Eugenol Essays

  • Clove Oil Lab Report

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    remedies for the professional medical industry. The main component of clove oil is the organic molecule Eugenol and it is found in quantities of up to 82% in the clove bud1. Eugenol is a phenylpropene1 and its boiling point 254˚C2, however when it forms a positive azeotrope with water, its steam boiling point lowers to that just below waters boiling

  • Eugenol Case Studies

    1927 Words  | 8 Pages

    Eugenol at the concentrations of 0.2 -20 µm is suggested to be able to produce a dose dependent and reversible vasodilator response that are partially dependent on the endothelium (24). EUG has also found to have a preventive effect on dopamine depression and lipid peroxidation, which can protect depression induced by 6-hydroxyl dopamine (OHDA). Eugenol has prevented depression by decreasing lipid peroxidation and stimulating reduced glutathione (GSH) may lead to a protecting effect (25)

  • Eugenol Case Study

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    3.1. Materials and microorganisms Eugenol (99 %); Coniferyl Aldehyde (98 %); Ferulic Acid (99 %); Vanillin (99 %); Vanillic Acid (99 %) were obtained from Sigma Aldrich. Methanol used for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was purchased from Merck and was HPLC grade. All the other chemicals used were of analytical grade and commercially available. The Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIM 2100 bacterial strain was obtained from National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM), Pune

  • Eugenol Synthesis Lab Report

    645 Words  | 3 Pages

    The objective of this experiment was to create synthesize methyl eugenol from eugenol, dimethyl carbonate, and tetrabutylammonium bromide. To start off the experiment, a heating under reflux apparatus was used and the parts included: a water jacketed condenser, ring stand, tubes, flowing water, 25-mL round bottom flask, heating block, and a hot plate. There were two parts to the water condenser, entry and exit ways for water. The bottom opening was connected to the sink through one tube and the top

  • Isolation Of Eugenol From Cloves Lab Report

    770 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cherokee Turner Isolation of Eugenol from Cloves The purpose of this experiment was to use steam distillation and extraction (if needed) to isolate eugenol from cloves. The product and its’ purity were to be confirmed using TLC, and by analyzing NMR. The data is to determine if steam distillation is an effective way to obtain oils that are “pure”. The method of steam distillation includes the separation of a compound that is immiscible with water. Steam distillation utilizes Raoults Law pertaining

  • Fruit Fly Lab Report

    678 Words  | 3 Pages

    come and eat the methyl eugenol, the traps were then collected and the number of fruits flies were counted. When comparing the original methyl eugenol (own group) and the eugenol control, the null hypothesis was that there is no significance or correlation between the amount of fruit flies collected with different amounts of methyl eugenol used in comparison to the eugenol control, which contained no methyl eugenol. The original group was group 2 with 0.5 mg of methyl eugenol added to the fly trap

  • Isolation Of An Essential From Cloves Lab Report

    1018 Words  | 5 Pages

    Isolation of An essential from Cloves by Steam Distillation Philippe DAvid CHEM 2315-009 October 14, 2014 In distillation the vapor pressure of the solution is the sum of the partial pressures of the components statede by Dalton’Law PTotal = PA + PB. Following Dalont's Law, Each compnent of the solution has its own vapor pressure (PA or PB) which are summmed together leadiung to a higher vapor pressure lowering tyhe combined boiling point for the mixture. When the total pressure

  • Indirect Pulp Capping Procedure

    1003 Words  | 5 Pages

    Indirect pulp treatment is the procedure where the carious tissue is removed and a thin layer of caries is left at the deepest sites of the cavity preparation. In the cavity preparation complete caries removal would result in pulp exposure.1 It is important that the lateral walls of the cavity preparation are caries-free for interfacial seal and adequate control of microleakage.1 Indications for indirect pulp capping procedure are on a tooth with no pulpitis or with reversible pulpitis where a thin

  • Essay On Operative Dentistry

    1944 Words  | 8 Pages

    dam • Remove soft caries either with spoon excavator or round bur • To avoid exposure a thin layer of dentin and some amount of caries is left • On the exposed dentin calcium hydroxide paste is placed • Cover the calcium hydroxide with zinc oxide eugenol base217 • Amalgam restoration should be given, If restoration is to be given for a longer time • Tooth should be evaluated after 6 to 8 weeks • After 2 to 3 months, remove the cement and evaluate the tooth preparation. If due to remineralization and/or

  • Bromination Of E-Stilbene Report

    1306 Words  | 6 Pages

    April 16, 2024 Bromination of E-Stilbene Report Abstract Alkenes, due to the presence of C=C bonds, are prone to electrophilic addition reactions. this experiment aims to break the central C=C bond in E-stilbene and add bromine to those carbons. We will do so by dissolving solid E-Stilbene in dichloromethane (DCM) and adding liquid bromine. Since excess bromine is being used, we use sodium thiosulfate to remove it from the solution and separate in the separatory funnel. We then ice the dibromostilbene

  • Cholera Research Paper

    834 Words  | 4 Pages

    Drug by Condition – Cholera Introduction Cholera is a disease that is rarely seen in the USA. Reported cases of the condition come only from people who recently visited cholera endemic regions or eating poorly cooked seafood. However, the statistics around world speak a different story. Cholera is still a major condition that many people fight against. WHO reports that there are about 1.3 million to 4 million cases of cholera reported around the world annually. The disease is also responsible for

  • Home Remedies For Toothache Research Paper

    1026 Words  | 5 Pages

    Easy to Use Home Remedies for Toothache Toothache is one of the most irritating and embarrassing situations of all. You can’t eat anything, you can’t chew and your hand doesn’t leave your cheek. It seems as if someone’s just slapped you! Toothache or pain in the teeth can occur due to various reasons such as: • Decaying teeth • A damaged filling • Infection in the gums • Fractured tooth • Inflammation around the teeth • Repetitive Chewing Most people experience a shooting pain in the affected tooth

  • Extraction Of Β-Caryophyllene Lab Report

    994 Words  | 4 Pages

    Extraction of β-caryophyllene Ground cloves will be used to isolate β-caryophyllene via steam distillation. 5g of ground cloves will be taken in a 500mL RBF(Round bottom flask) with boiling stones, 40mL of dH2O, and 3 to 4 drops of an antifoaming agent (to prevent violent boiling). Then, the contents of the flask will be heated on a heating mantle for an hour and followed by condensation of the distillate through a water jacket. Then allow it to collect in a graduated cylinder. Steam distillation

  • Dental Emergencies Case Study

    1595 Words  | 7 Pages

    Develops within 24 to 48 hours. This presents as acute pain in the site as the alveolar bone and nerve endings are exposed to air. Treatment: Thorough debridement of the area and eugenol packing. Tooth fracture: Cause: Ellis Class III and IV fractures demand immediate care. Class III fracture is fracture involving the pulp and Class IV is fractures of the root. Treatment: In Ellis Class III, the tooth is covered with calcium hydroxide

  • Remedies Against Parasites

    1786 Words  | 8 Pages

    Contrary to popular belief “first-world” countries are not immune to parasites. In fact, parasitic infections are more common than most people think. You may even have parasites living in your intestines right now. And, when undiagnosed, they could live, feast and digest inside you for years, leaving you feeling ill most of the time. But here’s the good news — there are remedies that eliminate parasites. Here’s how to get rid of parasites naturally. What exactly is a parasite? Parasites are organisms

  • Prosthetic Dentistry

    1999 Words  | 8 Pages

    Maintenance of positive and self-confident personality is mainly achieved by human sound teeth. Our teeth are important in several things some of which are speech as teeth helps in pronunciation of many letters for example letter (s),masticatory function as grinding by molars, and incising by anterior incisors besides teeth are also important in esthetics as they are very important in appearance and loss of teeth can make so many psychological disturbances. The system of mastication can obviously

  • Dentistry: How Do You Maintain Good Dental Health

    2076 Words  | 9 Pages

    Dentistry Ever since the advent of civilization, dentistry has been there. People have been practicing medicine for a very long time now, even though the first form of medicine were performed out of superstition and shamanism it was effective in some sort. It helped cure some diseases and prevent them in equal measure. Some how that art has had to be redefined over time to reach the level of the science being used today. Dentistry has been part of medicine from its inception. Just like many other

  • Dental Extractions Essay

    2270 Words  | 10 Pages

    ABSTRACT Many dental extractions were done in the maxillofacial and oral surgery clinic under local anesthesia at Prince Hashim Hospital in Zarka without any complications. Very few dental extractions were with some complications. One of the most serious and painful complication is dry socket which can be defined as a condition in which blood clot dislodge and/or disintegrates with the production of a foul odor and severe pain but no suppuration. Many procedures and number of materials were tried

  • Listeria Monocytogenes Research Paper

    2966 Words  | 12 Pages

    Abstract Meat borne diseases associated with consumption of ready-to-eat meat contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes represents a considerable public health concern. The ability to persist in food-processing environments and multiply under refrigeration temperatures makes L. monocytogenes a serious threat to public health. L. monocytogenes contamination is one of the leading microbiological causes of food recalls. Ready-to-eat (RTE) cooked meat and meat products are frequently contaminated with

  • Literature Review On Stress

    4793 Words  | 20 Pages

    3. Review of literature 3.1 Stress and its types: Stress is an essential mediator of human behaviour. Immediate physiological response to any type of stressor facilitates survival of the species at its maximum. Despite of normal homeostatic regulatory mechanism, the stress responses can become maladaptive. Chronic stress, for example immobilization, exposure to noise, irradiations, psychological stress can leads to a host of adverse health consequences, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration