Horror short stories Essays

  • Bushman In The Horrors: A Short Story

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    Bushman in the Horrors Along a dreary, hopeless track, there is a little one-roomed house built of timber, stringy bark and floored with split wooden slabs. At the end of the house is a small bark shed, which has nothing but a few boxes of dirty crockery and a cheap oilcloth full of holes draped across a dishevelled straw mattress. Surrounding the house is ‘bush all round – bush with no horizon.’ There is no undergrowth, save for the brownish clumps of dead grass, studded alongside the dusty track

  • Terror And Horror Short Story

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    Terror and Horror By: Jia Yu Cheung Looking back at that day, I feel stupid. I start chuckling. When I think about it, a cold shudder still goes down my spine, but it’s all good. Everything is normal, well at least it is now. “Are you sure we’re old enough to go in?” I asked with a waver in my voice. “They will let us in. Chill out!” my friend, Kristen, said with a tone of assurance. “Yeah! Don’t be a little chicken! Bak! Bak! BAK!” my other friend, Crystal, teased with a hint of sarcasm in her

  • Monkey's Paw Story

    284 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sergeant-Major Morris said “nothing at least, nothing worth hearing.” Sergeant-Major Morris said “it’s just a bit of what you call magic.” He said “a very holy man put a spell on it, he wanted to show that fate ruined people's lives.” Later on, the story Sergeant-Major Morris said “the first man wished to kill himself” he also said “he didn’t know what the first two wishes

  • Monkey's Paw: A Short Story

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    As he groped along the floor, searching desperately for the paw he heard scraping as Mrs. White dragged a chair along the floor so as to reach the bolt and open the door to let her Herbert in. As she slid the bolt out the door burst open and a figure staggered through the doorway. The figure was bent over and was missing half of his right arm, as he stepped into the candlelight they saw that his face was burnt and mangled. As he stumbled toward Mrs. White she screamed and ran, as she looked back

  • Fear And Suspicion In The Monkey's Paw

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    The theme fear and suspicion first appears in “The Monkey’s Paw” when the sergeant- major comes to dinner and gives them the monkeys paw. Sergeant-major is welcomed into the house by the family and he talks about his travels to India. Then he brings out the gift that he has brought back for them. “There he is” said Herbert white as the gate banged loudly and heavy footsteps came towards the door.” Herbert and Mr. White were playing chess while they were waiting for their friend and when their friend

  • Lamb To The Slaughter Suspense Analysis

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    How do the writers create suspense in ‘The Signalman’ and ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’? Gothic literature consists of dark and mysterious scenery with an overall atmosphere of horror, suspense and melodramatic narrative devices. Charles Dickens and Roald Dahl create suspense in ‘The Signalman’ and ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ by effective use of settings, languages and the theme of insanity. The author, Charles Dickens creates suspense in ‘The Signalman’ by portraying the setting as somber and eerie as

  • Why The Click Clack Dog By Neil Gaiman Use Of Suspense

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    Click-Clack RattleBag is a story By Neil Gaiman about how he tells the short story of the Click-Clack RattleBag the child takes all the suspense because he is talking about the click clack monster like how the monster looks and what it does. He said it looks like a spider type thing that drinks all the blood from your body and then the rattlebag hangs your bones and skin that was left over and they rattle in the wind. At first the kid gets scared and it starts getting suspenseful and then the suspense

  • Monkey's Paw Essay

    547 Words  | 3 Pages

    It was a late afternoon when a man walked into a gift shop. He was wandering around when he saw a monkey's paw. He was curious on why it was there when he saw a tag on it. He picked up the paw and read the tag that said: This paw will give you 3 wishes, be careful what you wish for, for all your wishes will come true. The man walked to the counter, but no one was there. So he ringed the bell that was on the desk when a woman wearing a hijab and a layered dress walked up. “I would like to buy this

  • The Monkey's Paw Research Paper

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    when they received it, it was because their son died. Then the dad made the wish, “‘I wish my son alive again” (Jacobs 8). This means that they made a wish for their son to come back with a magical monkey’s paw that grants wishes just like in the story of “Aladdin.” As a general rule, if someone has some way to bring someone back they will and it will work. Another thing, there was a knocking at the door after they made the wish, “at the same moment a knock came quiet and stealthy as to be scarcely

  • Raymond Carver Literary Elements

    1074 Words  | 5 Pages

    The three short stories I am going to compare and contrast are by Raymond Carver; they are Cathedral, Little Things, and Why Don’t You Dance. In these stories Raymond Carver uses several literary elements to bring the works to life. The elements I am going to discuss are setting, tone, theme, plot, and point of view. The first element I am going to discuss is the setting. In each of Carver’s short stories he produces a setting which is consistent to each subjective story. In the story Cathedral

  • Essay Outline For The Monkey's Paw

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    using the paw develops the image of regret and fear. Point 3: The monkey's paw cultivates an apprehensive understanding of overseas cultures. Paragraph one Restate Point one: The monkey's paw is symbolizing our wants, our cupidity. Explain: In the story Morris explains the paw as “Well, it's just a bit of what you might call magic, perhaps” Suggesting the idea a miracle. That there is an unexplainable power behind. Our ignorance persuading us it is in our

  • Mistake In The Monkey's Paw, By W. Jacobs

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    you ever made a mistake so bad and so dire that the consequences following affected everyone around you for years to come? Hopefully, you have never made a mistake this severe, however in the short story, “The Monkey’s Paw”, by W.W. Jacobs, a man named Mr. White made a mistake just like that. In the story, a decorated Sgt. Major visits Mr. White, his wife, and son and tells them about an enchanted monkey’s paw that can grant them three different wishes. Despite the warnings of the Sgt. Major, he

  • The Monkey's Paw Literary Analysis

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    The Monkey’s Paw is a story about the White family and what happens to them when they get their hands on a magical monkey’s paw. Do they make wise decisions or just ones that turn into sadness? You will see that the story has many cause and effect situations that moves the plot. You may think something is silly and full of nonsense but in reality it has so much power. Have a look at how this family undergoes the effects of this mystical and magical monkey’s paw. The exposition reveals that the family

  • Superstition In The Monkey's Paw

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    military who gives them a monkey's paw. Despite being warned, the family uses the magical paw to make wishes. Bad things then happen to them. This story is an example of a superstitious story, because they thought that the monkey’s paw would actually grant three wishes. This paper will use examples from the text to show superstition in the story. This is a superstitious tale, because they believed that the paw would grant three wishes. For example, in “The Monkey's Paw”, Mr. White thought that

  • How Does W. Jacobs Create Suspense In The Monkey's Paw

    628 Words  | 3 Pages

    who can die and live in a story. In the story “The Monkey’s Paw” W.W. Jacobs uses the craft element setting, images, and repetition an effective story. The Magic paw changes a family’s life in a way they did not expect. W.W. Jacobs uses setting to create an eerie story in “The Monkeys Paw.” For example, Jacobs opens his story describing how bad the weather conditions are outside before Sgt. Major arrives. “The night was cold and heat wet” (p19). This makes the story eerie and creates suspense

  • The Monkey's Paw Vs. The Man In The Bottle

    681 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Monkey’s Paw is a short story describing about the White family that were corrupted by the Monkey’s paw which grants wishes, but will create consequences. The Man in the Bottle is based off the Monkey’s Paw but there will be a man who appears and will grant the wishes that Mr. and Mrs. Castle. These two versions of the story are both similar and also different in many ways making them unique stories. Even though both stories are based on a magical item that can grant wishes but will bring consequences

  • Comparing The Monkey's Paw And The Third Wish

    298 Words  | 2 Pages

    essay, i will be telling you about the two stories that we read. First, i will be telling you about “The Monkey’s Paw.”, it’s a story Sergeant Major Moris brings The White family a magic monkey paw that grants any three wishes that you want. The next story is “The Third Wish.” which is about a man that frees a swan that is in trouble that turns out to be the king of the forest. He grants him three wishes also. They both have three wishes in the stories but, in “The Third Wish.” Mr.Peters. Does not

  • Ironic Devices In The Monkey's Paw By W. Jacobs

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    dialogue used throughout this passage, the tone that Jacobs establishes, and again, the climatic moment shown. The significance of the short story is shown in this passage through the interesting dialogue Jacobs includes. The use of dialogue is important because it allows the reader to understand the characters and their feelings more. For example, in the story it shows Mrs. White’s desperation for the monkey’s paw when Jacobs includes “ ‘The paw!’ she cried wildly. ‘The monkey’s paw!’ ” This quote

  • Paradise Lost And The Matrix Comparison Essay

    769 Words  | 4 Pages

    Jane Addams once said “[a]ction indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics”. This quote is seen throughout two complex medias: John Milton’s Paradise Lost and the film “The Matrix”. In Paradise Lost, Eve, a woman who is tempted by Satan, faces a difficult decision between eating from a tree that gives her knowledge or staying loyal to God. In “The Matrix”, Neo, the main character that converts to the Matrix, must face the hard choice between experience the real world or continuing living

  • The Monkey's Paw Mr White Is To Blame

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    The person responsible for the misfortune to the White family in the Monkey's paw is Mr. White. The Monkey’s Paw is a short story by W.W. Jacobs is a story about a paw that grants three people three wishes. The family gets the paw but the catch is that each wish comes at a cost. The family's first son causes their son's death. In the Monkey’s Paw Mr. White is responsible for the misfortune because he is the one who made the wish. Mr White is to blame because he is the one to actually make the wish