House Of The Scorpion Loyalty Quotes

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Being loyal is being faithful and having a commitment to a relationship. In Nancy Farmer’s science fiction novel The House of the Scorpion, Matt, the main character, always finds himself in a new home and making new relationships with a base of trust and loyalty. Matt is a clone of a powerful drug lord named El Patrón. Matt leaves his first home because he realizes El Patrón has been lying to him his whole life. He runs away to an orphanage where he find new friends who stay loyal to him. Matt’s relationships during his travels are greatly impacted by loyalty. Matt’s relationship with El Patrón drastically changes when he finds out he has been lying to him. Matt starts to realize that El Patrón only wants him for his organs and an everlasting life. When Matt first comprehends that El Patrón only wanted his organs, he thinks, “I didn’t understand. I didn’t want to understand” (Farmer 230). Deep down Matt has known the whole time, but he “didn’t want to understand.” He cannot bare to think that the shocking truth was in fact, true. Whenever Matt thinks about El Patrón wanting him only for his organs or when anyone suggests it, he gets dismissive and upset. When the day came that he was going to be harvested, the truth hits him like a big yellow school bus. El Patrón was a role model for Matt and when he found out the truth, he realizes El …show more content…

Loyalty makes and breaks some of Matt's relationships. Loyalty ruins his friendship with El Patrón but also creates a friendship with Ton-Ton. Tam Lin stays loyal to Matt and shows him he cares and wants to help. These relationships are significant to Matt because they help him learn, give him a family, and save his life. Without El Patron, Ton-Ton, and Tam Lin, Matt would not be alive and where he is now. Matt’s relationships would not exist without loyalty because it ensures they will not leave him out to dry. Overall, relationships thrive when loyalty is a part of