Ingsoc Essays

  • The Dystopian Language In George Orwell's 1984

    869 Words  | 4 Pages

    government has a vast amount of capabilities, that can be used ultimately to control the minds of individuals in 1984. Orwell wrote the Juvenalian satire, 1984 in the year 1948, as during the time period the world was recovering from the effects of war. INGSOC was the political philosophy adopted when the socialist party began to rule, the use of language was a common pathway for a government to manipulatively control their people. Newspeak, aims to eliminate any thought opposed to the party, which was

  • Disadvantages Of Totalitarianism

    736 Words  | 3 Pages

    The word totalitarian has its origin in the Mussolini’s famous article on the fascistic doctrine. The expression “totalitarian” was taken from Hegel’s philosophy of law and was used to define the organic unity of the people.. The National socialist does not explain their regime as a totalitarian state, but as totalitarian movement, which commands and dominates the state. The term totalitarian describes a domination of the people from above, whereas the bureaucracy in the service of the people, the

  • 1984 Propaganda Analysis

    677 Words  | 3 Pages

    Propaganda; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Propaganda is a very manipulative method of controlling the audience's attitudes. In the novel 1984, by George Orwell, Winston Smith is a member of the outer party in the nation of Oceania. Winston, along with all the other citizens of Oceania, are constantly being watched by the Party through telescreens. Oceania is ruled by an omniscient leader only known

  • 1984 George Orwell Analysis

    1855 Words  | 8 Pages

    Art can be used to portray political messages and is considered as a powerful weapon to show the public about political leaders’ .The great example to it is the novel 1984 written by George Orwell. George Orwell uses his novel to portray political evils and political leaders’ totalitarianism. Orwell’s political views or messages were formed by his experiences of Socialism, Totalitarianism and Imperialism. It was the understanding of Orwell 's panics about Stalinist Russia and the growth of Totalitarianism

  • The Great Gatsby Idealism Analysis

    1429 Words  | 6 Pages

    Imagine living in a perfect world. Nothing in this world can go wrong, nothing can do you harm, and nothing is out of reach. This is the world of an idealist- a person who forms or pursues ideals unrealistically. Although this philosophy would hold its believer in a constant daze of false happiness, when reality hits, it could be devastating. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, main character Jay Gatsby is blinded by the fantasy of transforming himself into a famous figure of wealth

  • Analogies In Lord Of The Flies

    2042 Words  | 9 Pages

    Lord of the Flies dates back to 1954 when a famous novelist, William Golding decided to write a book which could show an unusual version of the human beings. Born into an environment where his mother was a suffragette and later experiencing World War II where human ruthlessness was at its peak, made him better inclined in to writing a piece where he could explain his readers how human beings react in different situations. The setting of the novel depicts a situation where the human behavior is rational

  • The Movie 'Ice Age: Continental Drift'

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    The movie, Ice Age: Continental Drift, Introduces a group of three pre-historic animals, a mammoth, a lion, and a sloth. The group of three encounter troubles along the way and have repeated problems with another group, the pirates. The pirates and the original group of three have multiple confrontations with each other while leading their own group with different styles of leadership. The original group use a direct democracy style of government; every member of the group has a say in what will

  • Examples Of Irony In We By George Orwell

    810 Words  | 4 Pages

    “WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH”; it is the slogan of the Party, in 1984, and it is the best irony can be found, all through this novel and We. As describes many ironies of two novels above, it can be said that, with the help of “irony”, the authors hide a utopia, under the mask of dystopia; so, it is the duty of a reader to perceive it, with a great concentration, otherwise, the Party’s motto is true[!]. So, if irony, as a literary device, did not exist, Orwell and Zamyatin

  • Analysis Of Minyoung Kim's 'Cellular Phone'

    906 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the propaganda poster “Cellular phone,” Minyoung Kim accentuates the idea of how people are dominated by excessive uses of technology. In the poster, Kim illustrates an image of a human figure confined in a “cell” phone. The poster well depicts the lives of people in modern society which tend to rely on technology. “Cellular phone” is a poster that is directed towards impressionable people who cannot detach from technology and extricate themselves from addiction. Kim anchors the importance of

  • Analysis Of Slogans In 1984 By George Orwell

    336 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is in a slogan? A slogan has the power to convince people of things, whether it be in a business setting to buy a particular product, or in a political setting to convince people of a unique idea. Slogans can be very powerful in societies, as shown in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. Big Brother, the main leader of Oceania, creates slogans in order to manipulate the inhabitants of the superstate into conforming to particular standards. These slogans double as paradoxical phrases, which

  • Too Much Power In George Orwell's '1984'

    430 Words  | 2 Pages

    The party 's tactics of mind control has resulted in the party having absolute control over the human mind. The party has oppressed its people by brainwashing, taking away individuality, attempting to alter the past, and limiting privacy as well as rights. Although the party has done everything in their power to limit the risks of being overthrown, I believe that human emotions, and instincts can never be oppressed completely. There will always be those who resist the party. As long as humans can

  • Examples Of Totalitarianism In 1984

    305 Words  | 2 Pages

    In many ways, a pen is much more powerful and much more threatening, than a bullet. George Orwell’s satire, 1984, demonstrates the threat posed to totalitarianism by a well-thought mind defying the system it is constricted by and sharing its new-found knowledge with the masses. The Party has various precautions in place to instill fear and guilt in their unsuspecting people. Raw human impulses and emotions are tainted by Big Brother fueled propaganda. The Party uses a variety of torture to break

  • The Characteristics Of The Party In George Orwell's 1984

    825 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Party in 1984 Oceania has one main goal: keep the citizens under their complete control. The Party as a group is a massive force that will stop for nothing. Their altercation of the past and the spewing of propaganda tv’s keep the people believing the Party’s every word. The corruption has gone so far that they even drag on wars to make people have a strong sense of togetherness and nationalism. In the book 1984, the villainous qualities of the Party create the biggest impact on the story by

  • The Great Gatsby East And West Analysis

    801 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is the symbolic use of east and west? Why do all the main characters travel from west to east? The Great Gatsby is a novel written in 1925 by Scott Fitzgerald, an American author. In the novel, the story takes place in East and West Egg. In West Egg live Nick Carraway and Gatsby and in East Egg live Tom and Daisy. This novel takes place in the twentieth century just after world war one. In the novel, the west egg is known for being a place where “the newly rich” live, as the east egg is

  • How Does Golding Build The Fire In Lord Of The Flies

    918 Words  | 4 Pages

    Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is a novel that tells the story of a plane full of English schoolboys, evacuating the ongoing war, crashing near an island, leaving them marooned. With there being no adults or supervision the boys are left to fend and survive on their own. A boy by the name of Ralph is picked as their chief and he organizes fire and shelter. Another boy by the name of Jack, who is leader of the choir boys that were on the plane takes that group hunting. Over the during

  • Big Brother Is Watching You Language Analysis

    1590 Words  | 7 Pages

    George Orwell’s 1984 expresses the great power words hold and the impact that double meanings and limited vocabulary can have on oppressing a society. Words hold immense power, both in modern society and in Orwell’s dystopian future. Humans are surrounded by words, from the conversations they have, to the books and ads they read, and even in their everyday thoughts; the people portrayed in 1984 are no different. Posters loom over the citizens with the warning “Big Brother is Watching You” (Orwell

  • Manipulation In Othello

    863 Words  | 4 Pages

    In many stories, there are villains who seem to control how the characters act by manipulation. These kinds of villains use multiple techniques to get what they want and to execute their plans. The techniques are used to affect the characters in a negative way in favor of the villain. In Othello, the antagonist Iago, plays that role. Iago affects the characters’ lives in a negative way by his honest reputation, his ability to “read” people, and how he “proves” to be Loyal. Iago’s honest reputation

  • Analysis Of Truism By Jenny Holzer

    841 Words  | 4 Pages

    In a time when people are often exposed to deceptive practices facilitated by the anonymity and impulsiveness of the internet, Jenny Holzer presents her work featuring an extensive list of truisms which addresses an equally extensive range of topics. While at face value, the work could be dismissed as a simple series of rhetoric, the sophistication in Jenny Holzer’s truisms as art manifests from its presentation and methodology. Holzer maintains a delicate balance between chaos and continuity and

  • Ingsoc As A Totalitarian Ideology In 1984 By George Orwell

    999 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ingsoc as a totalitarian ideology Introduction George Orwell’s classic 1984 written in the year 1949 tells the story of a dystopian society under a totalitarian regime. The novel is set in Airstrip One, formerly known as Great Britain, which is a province of the super-state called Oceania. The throne of power is epitomized by Big Brother, the quasi-divine cult leader who is at the same time infallible as well as invisible. Orwell in 1984 depicts a dystopia which is riddled by perpetual wars, omnipresent

  • Power Of Big Brother In George Orwell's 1984

    1004 Words  | 5 Pages

    hide it from yourself.” (p. 231). For the power of an entity to control even human thought is on the level of God. Such a God made by human creation exists as an entity commonly known as “Big Brother.” Big Brother is known by many other names such as Ingsoc, Oceania, or the Thought Police. All share the same values and oppressive views of the people. The power of Big Brother lies not in the country and military power, but rather the mind. When such a large entity such as Oceania is able to convert hate