RC time constant Essays

  • Me 360 Frequency Response Lab

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    a dynamic first-order RC circuit will be designed with the aim of calculating the time-constant theoretically and experimentally. The bandwidth will be calculated. The frequency response will be achieved by calculating the gain and the phase lag. Ultimately, the bode plots will be drawn. Background The RC circuit is defined as a first-order dynamic circuit, which has a time-dependent response. The dynamic system is defined as the system with the output dependent on time. In other words, the output

  • Equilibrium Lab Report

    1249 Words  | 5 Pages

    equilibrium, the following chemical equation is used in the experiment: Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq)  FeSCN2+(aq). When iron (III) and thiocyanate react, thiocyanoiron (III) is produced. When the concentration of all ions at equilibrium are known, the equilibrium constant can be calculated by dividing the equilibrium concentration of the reactant by the equilibrium concentration of the products. In this experiment, four equilibrium systems containing different concentrations of three different ion types (Fe(NO3)3

  • In Joyce Carol Oates 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?'?

    2015 Words  | 9 Pages

    There are many corrupt things in the world we live in. At times, we are oblivious to the fact that these corruptions exist. There are some who even get involved and easily influenced by these immoral things or people. There is always that little voice in your mind that advises you to not follow the wrong path. It could be at that moment you where have to decide or later on as a dream. Connie, in Joyce Carol Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been,” encounters this experience, and falls

  • Copper Iodide

    2660 Words  | 11 Pages

    Not enough time was given for the precipitate to settle in the beaker, hence when the supernatant is removed; there is a large amount of product lost. This is especially so in step 25, because a large amount of solvent is decanted. It will require much longer than the given time of 10 minutes to allow most of the precipitate to settle at the base of the beaker. Hence instead of decanting the mixture

  • Coagulation Lab Report

    1789 Words  | 8 Pages

    3. Results and discussion 3.1. Coagulation performance of CB[8] for HA removal The effect of the CB[8] dosage on HA coagulation in the absence of added salts in the synthetic water (fresh water) was investigated at pH 7.5. When the CB[8] dosage was less than 0.2 mmol/L, flocculation was not observed during coagulation. The HA removal efficiency was less than 50% (Fig. 1a). When the CB[8] dosage was higher than 0.2 mmol/L, considerable amounts of flocs formed. At a CB[8] dosage of 0.3 mmol/L, the

  • Weak Acid Lab

    647 Words  | 3 Pages

    calibrated pH probe was used in order to measure the pH of the titrated solution of the unknown weak acid. These same steps were repeated except 2 mL of the strong base were titrated into the weak acid solution instead of 4 mL. This process was repeated 10 times. Data The data from Table 1 was gathered by calculating the pK_a and K_a of the unknown weak acid using the change in volume and pH of the solution. The table contains data for trial number, starting and final volume, change in volume, pH of the solution

  • Alka Seltzer Lab Report

    440 Words  | 2 Pages

    In acidic aqueous solution, a buffer is formed by the dissociation of the acid: HA ⇄ H+ + A- Hence, when acid is added, the excess H+ reacts with the A- to form more HA, lowering the pH and minimising the effect of the addition of acid. When alkali is added, the OH- reacts with the dissociated H+ to form water, which reduces the effect of the alkali by restoring the pH to normal levels. Alka Seltzer acts as a buffer because the citrate ions in solution (C6H5O73-) are able to react with H+ when acid

  • Unknown Concentration Of Phenol Red Lab Report

    494 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction In this report, an unknown concentration of phenol red and the pKa of an acid were determined. The unknown concentration of the phenol red was determined by using Beer’s Law (A=εbc). According to Beer’s law, the absorbance of a compound is proportional to its concentration. The absorbance of several standard solutions were measured by a spectrometer, and these results supported Beer’s Law. The pKa of an acid was determined by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (pH= pKa+ log ([A-]/[HA])

  • Buffer Lab Report

    1344 Words  | 6 Pages

    Introduction Buffer is a solution that resists a change in pH when bases or acid are added. Solutions that are acidic contain high concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) and have pH values less than seven. Buffer usually consist of a weak acid, and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. The function of buffer is to resist the changes in hydrogen ion concentration as a result of internal and environmental factor. This buffer experiment is important so that we relies the important

  • Reaction Lab

    928 Words  | 4 Pages

    rate of a chemical reaction (or reaction rate) is a calculation of the total time needed for a reaction to take place, or how quickly the reactants are transferred into products in a chemical process. This rate can be measured in two methods. The first one is to measure the rate at which the reactants are used up per unit of time, while the second method is to measure the rate at which the products are formed per unit of time. There are several factors that affect the rate of a reaction. Those include

  • Ionisation Of Amino Acid And Ph Lab Report

    254 Words  | 2 Pages

    Explain the relationship between the ionisation of amino acids and pH |Structural diagram of the neutral structure| |Structural diagram of positively charged structure| |Structural diagram of negatively charged structure| Explain how the form of an amino acid, whether positively charged, negatively charged or neutral, depends of the pH of the solution ? If you increase the pH of a solution of an amino acid by adding hydroxide ions, if this is done then the hydrogen ions will then

  • Buffers Lab

    816 Words  | 4 Pages

    The purpose of this experiment was to create two 40 mL buffers and evaluate its buffer capacity at pH 4. To do this, buffer #1 consisted of the mixture of 0.5003 M acetic acid and .50 M sodium acetate, while buffer #2 consisted of the mixture .5003 M acetic acid and .4289 M NaOH. Within each mixture, there is a ratio of conjugate acid to conjugate base. By using the Henderson Hasselbalch equation, the volume for the base and acid to buffer the pH of solution at 4.0 were calculated. Two titration

  • Flame Test Lab

    1788 Words  | 8 Pages

    was an acid or base, a few drops of the solution was applied to the other half of the litmus paper, resulting in a colour change to the colour blue, which indicates that the substance was a base. After the qualitative analysis was completed, it was time to move onto the

  • Pka Of Bromothymol Blue Lab Report

    1221 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spectroscopic Determination of the pKa of Bromothymol Blue Andrea Myer May 27, 2023 Kevin Huang, CHEM 241L, Section 402 I pledge that I have not used someone else’s old or current lab when writing this lab report. I pledge that I did not collaborate with any other students, except where allowed, and that the report I submitted here contains my own ideas, thoughts, observations, calculations, data, conclusions, and answers. Lastly, I pledge that the data represented in this report was my own

  • Does The Magnesium Ribbon Verify The Meaning Of Ph

    687 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction On Monday, in class, we executed an experiment. The objective is to… Problem Question Before completing the experiment I have to choose a problem question. I have decided to answer the following question to solve a problem; which of the three unknown concentrations of acid is the strongest? I have chosen this problem question because it is a fulfilling question based on the aim of this experiment. To substantiate the question with background research before completing the experiment

  • Essay On Column Chromatography

    991 Words  | 4 Pages

    known as cation-exchange or anion-exchange chromatography, depending on whether the solutes to be exchanged are positively or negatively charged. Size Exclusion Chromatography: Here the molecules are separated according to their molecular weight and it is suitable for molecules having molecular weight of 2000 Daltons or more. Largest molecules are eluted first and the smallest molecules last. Affinity Chromatography: Here the stationary phase contains specific groups of molecules which can absorb

  • Pros And Cons Of Chemical Products

    849 Words  | 4 Pages

    The 20th century brought an explosion of new chemical products for consumers. Chemicals bring about benefits upon which modern society is entirely dependent. From 1 million tons in 1930 to several hundreds of million tons today, the global production of chemicals has a significant increase. The chemical industry continuously converts raw materials, such as oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals into thousands of different products. Chemical products are used at work or even at home every

  • Food Chemistry Assignment

    794 Words  | 4 Pages

    Food Chemistry Assignment 1 1. Why would you use D-glucono-δ-lactone in a refrigerated pizza crust? Which additional ingredient do you need for D-glucono-δ-lactone to work and why? (5 points) D-glucono-δ-lactone is a leavening agent so is added to pizza crust to cause expansion of the dough. When water is added to the dough mixture containing D-glucono-δ-lactone and sodium bicarbonate, they dissolve. D-glucono-δ-lactone hydrolyses to gluconic acid, which then reacts with the sodium bicarbonate to

  • Iodine Clock Reaction Lab Report

    1471 Words  | 6 Pages

    perform the iodine clock reaction in this science fair project, you will mix potassium iodide, hydrochloric acid, starch, thiosulfate and hydrogen peroxide. The time it takes for the reaction mix to turn blue will be measured with a stopwatch. For the procedure, you will vary the amount of hydrogen peroxide to see how this affects the time the mixed chemicals stay clear before turning blue. The reactions that form the basis for the iodine clock reaction are shown below. Equation 1: H2O2 + 3 I- +

  • Birine Shrimp Lab Report

    272 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction The term pH stands for potential Hydrogen. PH is the logarithmic measure of Hydrogen ion concentration. The pH level of something is the concentration of Hydrogen ions in the substances. It is used to specify the acidity or the alkalinity of a liquid solution. When the pH is less than 7 it is considered acidic and if it is higher than 7, it is considered basic. If it’s exactly 7 then it is called neutral. Lemon juice and vinegar are both very acidic, while bleach and soapy water are