Shut up Essays

  • What Is The Theme Of Growing Up In Catcher In The Rye

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    failing a majority of his classes. However, Holden’s biggest fear in The Catcher in the Rye is acknowledging adulthood and growing up. He believes that adults are inevitably “phonies” and as a result they stand as a symbol of everything that's wrong in the world- his world. Slowly, Holden starts to understand the concept of adulthood and has a chance to face his fear of growing up as his sister Phoebe sheds some light in his complicated life. The scene where Holden is out in the rain watching Phoebe go

  • Ralph And Jack Character Analysis

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    Lord of the Flies: Character Contrast In Lord of the Flies, Jack and Ralph end up being two leaders, that are different, yet very similar. Both boys have many things in common, such as their backgrounds, and athleticism. They also have many differences, such as ruling and beliefs. Jack and Ralph have are very different but are also very alike. These two gentlemen are English boys that know how to follow rules/order, yet only one of them maintain this. Jack and Ralph might come from the

  • The Wave Salute Quotes

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    Three quotes that are significant are “‘ You mean I can’t go up into the stands unless I give The Wave salute? ‘ Laurie asked. Brad looked around sheepishly. ‘ Well, that’s what they decided, Laurie. ‘“ page 95, “ Almost out of control, he screamed ‘ Shut up! ‘ and threw her down on the grass… The Wave could hurt anyone, and at the same time he’d hurt Laurie, his own girlfriend, in the name of The Wave. “ page 114, and “...Ben thought, this was something he must make sure they learned: to question

  • Fate: A Fictional Narrative

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    “There’s no need to yell.” he commented and I rotated my body toward him. “Where’s your brother? You’re not wearing your handmade yukata either. Are you going against your brother’s wishes, his fate?” “Shut up! I’m going to kill you so you won’t go near my brother anymore!” My face was full of nothing, but revulsion. However, my heart still couldn’t hate him, I found that even more frustrating. “Fate is fate. I find it amazing that you believe you could change that. Well, if you’re going to attempt

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Boy Who Changed My Life

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    was “cool” to be a boy scout but with high school right around the corner I figured I was absolutely done. After my mom forced me to get my Eagle (the highest rank in scouting) I thought I was ready to retire the sash, but my mom had one more trick up her sleeve… I learned I was going to philmont about a month before school ended. For those who don't know, philmont is a “high adventure” boy scout camp, and when you go there you put all of your belongings on your back and hike a route that your

  • House Of The Scorpion Loyalty Quotes

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    Being loyal is being faithful and having a commitment to a relationship. In Nancy Farmer’s science fiction novel The House of the Scorpion, Matt, the main character, always finds himself in a new home and making new relationships with a base of trust and loyalty. Matt is a clone of a powerful drug lord named El Patrón. Matt leaves his first home because he realizes El Patrón has been lying to him his whole life. He runs away to an orphanage where he find new friends who stay loyal to him. Matt’s

  • Holden's Influence On The Catcher In The Rye

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    this attitude leads him to almost care about nothing. Though Holden may seem to be a lost cause because of his negative attitude, he thankfully has an epiphany that changes his view towards the world because he realizes that people have to grow up. When Holden visits his younger sister, Phoebe, he is happy to see her, but when they begin talking their conversation turns negative. Holden begins complaining to her about what he hates, but Phoebe tells him that he hates everything. Though Holden

  • Marci And Corin Character Analysis Essay

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    Meanwhile, on the side we’ve got Marci the girl loving, comedian, karate kid, spy, secret agent, mystery solving, brave heart, kid genius, holy roller, sneaky little who doesn’t know when to shut up, no literally her mouth has gotten her in trouble or beat up several times, no I’m serious shut up. The main point being it doesn’t matter who you like and don’t like the sisters are inseparable and are similar in many ways than they share differences. I mean they both share a common enemy in Eddie

  • Character Analysis Of Mollie In Animal Farm

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    rebellion, pulled Mr. Jones’s carriage and was almost always dressed in ribbons and eating sugar lumps, things that after “Manor Farm” was changed into “Animal Farm”, got her in trouble. Mollie, being the entitled horse that she was, refused to give up these humanly related items and in turn fled the farm to be once again treated like a princess. During the time of Animal Farm, the only thing Mollie cared for or about was her ribbons, sugar, and how much work

  • Catcher In The Rye: Bildungsroman Analysis

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    character grows up and becomes an adult. They learn how to be mature in important situations and most importantly they are able to leave behind their ties to their childhood. In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is very immature throughout most of the story. He refuses to give up his childhood and he is anxious to see what the future hold for him. Towards the end of the book, the reader is able to catch glimpses of Holden’s new found maturity. He is starting to understand that growing up is a big

  • Feminism In Khalid Hosseni's A Thousand Splendid Suns

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    Women throughout the world has been struggling for a long time to gain equal rights and power as compared to men. They were known as feminists. Feminism is a movement that was started during nineteenth and twentieth century. The aim of feminism was to accomplish gender equality in different fields like social, economic and political etc. Although women from all races and countries had to face gender inequality however, women from the Islamic countries have to face the brunt of gender discrimination

  • Pinocchio Short Story Analysis

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    helps Collodi convey an ideal of a hardworking and honest man upon the young boys of Italy. Collodi’s story also consists characters that choose a path of greed and thievery to overcome their poverty and presents the dire circumstances that they end up in. Their destitution is thus used as a warning by Collodi to avoid such a path. Key morals that Collodi explicitly expresses revolve around the need of money and ways to acquire it. Collodi also uses poverty to magnify the

  • The Role Of Polemarchus 'Justice In Socrates'

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    Polemarchus responds by saying, “that the men one believe to be good, one loves, while those he considers bad one hates.” This is the problem with Polemarchus’ view of justice. He could easily be wrong about who is “good” and who is “bad” and you will end up treating someone who has done nothing wrong unjustly. Dividing a country into classes where each person must be loyal to ones own class would never lead to true justice because the different classes would only be loyal to their particular class. The

  • Reflection Paper About Love

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    acts of service was low. Also, the low scores for receiving gifts and acts of service make sense because I was always taught to be very independent growing up; therefore, I am a very independent person. I struggle to let my significant other do things for me in our relationship. When he tries to do something, so I don't have to, I always end up stopping him and doing it myself. Moving on, I was not shocked to learn my strongest love language is quality time. I feel as if my quality time score was

  • Exemplification Essay: Bullying In The United States

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    “Hey Fatty!”, “What’s the difference between you and a pig. Wait a minute...nothing!”, “C’mon drink this peg, or get ready to experience your worst nightmare”,“If you say a single word about us to your parents, we will publicly shame you and them in ways you cannot even imagine”, “Those holes in your shirt show your worthless class”, “You lesbians are wastes of space”,“If I were a loser like you, I would kill myself” ---- “La intimidación” in Spanish, “Harcèlement” in French, “Budmaashi” in Hindi

  • Allegory In Lord Of The Flies

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    Lord of the flies Rule is the most important concept of our society for it well development. Without law or rules, we are completely lost. There are what established what is good or bad, and what we are permitted or forbidden to do. The novel Lord of the flies, written by William Golding, is about a group of English boys are shipwrecked on a tropical island. It tells the struggle that the boys must face to survive in the difficult situation they were in. The novel show human will be beasts if the

  • Music Informative Speech Essay

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    Introduction I. Attention Getter Pop, rock, country, opera, classical; did you know that your heartbeat mimics the beat of the music you're listening to. A. How many of you listen to music on a daily basis? B. Whether to or from school, or just whenever you get the chance. II. Reason to listen: I think it’s safe to say that all of you have listened to or heard music at one point of your life, but did you know music influences and manipulates us more than we know? III. Thesis Statement: Today I am

  • The Short Story Brownies By Zz Packer

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    Packer and was written in 2003. The Story is told by a girl named Lauren. She is in a group of African American girls. The other group is Troop 909 and they are a group of white girls. The whole story has a bunch of racial tension in it which leads up to a huge fight at the bathrooms or so we thought. Another girl in the story named Arnetta is the girl that starts it all by saying the white girls called them names based on the color of their skin and that starts the whole dilemma of the 2 groups

  • Holes: A Short Story

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    Do not speak again unless you gotta hole on your body you weren’t born with!” “I’m thirsty!” “What did I just say? No hole, no compl-” “I got an ear piercing-” “OK, then a hole that you didn’t voluntarily get!” “I have a few scratches…” “SHUT IT! UNLESS YOU HAVE A BULLET IN YOU, BE QUIET!” “So if I shoot myself, I can talk?” “No.” “But you said-” “That would be voluntary, wouldn’t it? I said voluntary holes don’t count.” “But you also said ‘unless you have a bullet in you...’” “Well, you

  • Internal Conflict In The Lottery

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    The story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is a short story of horror and realism. Residents of a small New England town come together in the town square every year and hold their annual lottery. The head of each household goes up and pulls out a slip of paper from the sacred black box. The person who pulls out a slip of paper with a black dot, wins the lottery. This time around the Hutchinsons were the family who pulled out the black dot and one of the family members gets the chance to win the