Shanghai Vive Essay

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1.0 Introduction

The objective of Shanghai Jahwa United Company Limited is to enter the Singapore market with the brand “Shanghai Vive” considering that Singapore’s major population is made up by 76% Chinese as illustrated in Figure 1 (National Population and Talent Division 2014).

Shanghai Jahwa Group is the leading and foremost cosmetics company in China which started its first production line in Hong Kong in 1898 and is still generating excellent domestic sales in China (Shanghai Jahwa Group, 2015). Shanghai Vive (formerly known as “Shuang Mei”, meaning twin sisters) is a legacy luxury beauty brand created in 1903 by Shanghai Jahwa Group, globally widespread and well-received as a premium brand among the Chinese ladies in the 1930s (Ministry …show more content…

The fundamental range of Shanghai Vive product does not change; with the 4P’s marketing mix, the firm should look into the brand name, logo, packaging, product design and marketing tools to review its brand adaptation strategy. Shanghai Vive and its trademark can be graciously received by the Singapore consumers due to its similar culture indices discussed. Its retro-chic packaging is a merit advantage where Chinese effluences is strong in Singapore. Nonetheless, the packaging can be in smaller packs for the busy Singapore people’s easier travelling convenience. As Singapore view safety and assurances as top priority, a product warranty proviso or even a check/tick/thumbs up icon printed on the packaging boxes give higher confidence to the consumers and will rise the buying pattern. Singapore’s weather is both hot and humid, the formulation of the base face products may be complemented with sun-screen and waterproofing constituents. The most critical in Shanghai Vive adaptation is the language and the extent of social media marketing platform. Not only does the packaging and website be required with English prints and wordings, the company has to develop more interactive social media platform to connect online with the younger and stronger buying consumers. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Blogs are some of the imperative social media initiatives to reach the Singapore’s consumers who are keen to be updated and knowing in-depth beauty and fashion uptrends. The impression of an eastern and western fused beauty products must be executed with well-planned marketing campaigns, events and roadshows with Singapore’s other related business such as pageants, talent competition and modelling

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