Singlish Essays

  • Computer-Mediated Communication Analysis Paper

    1131 Words  | 5 Pages

    Colloquial Singapore English or Singlish is considered the lower quality of speech, featuring sentence structure with frequently dropped articles. Oppositely, Singapore Standard English is the higher quality of speech, with standard grammar (Tan 2008). The study presents four hypotheses. (1) Discussion participants who use Singlish will be deemed less credible and not as informative as those who use Standard English. (2) Participants

  • A Critical Analysis Of Sex Lies And Conversation By Tannen

    817 Words  | 4 Pages

    Language is powerful! Without language, nobody can communicate at all. Language is an essential and foremost tool to allow individuals to communicate, express feelings or thoughts, and share information or knowledge. More importantly, language is a powerful tool that not only brings people together but also separates them including, various aspects of language diversity, such as dialect, naming, and communication style. Distinctive dialects bring individuals into a particular ethnic group. In the

  • The Great Gatsby Nick Carraway Selfish

    792 Words  | 4 Pages

    that throughout the book he is a big third wheel or as some say a wingman. He tries his best to stay out of his friends' disagreements, but always seems to be stuck in between. Nick Carraway’s social locations in 1920s New York society as an older, singlish, and middle class status influence his actions. Nick’s age influences him to want to go home rather than spending time with his friends. In a discussion with Tom Buchanan, his friend said, “Won’t you come in, Nick?” “No, thanks.” I was

  • Cultural Differences Between Singapore And The United States

    1122 Words  | 5 Pages

    land area is 700 km2 (270 square miles). 101.8% of the population is urban. The median age in Singapore is 40.5 years” (“Singapore Population”). Language There are two main languages spoken in Singapore. The first is called “Singlish” or Singaporean English. “Singlish is based on standard English with influences and loan words from Chinese, Malay, and Indian languages” (Landed). The second language that is most popular is Mandarin. Over 70% of the population speaks Mandarin as a first

  • English As An International Language Annotated Bibliography

    1554 Words  | 7 Pages

    Oleksandra Smoliar Dr. Aliel Cunningham ENG 500 English as an International Language Annotated Bibliography November 6, 2017 Global Englishes English has long become a lingua franca of the modern world – people know and speak this language in almost any country on this planet. However, certain questions about the ownership of English and the correctness of multiple variations of English spoken around the globe arise to this day. With the help of the following sources I will be able to share my opinion

  • Vikings's Influence On English Language

    987 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. First: Celts, Second: Romans, Third: Anglo Saxons, Fourth: Vikings, Fifth: Normans. 2. The celts invaded Britian around 700 BC, they didn’t reallt put much influence on the English language. A few lakes and river names comes from the Celts; -Avon and –Thame are examples of ending names. The Romans settled in Britain and built fortresses and houses of course. They also built the famous 117 kilometeres long Hadrians’ wall to protect their civilazation. The romans didn’t really put much influence

  • Importance Of Living In Australia

    1770 Words  | 8 Pages

    1.0 INTRODUCTION The country I have chosen is Australia. Once a British colony, Australia is now the sixth biggest country and the smallest continent and the richest country with a high standard of living. In recent years, Australia has had a competitive, open and vibrant outstanding economies. Australia has a competitive, high economic performance from having an effective management and comprehensive economic policy of their economy, and dynamic private sector and a skilled, flexible workforce.

  • Tp Student Conformity Research

    2492 Words  | 10 Pages

    that can only be found in TP as they have yet to be fully accustomed to the school. Comparisons of social norms can then be made between her previous school and TP easily. The individual should be someone who uses colloquial Singaporean English (Singlish), enabling her to foster a sense of belonging with her peers in school to be involved in the social group. The whole interview consists of open ended and probing questions (descriptive, structural, contrast) to explore the point of view, feelings

  • Shanghai Vive Essay

    3335 Words  | 14 Pages

    1.0 Introduction The objective of Shanghai Jahwa United Company Limited is to enter the Singapore market with the brand “Shanghai Vive” considering that Singapore’s major population is made up by 76% Chinese as illustrated in Figure 1 (National Population and Talent Division 2014). Shanghai Jahwa Group is the leading and foremost cosmetics company in China which started its first production line in Hong Kong in 1898 and is still generating excellent domestic sales in China (Shanghai Jahwa Group