Joe "King" Oliver Essays

  • Satchmo My Life In New Orleans Summary

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    1. The author of the Satchmo: My Life in New Orleans was Louis Armstrong. There are those who believe Armstrong could not have written this autobiography or at least not without help/assistance. Armstrong only received a 5th grade level education, still others believe that Armstrong is the sole writer of this autobiography based on transcript of Satchmo and his letters that are in archives of the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University. Dan Morgenstern compared the original transcript to

  • Jelly Roll Morton Research Paper

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    know today. Jazz would have never been as popular without the help of the famous musicians: Jelly Roll Morton, Joe King Oliver, Sidney Bechet, Louis Armstrong, and Duke Ellington. These people helped spread the new genre through radio, railroads, and the records that they played. Where did this all start? The jazz age began in New Orleans where a certain King was born. Joe King Oliver was born in New Orleans, 1885. He spent his youth as a trombonist playing in brass bands. During this time, Jelly

  • Louis Armstrong's Role In Jazz Music

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    Then he decided to mentor young Louis Armstrong showing him the ropes on the cornet helping him become a better player. Armstrong reputation as a musician continued to grow even more. He replaced his own mentor Oliver in the Kid Ory’s band, which was the most popular band in New Orleans. He spent his summers playing riverboats with a band lead by Fate. Their on the riverboat is where Armstrong perfected his music reading skills and where he made connections with

  • How Did Louis Armstrong Influence Jazz

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    Louis Armstrong is one of the most influential jazz musicians to ever live. His trumpet defined the role of the jazz soloist and revolutionized jazz itself, and his way of singing was every bit as influential as the instrument he played. His daring trumpet style and unique vocals paved his way to fame. Armstrong style of singing was not always as well liked as it is today. In the beginning, he struggled to make his voice heard. For example, in 1924, Armstrong was dismissed by his bandleader Fletcher

  • Clark Terry Research Paper

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    The concert was held at Jazz at the Bistro. It was a tribute to the great trumpet player and St. Louis native Clark Terry. The concert was performed by contemporary trumpet virtuoso Byron Stripling and the Jazz St. Louis Big Band. Clark Terry was a well-known and highly respected trumpeter and flugelhorn player who has had a tremendous influence on jazz and jazz culture in the music’s rich history. Clark Terry’s music deeply moved numerous jazz legends like Byron Stripling, who once said, “You don’t

  • Louis Armstrong Thesis Statement

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    “obtained his first job as a professional musician.” (Anderson, Paragraph 5) “Armstrong’s reputation as a musician continued to grow,” (, Paragraph 7) and he soon was mentored by another local cornet player, King Oliver. “In the summer of 1922, he received a call from King Oliver to come to Chicago and join his Creole Jazz Band.” (, Paragraph 8) Louis accepted the offer, and began playing second cornet for the

  • A Christmas Carol Summary

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    A Christmas Carol Esay What you are going to read rigth now is an esay that will change your mind, is about A Christmas Carol story that for the opinión of lot of people is a very great story so I hope that you will like the story. To know more about this I have you some background information like this; Charles John Huffam Dickens was the autor and he was a leading English writer and novelist, one of the best known of world literature, and the most outstanding of the Victorian era. 1843 was a

  • Violas In Tim O Brien's The Answers

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    Viola and Todd’s lives are constantly being flipped and turned with every move they make. During Viola’s escape from New Prentisstown she was almost blown up in another one of The Answers bombs. She barely made it out of the way with the help of Mistress Coyle pushing her clear of harm. Now Viola is stuck in the camp of The Answer with, ironically, nobody giving her any answers to her questions. Todd isn’t fairing too well either. After hearing that Viola ran away without him, he’s had many unanswered

  • Arthur's Saukrels: A Narrative Fiction

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    “They need a place to stay,” I said to Arthur. Alright, on one condition. If you bring me Otto’s basket we will accept you into our clan.” Rudy replied, “Piece of cake!” What an arrogant piece of trash I thought to myself. A few weeks later they came back with his basket. They knocked on the door. “Hello anyone home,” Rudy said. I came to the door. “What do you want “saumensch” ” I replied. “We’ve brought the gold,” Liesel said. I opened the door and let them in. After a while I got a call from Arthur

  • Double Morality In The Victorian Era

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    It is said that when Queen Victoria was told she was going to be the next queen, she claimed she would seek the best for England despite her youth and inexperience (“Queen Victoria: A Life; Lytton Strachey). In fact, she become the symbol of a century and a woman who set the rules for a society named after her. Her reign lasted sixty-four years (1837-1901) and it is known as the most glorious era of England. Not only did England turned into a world power regarding politics but also as regards the

  • Eulogy Of Oliver

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    Oliver, our Rottweiler, was such a small thing when he was born. He grew up into a 45-kilogram dog and despite his size, he didn’t have a mean bone in his body. He looked strong and fierce to outsiders but was gentle, clumsy and lovable to us. When Oliver’s partner-in-crime, Tessa, passed away, he was downcast for a long time. So, we decided to buy another dog and got Albert, a little Maltese-cross-Bichon Frise. I was very protective of Albert. As Oliver was so big, I was worried he might sit on

  • The Watsons Go To Birmingham By Christopher Paul

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    In the novel, The Watsons go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul, Kenny wonders why his brother Byron is so mean to people. Does Kenny treat others better than Byron does? On the first day Rufus was at school Kenny shares his food with him because he does not have a lunch, then he told mama that he is sharing and then his mom packs more food for Rufus and Punkin. When Kenny was younger, he had a friend named L.J. and that had play dates and when ever L.J. came after he took some of Kennys toys

  • Isolation In Alfred Tennyson's The Lady Of Shalott

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    “The Lady of Shalott” by Alfred Tennyson is a poem about a woman who is locked away from the outside world and only sees reality through her mirror. The use of symbolism contributes to the theme of isolation. The three major symbols that create the theme of isolation are the web, the mirror, and the location. The first major symbol that contributes to the theme of isolation is the web. The structure of the web develops the theme. The lady forms the tapestry by weaving the sights that pass by the

  • The Identity Crisis In Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle

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    Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” enjoys the reputation of being one of the first great American short stories written by a pioneer of American fiction, and of capturing a transtemporal portrait of American life. Yet because of the ambivalence with which Irving treats the new nation in this work, scholarship has debated whether this story is simply “the first truly American folk tale, or a derivative vehicle used to undermine the young republic” (Wyman 220). I argue that this short story cannot

  • Jane Austen's 'The Outsider': Chapters 1-8

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    Oliver attacked Noah because Noah was telling Oliver that it was best that his mother died when she did, so that she didn’t have to go to a workhouse or get hung. I expected Oliver to react to Noah the way he did, but I also expected him to react rationally. The way Oliver reacted to Noah is surprising because it said that Oliver was a good-natured person and had never hurt anybody, in an earlier chapter. However, the irrational behaviour from Oliver wasn’t surprising to me because Noah was disrespecting

  • Oliver Chapter 22 Summary

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    up to come also. Oliver was made to drink alcohol, at the amusement of the others. Around half-past one, the group crossed the bridge seen previously and they arrived at a house surrounded by a wall. Toby climbed the wall, and helped Oliver up. Oliver then realized the true purpose of the mission- housebreaking. He started to yell. Sikes drew his pistol, but Toby covered Oliver’s mouth. Sikes used a crowbar to open a shutter, small, but large enough for Oliver to fit through. Oliver was instructed

  • Excerpt From 'The Epilogue To Mary Oliver'

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    The Performers and the Observers London, 1947 Oliver knocked on the door for the third time. An old friend had invited him over. Oliver didn’t ask for a reason; he didn’t need one. He had known this man for decades. The door creaked open. “Oh, um, hey there, Ollie.” “Hello, Arthur.” Arthur was a mess. His beard was half shaven, clothes stained, and hair left to grow like weeds. “Yeah, um, hi. I had to wait and make sure it wasn’t some government officer, you know, that it was really you

  • Cinderella Research Paper

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    his missing father and break a witches’ spell cast on the princess’ brothers who are swans by day and men by night. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OLIVER (18) misses his mother and his father, MICHAEL, emotionally neglects him. Oliver rebels and pickpockets. ELEANOR (17) is a fairytale Princess. She’s horrified when she learns that a warlock, EDMOND, has beheaded her father, KING FREDERICK. Edmond wants Eleanor to tell him where to find the Griffin feather. She refuses. Edmond’s sister, OLGA, a witch, cast a spell

  • Do You Think Positive Or Negative Choices In The Life Of Oliver

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    have two choices, the first choice think positive or the second choice think negative. Similar to Anne, Oliver always thought positive even though sometimes thing did not go his way. During Oliver’s life, he was lonely, so when Dodge befriended him he took a chance on him. However it did not go as plan and Oliver soon realized that he was not the person he should hang around with, because “if Oliver stays with the thieves, he might end up “hanged,” but his refusal to engage in pickpocketing saves him

  • What Is The Difference Between Jekyll And Hyde

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    Gabriel John Utterson, a lawyer, is on his weekly walk with his cousin, Richard Enfield. They reach a door leading into a rather large house, and Enfield tells Utterson of an encounter he had some months ago between a man and a young girl. The man, a sinister figure named Edward Hyde, and the young girl accidentally bump into one another, but Hyde proceeds to trample her. Enfield chases after Hyde and forces Hyde to pay £100 to avoid a scandal for his behaviour. Hyde leads them to this door, which