Exotic dancer Essays

  • Exotic Dancer Stereotypes

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    Many people living the United States of America frown upon the occupation of being an exotic dancer and find it difficult understanding a dancers perspective of being in this occupational subculture. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an estimated “400,000…strippers [are] employed by US strip clubs”, and a reported, “$125,000…Average yearly earnings for a stripper” (“Strip Club Statistics”). Everyone has their own personal opinion and values on what it is to be an honest hard working

  • 1. Why Did Sue Become A Prostitute?

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    1. Why did Sue become a prostitute? Sue became a prostitute because her friend Donna told her that she could make enough money to get her own place and she was already had sex with many random people for nothing, so she thought she might as well get paid to do something she already doing. 2. Does her explanation make sense to you? Yes I believe her explanation make sense because she was already have sex with a lot of men for nothing so she might as well get paid to have sex. Also she already had

  • College Admissions Essay: Life As An Exotic Dancer

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    Life as an Exotic Dancer As children, it is almost programed for us to dream and explore the different careers we will one day pursue. When I was younger I imagined myself becoming a nurse, doctor, or even a teacher one day because those were the job’s that society valued most. Not once did I ever see myself becoming what I am today; an exotic dancer. “What do you do for a living?” is a question that I am always ashamed to answer. (Question 6) This is not because I am embarrassed of what I do, but

  • Salma Hayek Stereotypes Essay

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    Who would think a Latina can break stereotypes, but Salma Hayek breaks all types of stereotypes. On September 2, 1966, in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico Salma Hayek was born. Salma is a Mexican-American actress who wants to make a change in the world. She helps many charities, but there're two specific charities Salma Hayek would go out of her way to make a change. The first charity she is really dedicated to help is women who have suffered domestic violence in their own home. The second charity

  • Alwin Nikolais Research Paper

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    Alwin Nikolais (1910 - 1993) was had numerous of titles under his belt; he was a choreographer, dancer, composer, musician, teacher and innovator. In 1964 Nikolais’ won the Kennedy Center Honors award years later he then won the Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts us Canada. With his accomplishments Nikolais soon became the "father of multi-media theater." According to the Dance Collection at Ohio University Alwin Nikolais', “vision and philosophy are represented in over 120 choreographic works

  • What Is Peruvian Huayno Dance

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    by region and socio-cultural stratum. It is usually often performed by large groups of people even though it is a dance of two. The dance begins as many pairings dancing about and eventually the dancers will form a large circle with one couple in the middle. There are several formations that the dancers will go in and out of throughout the dance such as an arch for couples to pass through or an enclosed circle. The steps are very fast and intricate stamping movements. The man follows the woman throughout

  • Why Do Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats Essay

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    There are many reasons why dogs are better pets than cats in various ways. It is important for pet owners alike to understand what dogs are capable of accomplishing. It is also important to understand why dogs are better pets than cats. Understanding the reasons to why dogs are far superior pets than cats can be useful information to pet owners. Some major reasons why dogs are better pets than cats because dogs can decrease and prevent various illnesses. Another major reason why dogs are better

  • Censorship Of Exotic Pets

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    When someone hears the term “household pet” immediate animals come to mind such as dog, cat, even fish. As a pre-vet pre-med student I know that many also consider more exotic animals to be categorized under this term. Animals such as snakes, lizards, and ferrets are seen but this extends to even more exotic and wild animals such as the lion, tiger, and leopard. I also knew that many of these large cats that were kept as pets were endangered in the wild; however my interest in conservation truly

  • Pros And Cons Of Primates

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    Broken windows, shattered dishes, and the unsettling realization that one has made a grave mistake. Sound familiar? You may be an owner of one of the 15,000 captive primates that are kept as exotic pets in the United States (“Dangerous Exotic Pets”, 2013). Not only is this practice inhumane for the primates that are forced to live in any other place besides their natural habitat, it is also a dangerous and harmful practice for the humans that engage in this burgeoning activity. While the capture

  • Should People Be Allowed To Keep Exotic Animals

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    Exotic Animals Shouldn’t Be An Issue Exotic animal ownership is something that is highly debated by many people today and raises many questions. Should exotic animals such as: monkeys, tigers, lions and other such desert dwelling or jungle dwelling animals be allowed to be kept in captivity by humans. Or should they be able to just roam free in the wild? Many people would be inclined to say roam free because it is not “natural” for wild animals to be kept in captivity. Or they can potentially be

  • The Pros And Cons Of Animal Welfare

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    species of mammals, birds, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, and hundreds of fish species, are involved in the pet trade. (Reptiles as Pets, 2017) Some exotics are sourced unethically and this can cause harm to the species and habitats in the wild. There are ways that are classed as ethical and cause minimal damage to the eco system and the exotic animals. I think the most ethical ways are, Captive born/hatched because the animal would not know any different from the environment it has grew up in

  • Pros And Cons Of Keeping Exotic Pets

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    Having an exotic animal as a pet is extremely awesome in so many ways. People should be allowed to keep exotic animal as pets. According to source 3, “Animals are personal property; and we oppose legislation that restricts the private ownership or use of animals, or that inhibits free trade of any animal provided it meets the Ohio Department of Agriculture testing and import requirements”. Private citizens should have the rights of taking any animals as their home pet. Raising exotic animals from

  • Pros And Cons Of Keeping Exotic Pets

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    Did You Know? By some estimates, a yearly average of 3.5 of all the people in the world die from exotic animal attacks. Since this number also includes deaths occurring in zoos, this number is not to worry about for all exotic pet owners, considering the statistical negligibility of 3.5 people among an American population of more than 316 million (as of 2013). Everyone (well, most of us) love pets. While most of us limit that love to more conventional animals such as dogs, cats, and fish, there are

  • Pros And Cons Of Ban Ownership Of Exotic Pets

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    Although some believe that exotic animals could be pets because they thrive in places funded by the wealthy, exotic animals should not be claimed as pets because they have wild instincts and could harm their environment and/or the human near the animal(s), but also, exotic animals belong in their natural habitat. One reason that exotic animals should not be kept as pets is that they belong in their natural habitat. If wealthy humans, or any humans, keep an exotic animal as a pet, it could be detrimental

  • The Pros And Cons Of Exotic Animal Trade

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    Most likely you all have heard of exotic pets attacking innocent civilians or even their owners. Exotic animals belong in their natural habitat and not in the hands of individuals as pets. Even though we cannot accurately determine how many exotic pets are kept in the United States, the estimated number is quite high. Some 6,000 to 7,00 tiger are purchased and held by private individuals as pets. Those that buy exotic pets often try to change the nature of the animal, with tactic such as beating

  • How Do Exotic Animals Improve The Economy

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    overpopulate. This is what would happen if exotic pets were banned. Exotic pets benefit both their own species and humans while learning about each other to prevent this from happening. Exotic animals not only improves their quality of life away from natural disasters and poachers, but also the quality of life from their species' in the wild with less competition. They also improve the economy because with them many jobs are made in the exotic pet trade. If exotic animals aren’t banned, endangered or overpopulated

  • Informative Essay On Maine Coon Cats

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    Maine coon cats by: Jillian Busch My a topic is about maine coon cats. The reason why I chose Maine coon cats is because I have a six year old crossbreed cat named Rico. I don't know what his other breed of cats are but I do know that he is part maine coon, he is fluffy and nice so that's what inspired me to write about maine coons I hope you like my page(s) about maine coon cats! So here for my first paragraph is… Facts! But first I want you all to know I written the facts down in my notebook

  • Essay On Pet Health Benefits

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    Health Benefits Many studies have shown that having pets can really help improve one’s health and well-being. According to study conducted by Dana Casciotti and Diana Zuckerman (2016) numerous health benefits can be obtain from having a pet, except from the companionship and affection a pet can give, they can also help lower blood pressure and regulate heart rate therefore helps improve one’s cardiovascular health. A pet is certainly a great friend. After a difficult day, pet owners quite literally

  • Why Wild Animals Are Exotic Pets

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    has tracked over two-thousand incidents, including animal escapes, human injuries, and death of animals and owners which relate to wild animals held in captivity. Sixty-six percent of those incidents took place when owners had kept an exotic animal as a pet (“Exotic Pets”). Not only can they harm their owners, the animals often suffer from improper care. While there are owners who believe they properly care for their wildlife pets, wild animals are at their peak health and happiest when they are in

  • Persuasive Essay On Exotic Animals

    408 Words  | 2 Pages

    Exotic animals Persuasive Essay Exotic animals I think that exotic animals should not be kept as pets. They need to be out in the wild. And they don’t live in a house but cat or a dog those are pets exotic animals are not pets they need to be free and not in a room in your house they need to learn there stuff they need to learn to be out in the wild and to pertant there self if like some other animal is trying to attack them and also if you want to get a exotic animal as