Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Essays

  • Why Stratocasters Are Better Than Telecasters

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    Stratocasters are better than Telecasters Do you play guitar, if you do, do you play a Stratocaster? Stratocasters are better than Telecasters. Stratocasters have a five way switch unlike the Telecaster which only has three. The Stratocaster is a newer model, more recently made. The Stratocaster is in mass production in Japan. Stratocasters are better because they have more variety. Stratocasters have five way switches unlike the Telecasters which only have three way switches. The stratocaster has

  • Visit To A Symphony Orchestra Essay

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    establishes the feverish, hot and cheerful atmosphere for the play. It does have a lot of dynamics, volume and contrast, but it’s by no means excessive. Its tempo is also very fast (presto) giving the piece a much livelier mood. In addition, the instruments were all equally important, but the one that touched me the most were definitely the violins, which fast yet sweet melodies are still swirling on my head. Overture to Marriage of Figaro it’s such an extraordinary and difficult composition to play

  • Music Therapy Vs Art Therapy

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    either the musical elements of life or the visual art aspect. This question can result in many philosophical responses, delving into the psychological and even the spiritual. Personally, it took a long time for me to come down on one side of the

  • Nursing Process Analysis

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    The application of the nursing process to a patient scenario According to (Pottery & Perry, 2005) the nursing process is a system that can be used to organize and deliver the nursing care. The process contains five steps which include; assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The overview of these steps is shown below. Assessment Assessment involves the systematic collection of information. It is the first step in the nursing process where the nurse is also

  • A Bass Guitar Analysis

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    happy, before I put the bass in the trunk of the car and left with Hannah to go get Texas Road House. Due to my experiences learning bass guitar, I think it will benefit my musical writing ability, to more than lyrics on a page. I am going to stick with the bass, in hopes to make my own music with others of equal or different musical backgrounds. With all the stress that came with buying it, I will create my greatest moments of my

  • Classical Tradition In The Renaissance Era

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    How has the Classical tradition (the art of Greece and Rome) continued to affect art through the 1700s? The Greek and the Roman culture perfectly understood the combination of philosophy, arts, and literature to create a sense of overwhelming feelings and admirations on ancient cultures. Even though these two civilizations no longer have the preeminence, yet many years later, the world continues to remember their accomplishment in the world of art. One element that would not be forgotten about the

  • West Suburban Symphony Orchestra Review Essay

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    dropped down their dynamics, they were in unison. Towards the middle of the piece, there was a round starting with the brass. In this round, the orchestra did a nice job of playing loud when they had the soli and then turning it down when other instrument groups had their soli. Lastly from the Tchaikovsky piece, throughout the entire song, whenever the

  • Why Is Harmonica Important

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    harp) is a handheld portable musical wind instrument. It consists of a small rectangular outer case made of a metal alloy with an inner row of holes called reed chambers. Each chamber has multiple, variable-tuned brass flexible strips or reeds that have loose ends, which vibrate and create sound. The player places his or her mouth over the holes and exhales and inhales air to produce different musical tones. The length and depth of the metal reed determine the various musical notes. Use and Significance

  • Free Narrative Essays: Love Is Better Than Me

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    “Thank you Vivian for playing this Chopin waltz piece.” After I finish playing my quiet Chopin waltz from the piano, flamboyant and pompous, the sound of clapping was echoing in the music classroom. When the noisy classmates were packing up their backpacks, Lucas came over to me and straight forwardly pointed out to me,” You know that I could already play that piece and is easy for me?” The only other sound was the fan blowing. I always thought I was best in piano in class 4B. Now someone was

  • Background Music Effect

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    Music has been part of human civilization for thousands of years. It can be found in every known culture and elsewhere on earth. It is often defined that music is the universal language, given that all human being seems to like some kind of music. Many people listen to music for entertainment and relaxation, but some researches, with regards to music, have concluded that music can affect one’s cognitive ability and can provide our brains with environment which is favorable to many different things

  • How Music Affects Children

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    skills and distinguishes ability in tone even the children had just learn musical instrument for a short time period. Furthermore, according to the result from Gromko (2005) reveal that musical training helps on hearing development and learnt to speak faster for

  • Music's Effect On The Brain

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    Weinberger a neurobiologist from University of California. Music exists in every culture and even young babies have musical abilities that are not explainable by learning. Mothers around the world sing to their babies to make them calmer and happier. He even explained of the “Mozart Effect” that when college students listened to Mozart they become smarter but the effect

  • Fiddles On Fire Analysis

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    Prompt: “Write about a song you like and why?” My whole life revolves around music; everyday I’m going to either choir or orchestra. While I’m driving I’m singing along with the radio. Narrowing down all of the songs in my repertoire is a difficult task. After thinking about this question for a good half an hour I came to a conclusion. Liking a song doesn’t mean it has to be on the radio or on the track list of a pop star’s album; which is why a song I like is “Fiddles on Fire” by Mark Williams.

  • Biwa History

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    five) attached to slender lateral pegs. The biwa is the chosen instrument of Benten, goddess of music, eloquence, poetry, and education in Buddhism. [How]: The instrument is played with a large wedge-shaped plectrum called a bachi. The strings are tuned in fourths, and the melody is played almost exclusively on the highest pitched string. [Where]:The biwa came to Japan in the 7th century and it was evolved from the Chinese instrument pipa. [Why]: While the route is unclear, another type of biwa

  • Black Mam Guitar Marketing Strategy

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    brand of guitar. Guitar is a basic musical instrument which is very melodious to every tune of music. There are many types of guitars in the world but in our brand, BLACK MAMBA GUITAR, we are introducing only two types of guitars. Musical instruments and accessories historically have been sold through small, local, “mom and pop” stores. Today’s marketplace is much more sophisticated. Our stores and websites compete against other large and small musical instrument retailers, online music retailers

  • Commercial Songs Essay

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    Music is the soul of a song and to have music full of life and desire to reach out it has to have a few elements in place. These elements can be categorized as follows: 1. Structure: this is about the pattern or structure that a song needs to have. Listen to any song on your music player or radio and you will automatically be able to understand that most of them have a structure, a pattern, an arrangement. If a song is not well-structured it points out to the amateurism of the songwriter. A

  • Western Concert Flute History

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    histories of any instrument used in a music ensemble today. The instrument dates back to at least 37,000 years ago. Over the years, many instruments have been given the designation of being called a flute. Over time, the western concert flute has gone through many changes from the prehistoric age to the modern age. The flute is one of the oldest musical instruments. The oldest instrument that is closely related to the flute was found in the Swabian Alb a place in Germany. This instrument was dated to

  • Andrew Bird Interpretation

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    First of all, I think Andrew Bird is one of the most incredible and talented musicians of our time. He is truly a genius. In this live performance, which I always find to be raw and authentic, a genuine feeling is given to this already amazing song. You also can observe how multi-talented Andrew bird is, using only a female guitarist/vocalist as his accompaniment besides his voice and violin (which is used in unique was) to create a very strings-heavy song. At first he starts out by strumming his

  • Compare And Contrast Football And Choir

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    When people think of artists, specifically choir, they think of talent, creativity, and cooperation. When people think of athletes, in particular, football, they think of strength, manliness, and endurance. Football and choir seem like they are as different as night and day. First of all, they are executed in completely different ways. Choir requires singing, reading music, memorizing pieces of music, and learning harmonies. Football includes learning a specific play, scoring points, running the

  • Personal Narrative: How Music Has Changed My Life

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    learn an instrument. I ended up choosing the Tenor Saxophone because of its dark full sound. I progressed very quickly taking lessons from Jill Marasa, band director at Costa Catholic Academy, later that year I bought a Flute, and Clarinet. I also became very proficient on those very early on. I soon moved to where I live now. Before I even moved I already had contacted the band director at Germantown Hills Middle School, Eric Loring, to see what their program was and to see what instruments they