Tank Girl Essays

  • Gorillaz Research Paper

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    Gorillaz: 9 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know Introduction The Gorillaz are a British-virtual band created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett in 1998. The band originates from Essex, England and plays majorly alternative rock, trip hip hop, electronica and alternative hip hop. The band is made up of four animated members, 2D; who leads vocals and keyboards, Murdoc Niccals; handling bass guitar and vocals, Noddle; a guitarist, keyboard and backs vocals and Russel Hobbs who specializes in drums and percussion

  • Life Expectancy Of A Car Battery Essay

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    “How To Determine The Life Expectancy Of A Car Battery” Car battery is the prime part of an automobile. It is an essential part that starts the engine of a car. Moreover, it plays a big role in stabilizing, filtering, giving power for ignition, electrical lighting, and other car accessories. The life expectancy of a car battery is usually around four to six years. And sometimes, car battery does not last longer than your expectation. Anyhow, there are still ways that can help in increasing the life

  • What Is George Patton's Contribution To Society

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    influential figure in American History for a multitude of reasons. His primary contributions were made through his efforts during World War I and World War II. The thing that makes Patton stand out the most is how well he could command his soldiers and his tank crew. Through the years of George Patton’s life, he spent most of his days making himself a better man as well as a better commander and soldier while fighting for the United States Army. His life spanned sixty years from birth on November 11, 1885

  • Summary: Trench Warfare

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    Trench Warfare in World War I During World War I, many new tactics and weapons came about. One of the new tactics was trench warfare. It was used the most from 1914-1918. It changed not only the way the war was fought, but the way the soldiers viewed their enemies. There are positives and negatives to every tactic, especially trench warfare. Trench warfare’s effectiveness directly impacted the war. Because it was not extremely effective, it often tired out the soldiers and prolonged the war. Trench

  • Essay On Orcas In Captivity

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    Imagine you are in a concrete tank, the tank is twice the length of your body and you are alone, you have never been away from your family and there is no way you can escape the tank without assistance. So you try and cry out as loudly as you can and you bang your body against the concrete tank. Just for the chance that maybe they will let you out, and take you back to your home with your family, they give you food; but yet, they still keep you in this little tank. As the hours tick by, the more

  • Ww1 Tank Influence

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    Influence of Tanks in WWI Throughout the course of WWI the face of the earth saw the birth of many new weapons such as poison gas, submarines, and planes. However, the most influential was the tank. Tanks completely changed the way that battles were fought and took away the stalemates of trench warfare. Tanks were not only useful in World War I, but also in World War II and modern day armies. Tanks were a remarkable invention and continue to develop to this day. The original idea of a “tank” was first

  • Why Do We Use Tanks In Ww1

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    The Evolution of Tanks in World War One The allies saw the futility of the stalemate on the western front and had been coming to the realization that simply advancing soldiers into no-man’s land by foot was a surefire way to lose a great number of casualties to the German’s machine guns and artillery fire. A new way to break the stalemate was needed, thus the tank was invented. Initially, tanks were seen as an invention with the potential to help aid infantry by clearing a path into no-man’s land

  • Descriptive Essay About Fear Of Water

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    I'm moving gently forward, over the wild and beautiful, unexplored world below me. I'm floating in silence, and breaking it up with the sound of my breath. Above me, there’s nothing but shimmery light, the place where I've come from, and will go back to when I am done here. I'm going deeper past the wrinkled rocks and dark seaweed, toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait. As I swim through the water, bubbles burst from me, wobbling like little jellyfish as they rise. I would have

  • Warfare In Medieval Europe

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    Medieval Europeans had a variety of weapons and siege craft used for battling. The weapons categories are bladed hand-held, dulled hand-held and long range hand-held. Categories of siege craft include catapults, scaling ladders, siege towers, and battering rams. Another siege strategy is tunneling. Weapons The bladed hand-held category includes swords and daggers. The swords consist of arming swords, broad swords, falchions and long swords. The most famous of these is the arming sword, often called

  • Salient Ypres Research Paper

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    Ypres, Belgium- Yesterday, on April 24, the First Canadian Division won recognition by holding their ground at Salient Ypres, against German 's new weapon of modern warfare, chlorine gas for 2 days. On April 22, the Germans released 160 tons of chlorine gas towards the French accompanied by the Canadians and British, which caused many to asphyxiate by drowning in their own bodily fluids. (Ypres 1915) "The French defences crumbled as many died or fled, leaving a gaping 6 kilometre hole in the Allied

  • Short Essay: Weapons Of World War I

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    weapons and weapon systems. These newly introduced weapons proved fatal to each other and the causalities stacking up to 17 million deaths and over 20 million wounded. The most fatal weapons during the war was artillery/ naval bombardment/ aircraft, tanks, machine guns, rifles and poison gases. Rifles The British standard rifle was the Lee-Enfield.303, and was fed by a magazine of ten .303 calibre rounds. The bolt action Lee-Enfield was robust, reliable rifle and suited the harsh conditions of trench

  • Why Is The Tank Important In Ww1

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    The tank had an interesting role in World War One. The tank was first used at the battle of Flers-Courcelette. Of course just like any new technology there was some problems, a majority of the tanks broke down, but nearly a third succeeded the ones that did succeed did a great deal to end the horrors of trench warfare and brought back some mobility to the Western Front. The idea of the tank came from a development of farming vehicles that could cross difficult land with ease by using caterpillar

  • Art During Ww1 Essay

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    stand-off with machine guns being used in trench warfare, nobody could cross no man's land without getting killed immediately. A solution started to become obvious to the British. The tank was born. An automobile that was heavily armored, with some serious gun power on it, and treads instead of wheels for the tough terrain. The tank could go straight into overwhelming small arms fire. And no man’s land was not a problem for them anymore. During WWI millions of soldiers suffered life threatening injuries

  • Stalin Tank: WWII German Tiger And The Panther

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    The first tank I will explain about is called Stalin Tank. Aka IS Tank. The Stalin got its name from the leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin. What was so unique about this tank is it was designed with heavy armor to counter the 88mm guns on German tanks. This tank was so powerful it had the ability to demolish the WWII German Tiger, and the Panther. The IS tank was the top performer and the driving force of the Red Army in the final stages of WWII. Next is the Panther. The Panther was a medium

  • The Importance Of Nationalism In World War I

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    World War 1 was known as the first modern war, it caused many improvements in military strategy and weapon technology. These improvements included trench warfare, machine guns, tanks, and radio communication. Many of these improvements are still used in wars today. World War 1 was one of the most destructive wars of all time. The fighting between the Central Powers and the Allied Forces caused over 16 million casualties. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the

  • World War I: Technological Advances In Trench Warfare

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    most revolutionary technological advancement that was developed during the war was the immensely armored and nearly indestructible tank. The tank became a significant factor which allowed various competitors to destroy each other at a rapid pace with its highly engineered skeletal structure and its ability to increase the armies mobility across the Western Front. The tank underwent continual improvement, and various models were developed such as, ‘Little Willie’ and ‘Big Willie’. Each newly engineered

  • Water Log Report

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    As far as the circumstances concerning the pool being below the lower limit of 230.80 I have negative knowledge of that as it occurred on the shift presiding mine, which began at 12 noon on the 21st. When I assumed duty on the 21st of Oct at 1200 Hours the Headwater reading was 230.49 and we were at closed river having went to close river at approximately 0600 on the 21st. Although I had a double approaching upon arrival at noon and immediately thereafter 5 recreational Craft locking through as a

  • How Did Germany Build World War 1-12 Tanks

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    Tanks were a new piece of armored artillery that were pioneered before World War One (Dougherty 7). They had many purposes and were different in many ways (Prado). The Germans started creating their first tanks in World War I, and the first model was known as the “A7V Sturmpanzerwagen” (Dougherty 14). According to Dougherty, the A7V was “essentially a large armored box containing the crew of 18 men, the power plant, and up to 7 machine guns plus one 57 millimeter gun. The German tanks grew more

  • Impact Of Technology On Ww1

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    made to better humanity 's future as a whole. The first technology that influenced war was the tank. On September 26th of 1916 the British mark 1 tank saw its first battle, but well before this the Allies began developing vehicles called, armored ‘land ships’ in 1915, but the first tanks didn 't make their way into battle until the following year. They are named due to their resemblance to water tanks, they were first recorded being used in force on during the Battle of

  • David Snead's Analysis

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    George Brown was an American soldier who was commonly referred to as the “doughboy” in World War I. He enlisted almost immediately and served with the 117th Engineering Regiment. From the beginning of his time, to the end, George Brown wrote a great deal of letters to the love of his life, Martha. These letters represent a fascinating first person view of the day-to-day life of an American Soldier during World War I. According to the University of Nebraska Press, David L. Snead skillfully interweaves