Freestyle swimming Essays

  • Research Paper On Michael Phelps

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    body structure helps him excel in this stroke. The muscular structure of a Butterfly swimmer is very similar to that of a Freestyle swimmer. The exercises of a Freestyle swimmer are also similar to that of a Butterfly swimmer. Therefore making a Butterfly swimmer an equally successful Freestyle swimmer. Because swimming the Butterfly is one of the most difficult strokes in swimming, athletes must be able to utilize the specific muscles, and with his unique body structure; Michael Phelps was built perfectly

  • The Iliad: The Benefits Of Swimming

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    Written testament to early swimming falls within the past 3,000 years. The Bible, the Iliad, the Odyssey all contain references to swimming. Thucydides said the activity in scripts that are 2,400 years old. Murals of the Tepantila House at Teotihuacan near Mexico City show men taking the plunge into the waters of Tlalocan, the heavenly pool of Tlaloc, god of water. Many of the world's ancient civilisations swam, including the Egyptians, the Phoenicians, Persians, Romans and Greeks. Bathing was a

  • Katie Ledecky Research Paper

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    older, Katie Ledecky was influenced by her older brother, Michael Ledecky and her mother, Mary Ledecky, to start swimming. So at the young age of six, Katie Ledecky started swimming competitively, following her family members footsteps (her brother and her mother, the ones that I just mentioned), meanwhile, attending the elementary little flower school, then at age eleven, still swimming, she graduated from her middle school, and went on to her high school stone ridge school of the sacred heart

  • Missy Franklin Persuasive Letter

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    has a tremendous love. Also she is very encouraging to young adults and kids everywhere to follow their dreams, and she also puts a stand on her thought about bullying and what you could do to stop it. Even at age 22 she is still active with her swimming career and is training for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan at the “ New National Stadium”. Missy Franklin “Missy the Missile” was born on May 10th, 1995 in Pasadena, California but grew up in Centennial, CO, with her parents,

  • Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming

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    done with the swimming season. I had one final meet of the season left, regionals. For me, regionals was the only meet where I had to leave everything in the pool, and it is where I could see months and months of training finally pay off. This is the only meet where I could qualify for the State. In high school swimming, in order to qualify for the state swim meet you have to be within the top 24 people ranked in the state after regionals. There is also only one division in swimming it is not like

  • My First Swimmer Research Paper

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    celebration. But all that registered to me on the board were the names beside mine adjoined with a 1 for first place and a 2 for second. And, next to the second place finisher, a time of 1:04.67. I had been outtouched by the smallest of margins in swimming, only one hundredth of a second. The time it takes for lightning to strike. And as a freshman, this increment of time would provide the catalyst for me to change my perspective on failure and

  • Why Is It Important To Bid Triathlons?

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    Triathlons incorporate swimming, cycling, and running into one race but “of the U.S. Olympic triathletes, all but one have come from a Division I swimming or running background,” according to USA Triathlon’s website (“Collegiate Recruitment Program”).  This means the strongest swimmers and runners are the ones that are able to make it to the Olympics. But you have to do more work on the bike in races outside of the Olympics and so the cycling portion is more important to winning these races. Olympic

  • Personal Narrative: A Day In High School Swim

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    It was around the time of my freshman year, I was 14 years old, and that’s when I began to set my mind to certain things. In the past I had been swimming on a year-round team competitively, then when it came to my freshman year I joined high school swim as well. I always thought to myself that I wasn’t good enough and I could never win, or at best make a section time. However, later on that season, I realized I was good enough, because I believed in myself and set my mind to win and did not give

  • Orange Gatorade Research Paper

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    huddle, as we waited for our heat to be called. We were all feeling a little tense because the meet was not going well and we were expected to swim about a two minute race. As I thought about the orange gatorade feeling uneasy in my stomach, our 200 Freestyle relay was called. The first girl stepped up on the block. BEEP! And the race and the cheering started. I was up next, so I rubbed my hands on the gritty block so I could feel the sensation of the water. As soon as my teammates hand touched the wall

  • What Are Spencer Lee's Accomplishments

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    Spencer Lee is one of the greatest wrestlers of his generation, and his achievements in the sport show his skill, dedication, and hard work. He has accomplished so much in his career, and there is no doubt that he will continue to do so in the future. He definitely deserves to be inducted into the wrestling hall of fame. Spencer Lee has won numerous championships at both the collegiate and international levels. He won three NCAA championships in a row and has been named the most outstanding wrestler

  • Personal Narrative: No Car Day By Ciclavia

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    What is the event? Was the same question I had in mind once I heard we were supposed to attend to it. I had no idea it was an event that evolved bikes and family. It was an amazing event in which people expressed themselves through their bikes. Having the opportunity to volunteer I got to witness many people getting together just riding bikes wither with friends or children and in some cases I would see people with dogs too. It was an event created to promote a no car day and promote other ways of

  • Personal Narrative: Racism Swim

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    saw there was a lane with only four people in it, so I asked one of the girls if I could join them. She gladly replied with yes. At first, I was really slow, but under Christina’s help, I became faster in swimming. She stayed after practice with me and taught me how to improve in my freestyle, my diving, and my flip-turns. It was hard work, and we were both exhausted after practice, but she told me if I kept this up, I could go to meets. After all of the training sessions, I felt ready to go to

  • Swimming In Swimming

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    Introduction Swimming is a sport widely practices all over the world. It can be done as a competitive sport, for general exercise or as a fun activity to relax. Swimming was not widely practiced until the early 19th century, when the National Swimming Society of Great Britain began to hold competitions. Most early swimmers used the breaststroke, or a form of it. (Olympic Movent.2013.) Swimming is classified into four different strokes namely freestyle, backstroke, breast stroke and butterfly. The

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Sport Of Wrestling

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    Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is an option. At some points in my life I’ve hated the sport of wrestling. At other I’ve never loved anything more. All in all, wrestling has taught me a lot about myself. When i placed at the state tournament, I learned that no matter where someone comes from they can do big things, if they have the right mindset and the determination. Practice that week, to get ready for the state tournament was rough. The wrestling room was hot and smelly

  • Pankration Research Paper

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    Pankration and its Relation to Modern Day Sports “All-Powerful”; this is the meaning of the ancient Greek term pankration. Pankration was not only a sport, but a will driven, fight to the death. The empty-hand event had simple rules: no eye gouging and no biting. Everything else was fair game. The violent sport, which first made its way into the Olympic program in 648 (Miller 57), was a crowd favorite. When one opponent could not or refused to continue, the other was named victorious. In pankration

  • Reflective Essay On Rowing

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    I know from first-hand experience that athletes can become bored, tired, and all out frustrated when training for long periods of time. In the sport of rowing, it is year-round training, which can become quite overwhelming and long. While the fall and spring are the two seasons of racing, the summer and winter seasons are when the rowers are putting in the meters perfecting their technique and stroke, to ensure that they are at their best come racing season. The winter season is the most grueling

  • Disadvantages Of Expert Swimming

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    discussion by listing the main causes of this fear. The Main Causes 1. This fear can be related to a frightening experience that happened during childhood. 2. It is sometimes caused by the instinctive fear of death (i.e. drowning). 3. It can be taught by swimming instructors who use stressful or ineffective teaching methods. 4. It may be related to the “fear of the unknown.” Many people do not want to swim

  • The Importance Of Swimmer's Ear In Kids

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    Swimmer’s Ear in Kids: Important Things to Know Swimming is extremely beneficial for the kids as much as it is for the adults. In fact, if you are able to let your kid join the swim lessons in Queen Creek as early as possible, he/she will surely be thanking you later for the healthy body and the fresh mind that you have initiated them into. Having said that, while introducing your kid to swimming, you have to take certain safety standards and make sure that the little one’s initial encounter with

  • Scrooge's Character Analysis

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    ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim” says Vicki Harrison, the author of Dressed to Thrill. Learning to swim is something that almost everyone can accomplish. Much like swimming in the ocean, no matter how overwhelming it can become, everyone can learn to cope with their grief. For the main character, however, he strives to take on his grief without learning to swim. Throughout the story, three ghost visit Scrooge and help

  • My Swimming Career: A Short Story

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    bench waiting to be escorted to the starting blocks, I couldn’t help but think, this is the end of my swimming career. I had spent the last eleven years of my life dedicating my life to this sport and it was all ending. I remembered all the six am practices, the miles and miles traveled to swim meets, and the thousands of yards I had put into my training. I looked over at my cousin, who was also swimming at state in the 100 breaststroke as me, and flashed a nervous smile. She looked at me with big eyes