occurs