Sedimentary rock Essays

  • Calcarenite Research Paper

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    Calcarenite is a sedimentary rock formed of calcareous particles that have been deposited mechanically from a solution. The particles which consist of fossil materials, pebbles and granules of carbonate rock and Oolites are transported and sorted by flowing water. When it is formed entirely of shell debris the rock is called coquina. (Robert 1768) 1.1. Composition of calcarenite Calcarenite is a type of limestone composed mainly of above 50% of detrital sand of size 0.0625 to 3mm in diameter in

  • Marcellus Shale

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    Literature Review Exam number: B036253 Introduction My project aims at identifying fractures in Marcellus Shale in America using 3D 3C seismic reflection data. Fracture detection plays an important role in shale gas exploration, since the fracture influences the productivity of a hydrocarbon reservoir by increasing permeability and the recovery rate of the reservoir. Consider the scale of such fractures are too small that cannot be seen from seismograms, anisotropy theory is applied to evaluate

  • Stele Of Naram-Sin Analysis

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    The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin was created to celebrate his victory over the Lulllubi Mountain people inthe center of mountain to make it more valueable and memorable. The Narmer Palette is made of siltstone material. Siltstone is defined as sedimentary rock. The Narmer Palette is about 2.07 feet which is shaped like shield of an army warrior. The art on this Palette was carved on a single piece on both side. The

  • Write An Essay On Asbestos Research Paper

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    History of asbestos. There are four main types of asbestos; Amosite (brown fibers), Anthophyllite (gray fibers), white Christie, and blue Crocidolite. Chrysotile has curly fibers while the other three have rod like fibers. These fibers fragment into dust quite readily and waft into the air. They can adhere to skin or clothing and are easily swallowed or inhaled. Half a century ago, asbestos was hailed by many as a miracle product. They said nearly anything could be made from this mineral. It as

  • Ordovician Period Essay

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    The first geological period during the Paleozoic Era was the Cambrian period. This period took place roughly around 542 to 488.3 million years ago. During this period was when most animal groups stared to appear in fossils. This was also the time were the earth had one super continent, which was called Rodinia. The climate during this period was mild and the oceans were beginning to become oxygenated (The Cambrian Period). The second geological period during the Paleozoic Ear was the Ordovician

  • Debris Case Study

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    debris. Since then the Debris basin, also known as debris dam, was built around important buildings and spots with investment of millions of dollars. Over time the debris basins trapped 20 million tons of mud and rock. Crib structures were also built to stabilize mountain streambeds and rocks before coming to the debris basins. The San Gabriels Dam was also built to trap large volumes of

  • Lulworth Cove: Case Study

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    the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in Dorset, southern England. Rock Type: Limestone, clay, sandstone and chalk What has happened: the hard rocks at the front of the cove have eroded much more slowly than the rocks behind giving the cove its horseshoe shape. Geology- Hard Portland and Purbeck Stone forms the cliffs with much softer Wealdon Clay, Gault and Greensand behind with the chalk forming the back of the cove. Various rock sequences- Portland Stone - limestone that formed at the end of the

  • Upper Ordovician Period Lab Report

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    Introduction: Over the duration of two lab periods we analyzed Paleozoic fossil from the Upper Ordovician Period of the Paleozoic Era. After an assemblage of fossils were collected from a road cut on Route 1, about one mile south of the junction of Route 1 with Route 52, Franklin CO., Indiana we identified the fossils and made counts of each individual taxon within the different strata’s (lower (oldest), middle, and upper (youngest)). We started of this lab with the null hypothesis: no change in

  • Hugoton Gas Log Report

    688 Words  | 3 Pages

    allowed for a much better log interpretation. We aim to look for zones with high porosity, low water saturation, and low shale concentration. Porosity allows us to determine the amount of void space within the rock and is instrumental in determining the amount of potential fluid within the rock. A high porosity indicates there is plenty of open space within the zone and may indicate presence of hydrocarbons. A low water saturation simply

  • Ancient Christian Art Essay

    1367 Words  | 6 Pages

    ANCIENT EUROPEAN ART Prehistoric and Primitive Art: Paintings in the prehistoric era i.e. during 1400 to 9500 BC were generally done in huge limestone caves that served as habitation. Cave paintings have been discovered in Northern Spain and Dordogne Valley of South-West France. The Paleolithic art that flourished in this region is termed as the Franco-Cantabrian school. The paintings during this period were done for magico-religious purpose. The art of the Franco-Cantabrian school consists entirely

  • Idaho Springs Formation Report

    1102 Words  | 5 Pages

    After we went in three different field trips, Red rocks park, North Table Mountain and Bob weimer trail. I realized that Golden is place for many geological history. In each field trip, I got to know more about the city and how those mountains came into being. In this geological history, I will mention the formation of the rocks from oldest to youngest. On the field trip to red rocks park, the first stop was next to the parking lot. The Idaho Springs formation, which considered the oldest among

  • The Geological Cycle Analysis

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    1. Introduction: The geologic cycle consists of three cycles which collectively play a role in the formation of the materials and processes on earth; the tectonic cycle, rock cycle and hydrological cycle. It is a continuous system involving many different aspects which must work together to achieve a natural balance. These cycles exchange energy and matter and whenever this occurs there is the potential for environmental damage due to extreme conditions (Nelson, 2016). The concept of uniformitarianism

  • Fish Chapter 14 Summary

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    million year old rocks because they were looking for a missing link. They had found fish without amphibious qualities in rocks 10 million years older than their focus age, and 10 million years later the focus age they had found amphibians that looked different than fish. Thus sending them on the search for a missing link. The type of rock these fossils where found in were sedimentary because sedimentary allows the fossil to be preserved inside of it. The igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed from

  • Memi And Sabu Statue Analysis

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    The statue is carved from Diorite; an intrusive igneous rock composed principally of the silicate minerals plagioclase feldspar, biotite, hornblende, and/or pyroxene. The Statue of Gudea has a smooth shiny finish to it. The detail carved into the statue shows this figure to be one of wealth and status. The shape of the hat and the robe on the legs right down to the toes.

  • Dating Rocks Of The Grand Canyon Essay

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    Dating Rocks of the Grand Canyon Prior to 1896, many old-earth scientists speculated the Earth to be only one hundred million years old. Through Henri Becquerel’s discovery of radioactivity, scientists like Arthur Holmes and Ernest Rutherford developed a radiometric dating method by measuring isotopes to date rocks. For the first time, old-earth scientist would use these methods to date the Earth over a billion years old. (DiPietro, 2013, p. 332) “However, more recent old-earth discoveries revealed

  • Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

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    easy to fracture. They also poses a crystalline structure. Rocks are a mixture of minerals, whereas minerals are their own purest form. Rocks also do not have crystalline structure. Rocks also can include fossils where minerals cannot. Minerals colors are generally the same. Rocks vary in color. 2 .The most significant difference between ingenious, sedimentary and metamorphic. Ingenious rocks are fire or

  • 3 Types Of Rocks Essay

    866 Words  | 4 Pages

    Comparing rocks Minerals make up rocks. Rocks are formed in many environments upon and within the Earth's crust. There are three types of rock, each formed in a different `way. Igneous rock , formed by the cooling of magma (molten rock) inside the Earth or on the surface. Sedimentary rocks, formed from the products of weathering by cementation or precipitation on the Earth’s surface. Metamorphic rocks , formed by temperatur e and pressure changes inside the Earth. All three types of rock make

  • How Does Rock Cycle Work?

    368 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. How does the rock cycle work? The rock cycle is the repeating process of how igneous rock can transform into sedimentary or metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock changing into metamorphic or igneous rock, metamorphic rock morphed into sedimentary or igneous rock. For example, granite, an igneous rock, forms beneath Earth’s surface, but the forces of mountain building push the granite upward creating a mountain. Gradually, wind and water erosion transform the granite into sand. Wind and water carry

  • Informative Essay: The Colorado National Monument

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    family members. Colorado national monument wasn’t named after the state, but is was rather named after the Colorado river (FRUITA). This river covers large distances of rock formation and canyons, which hare demolished. As visitor’s come across these formations they shall spot a canyon called the Grand Junction. Coming across the rocks you would see that they are presented in variety of colors. Enlarged westward for nearly 200 miles to the Manti-la-sal Mountains of central Utah. Immediately the town

  • Essay On Weathering And Erosion

    798 Words  | 4 Pages

    Weathering and erosion are two processes that sort of shape Earth’s ground and rocks. Weathering is either a mechanical or chemical process that breaks down or shapes rocks, while erosion transports the leftovers of weathering, away. Understanding these processes helps us understand the way lakes, rivers, mountains, shorelines, canyons, and all sorts of other things were formed. For example the Grand Canyon was formed by erosion created from the Colorado River. It is very important to understand