Shoplifting Essays

  • Examples Of Organized Retail Crime

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    been caught shoplifting. About 75 percent of shoplifters are adults, of which more than half shoplifted when they were teens. Organized retail crime (ORC) - Organized retail crime refers to groups, gangs, professional shoplifters, cargo thefts, retail crime rings that illegally steal retail merchandise with the intent to resell, support illicit activities, buy drugs, buy weapons etc. Per the NRF, the 2015 Organized Retail Crime Survey reveals that 97% of retails have been victim of OCR in the

  • Shoplifter Research Paper

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    Ways how shoplifters have found to work around this is they will go and find someone off the street or a friend and have them complete the return. Retail companies will give the customer the return on a gift card. A shoplifter will do two things they will spend the gift card on other merchandise or they will sell the gift card to pawnshops for half the dollar on the gift card. One of the things that helped us when it came to return fraud was that we would get the shoplifters name and information

  • The Devil Made Me Do It Analysis

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    The Devil Made Me Do It”: Use of Neutralizations by Shoplifterrs Paul Cromwell and Quint Thurman One in every 10 to 15 people shoplifted one time and their life. They estimate about 12 to 30 billion dollars lost every year. However the article suggested that the reason why an average people shoplift is; they do not need expertise or any expensive tools to shoplift. however this article also talked about the technique of neutralization. Denial of responsibility, a denial of the victims, denial of

  • Store Theft Research Paper

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    There are many ways for this crime to occur in my store, from low level employees, to vendors, and all the way up to the store director or owner. The most obvious crime is embezzlement. Cashiers can easily steal cash from their registers or steal product from the shelves. I have witnessed two cashiers being fired and prosecuted for stealing well over $500. Employees who participate in this theft are caught quickly because the cash drawers are counted daily and incriminate themselves since they

  • Essay On Shoplifting

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    Shoplifting is one of the crime that has been existing in our society today. It is considered as a significant problem adversely affecting both the establishment or store and consumers. It is because of a high financial loss, some people tend to commit shoplifting to support their needs. This kind of crime does not only exist in our place but also in other country. (Farrington, 1993). The FBI defines “shoplifting as a part of larceny. Basically, all shoplifter are either amateurs or professionals

  • Shoplifting Case Study

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    that shoplifting was a female crime as most shoppers are women. In Week eight’s note, there were 284 prosecutions for shoplifting between 1890 and 1940. Only nine out of the 284 prosecutions were men. Shoplifting was also associated to women due to their clothes. Women’s clothes such as cloaks was perfect for hiding things. The shop owner, Susannah, in her testimony, said one of the ladies wore a long cloak while the other wore a gown. Looking at this and going by one of the reasons shoplifting is

  • Summary Of On Not Shoplifting

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    In this poem excerpt, from On Not Shoplifting written by Julia Alvarez, taken from Louise Bogan’s The Blue Estuaries, we are introduced to a character who is contemplating on stealing a book from her school’s bookstore. Throughout the excerpt the author uses literary devices such as selection of detail as well as imagery in order to depict the internal struggle the protagonist faces of whether or not to steal the book. When we are first introduced the protagonist she begins by speaking about how

  • Sociology Of Shoplifting

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    Shoplifting is a major problem in today life. The temptation of not paying for something, just hiding it away and saving your own money is a large factor for some people. To commit shoplifting one must "intend" to permanently deprive the merchant of the value of the merchandise. Shoplifting most often occurs by concealing merchandise in a purse, pocket or bag but can occur by a variety of methods. However the real inquiry is, what implications are involved for a customer to shoplift? Anthropological

  • Shoplifting Is Wrong Essay

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    This idea is because they realize that many children their age possess what they want and so they steal the item so that they can own it. Shoplifting is incorrect because it is illegal and puts children at risk of being arrested and prosecuted. If a child is caught stealing, the parents should give impactful consequences to the child for their behavior. Shoplifting is usually not out of anger or aggression; it is out of peer pressure and wanting something that others have.

  • Case Study Shoplifting

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    January 3, 2006, while shopping at her local store Ms Nancy Park was alleged to have been shoplifting. Ben Gordon, from the Loss Prevention Department, shouted for Nancy Park to stop then grabbed her by the arm to pull her inside the store. Nancy Park lost her balance and fell onto a store checkout counter. After Ms. Park fell onto the counter, she made numerous complaints about her back injury to Ben, but her complaints were not answered by ben; instead she was made to wait on the store Manager

  • Pros And Cons Of Shoplifting

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    but like the hype on television a drug arrest felt like an accomplishment. Several years later I realize the opposite was true for a drug arrest versus a property crime arrest. My example came when I started to comprehend a thorough shoplifting investigation. Shoplifting isn’t flashy or seem as a big problem, until you step back and look at the damages it accomplish. The shoplifter is usually a transient or a young adult having trouble with a drug addiction. Like a merchant they have to buy, sell and

  • Shoplifting And Theft Similarities

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    Theft and shoplifting are both crimes against society that involve the general taking of someone else’s property. Upon hearing about a crime of stealing, many people wonder which crime should the perpetrator be charged with? People can also wonder why criminals can get charged with a crime that is seemingly related to larceny in general. Even though shoplifting and theft both involve taking something of value from another, the charges each have differences and similarities that separates them apart

  • The Harmful Effects Of Shoplifting

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    Paper Shoplifting is when a person walks into the store, with or without the intention of stealing in mind, picks up an item and walks out without paying for said item. There are a couple reasons why people shoplift, some are; one, the person is seeking some sort of thrill out of it or two, they do not have the money for the item they (are) stealing/stole. When shoplifters take things off the shelves and don’t pay for them the prices of the items that other consumers buy will have to go up to compensate

  • Essay On The Dangers Of Shoplifting

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    The dangers and penalties of shoplifting by jeremiah gomez Shoplifting is a big problem for small business. A item worth less than $50 can get you a $500 fine. If you already have a record it can even cost more. Most people will take a $5 item and will have to pay $500 to the business so they get nothing out of it but a shady record.If the item you take is over $50 you could go to jail. A clean record will also help you in later life like getting a job or going to college

  • Essay On Shoplifting Techniques

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    There are many techniques that may be utilized in order to prevent, detect, and deter shoplifting. Roberson and Birzer describe a few of these techniques in “Introduction to Private Security”. Considering shoplifting is a common problem among businesses, many companies utilize one or more of these techniques in order to deter and prevent loss. In today’s world, technology is becoming more and more advanced every day. In turn, prevention and detection techniques are becoming more advanced and effective

  • Floatcart Shoplifting Case

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    help monitor the store and reduce the incidents of shop lifting. Human security is not effective towards detecting and preventing shoplifting and its critical to invest on the latest security systems and hardware to help eliminate shop lifting. There is a wide variety of hardware and computer software which can be combined to deliver highly secure stores where shoplifting can be curbed by up to 95%. Its also important to include CCTV surveillance at strategic positions in the store which will help

  • Analysis: Shoplifting From American Apparel

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    variety of literature through different lenses. We will explore three different texts focusing on the critical positions used in Tao Lin’s book “Shoplifting from American Apparel”, Solmaz Sharif’s poem “Soldier, Home Early, Surprises his wife at Chick Fil-A”, and Kate Braverman’s short story “Tall Tales from the Mekong Delta”. In Tao Lin's "Shoplifting from American Apparel”, we see how reader-response criticism is applied to through a rather short and underwhelming story allowing for readers to

  • Classification Essay: The Six Types Of Shoplifting

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    Shoplifting One of the principal problems in our society is the delinquency, but one of the most common is shoplifting. What is shoplifting? These are people who take things without paying or without permission from a store. The shoplifter usually does this by placing the items in their purse, pockets, or inside the clothing. In a few words, it is an act of stealing goods that are displayed in a store. In addition, there are six types of shoplifter, but I 'm just going to explain the three main

  • Personal Essay: Shoplifting Is A Serious Crime

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    Shoplifting Shoplifting is a serious crime. You are taking what is not yours; you are stealing from other people, which causes them tremendous harm. Have you ever asked yourself that question: what if I get caught? Don’t you ever think about your future? If you get caught, you will get arrested and go to jail. Don’t you know that you are going to have a police record, which would be like a sticker, and it will stick on you for the rest of your life, especially when you are a brown-skinned teenager

  • How Could Shoplifting Be Considered A Social Issue?

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    subject that affects many people and communities. How could shoplifting be considered a social issue, you might ask? The definition of shoplifting is taking goods from a store without paying for them; this could be considered a social issue of the effect shoplifting has on communities. That's why we need to stop shoplifting by either adding more security or getting thieves the help they need to not do it again. The sides of the table for shoplifting are, Law enforcement, Corporations/businesses, victims