Tunisia Essays

  • European Imperialism

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    This ultimately led to the establishment of European based settler-colonies in places such as Tunisia, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Algeria,

  • How Did The Phoenicians Impact Our Society

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    Rachel Stahmann HIS 111-01 Dr. Johnston February 21, 2023 The Phoenicians and Their Lasting Impact Modern society is completely based on past events and experiences. The current state of all communities would be completely different if a portion of the past was rewritten and changed. The Phoenicians are just one group of people who created a lasting impact on the current society through the various trade, expansion, and ideas that they contributed during their time. Once they were given the opportunity

  • How Did The France Respond To The Grain Crisis?

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    Algeria is located in Northern Africa along the Mediterranean coast between Morocco and Tunisia. Algeria has many resources such as oil and has easily-defended harbors which is why many countries such as France wanted to colonize this nation. The French began to colonize Algeria and french colonists poured into Algeria increasing the tension between French rule and the Algerian natives who lived there. As tensions arose, the economy hit a downfall which infuriated the natives, who were used to having

  • The Battle Of Algiers Essay

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    The Battle of Algiers Review The Battle of Algiers chronicle the most volatile points of the Algerian war as the conflict in the nation came to a head. After WW2, many former colonial powers moved towards decolonization. This resulted in the growth of nationalist parties in colonized countries as they saw their chance at independence. France was among those imperial powers, having lost control of many of its colonial holdings while they were occupied during the war. By 1955 most of France's colonies

  • Comparison Of Education In Algeria And US

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    Education in Algeria Life of an Algerian is much different than the life of an American. In the U.S. kids go to school because they have to. In Algeria however, most kids go to school because they want to get away from the struggles at home, and they want to actually learn. Also, Algerian schools offer more classes than the U.S. does, and Algerian students play sports.Algeria schools have great sports, a poor social environment, and many classes. Algeria has a schooling system very similar to that

  • Sociological Ideas Of The Terrorist Attack In Tunisia

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    Tunisian terrorist attack: On Wednesday March 18th 2015, 9 men who were wearing military uniforms stormed Tunisia's national museum shooting and killing 17 foreign tourist and two Tunisians. Also injuring about 50 other innocent people. in one of the worst militant attacks in a country.Two Tunisians, including one police officer involved in the security operation, five Japanese, four Italians, two Colombians, one national each from Australia, France, Spain and Poland, and two other victims who

  • Final Essay

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    At the northern-most part of Africa lies the country of Tunisia. Tunisia’s CultureGram (2014) describes the country has having 63,000 square miles and having hundreds of miles of beaches along the Mediterranean Sea. This country has a variety of landscapes. The Atlas Mountains separate the south of the country that contains dry salt lakes and the border of the Sahara Desert from fertile land of the north of the country. Because of Tunisia’s location, it has a mild climate. The temperature is around

  • Final Essay

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    protection the general public receives by the government. This paper will measure the level of democracy in terms of its associational autonomy portrayed in the North African state of Tunisia, a state building up to a democratic political system. In this essay, I will argue that the quality of associational autonomy in Tunisia meets the requirement of democracy by twenty percent. To quantify, I will reflect on the methods the Tunisian government

  • Compare And Contrast My Personal Experience With The American Education System

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    and compare it to the American Educational system. I came from a small country that is located in the northern part of Africa called “Tunisia”. It has approximately eleven million inhabitants. Both Arabic and French are spoken in Tunisia. I have been in the US for approximately eight months as I came here in August. I remember that elementary education in Tunisia was fun and challenging at the same time. After spending the first two years learning to read, write, count… We have started learning foreign

  • Arab Spring Human Rights

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    Research question To what extent did Human rights play a role in the Arab Spring in Tunisia? This paper highlights the influence of the human rights in the Arab Spring revolution in Tunisia. This will be studied through two theories: liberalism and constructivism. These two approaches will be compared and contrasted throughout this paper. Introduction: From 2010 to 2011, Tunisia was subjected to a revolution from its people which totally changed the whole country by overthrowing the government

  • Episode I In Episode IV: A New Hope

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    moon of Endor. Of these three Outer Rim planets and moon, all the scenes were shot in real-life places and not studio sets. Director George Lucas utilized the diverse geography of planet Earth to turn the science fiction galaxy to life. The arid Tunisia, woodland Del Norte County of California, and snowy Norway have all been immortalized as Endor, Tatooine, and Hoth. The complexity and outer-worldly composition of the Star Wars films was masterfully filmed utilizing the diverse regions of Earth.

  • Similarities Between The French Revolution And Arabian Revolution

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    opposite which is differences. Thesis: The French revolution and the Arab Spring revolution in Tunisia began with people protesting for their political rights, and they also both caused economic instability. However, they were different because technology had a greater impact on the Tunisian revolution. Body paragraph 1: In the two revolutions, the French Revolution and Arab Spring revolution in Tunisia, political protests was the factor which they had in common. In the French Revolution the storming

  • Examples Of Martyrdom In Antigone

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    Antigone, a play by Sophocles, was written thousands of years before some of the world's greatest rebellions and acts of martyrdom, such as Mohammed in Tunisia in 2010, yet it still portrays the same human nature of defying laws of the land.The main character, Antigone, rebels against the king of Thebes by burying her brother, knowing the harsh punishment for doing so, therefore making her a martyr for her personal beliefs. The news of her death sentence brings outrage to the people of Thebes, including

  • MG Fredendall's Verbal Orders

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    10. Americans: MG Fredendall’s verbal orders were often vague and imprecise. (While a quote was an attempt at OPSEC over the phone, it was simply too unorthodox to be considered a proper movement order for an entire brigade sized element. Other examples also exist of Fredendall’s imprecise manner such as: “Go get ‘em at once….Go smash ‘em” and: “Everything is rosy”, the troops “went to town”). These orders allowed for the possibility of misinterpretation and thus confusion of subordinate missions

  • Comparison And Contrast Essay

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    Contrasting Lebanon and Yemen with Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, the former’s revolutionary processes differ from the latter because of their religious divisions. Lebanon is a country with many divisions, and those sects have inter-sects, which makes it extremely difficult to organize a unified force. Due to this, it is nearly impossible to organize a movement that is strong enough to overthrow the government. Yemen is faced with a Zaydi Shiite rebel group against the Sunni government, resulting

  • The Importance Of Immigrants In Italy

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    A recent article by “Il Corriere della Sera” stated that the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa saw the arrival of over 40,000 migrants from Tunisia and Libya, all seeking refuge for a better life in Europe. Although the majority of the Italian population believe that immigration affects the Italian economy, the level of delinquency rises given the lack of immigrants’ work, and the country undergoes political conflicts, I strongly believe that immigrants should be legally allowed in Italy since they

  • Kasserine Pass Essay

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    be analyzed (where, who, when). The Battle of Kasserine Pass took place between Allied Forces and Axis Forces in February of 1943 as part of the invasion of Tunisia during the North African Campaign of WWII under Operation Torch. Kasserine Pass itself is a 2 mile wide gap in the West Dorsal chain of the Atlas Mountains in west central Tunisia. The Allied Forces of the US II Corp were led by MG Lloyd Fredendall. Primary at the Kasserine Pass was the US 1st Armored Division supplemented by elements

  • Malcolm Gladwell's Small Change

    337 Words  | 2 Pages

    The essay “Small Change” by Malcolm Gladwell gives a brief explanation of a 1960’s boycott sit-in organized by a small group of African Americans who weren’t allowed to sit at the snack bar that was reserved for Caucasians. Gladwell used this example to further elaborate about how high-risk activism requires a strong hierarchical structure in order to thrive. “Tweet like an Egyptian” is about the Arabs that are located throughout Africa and the Middle East gaining access to social networking. Attaining

  • Cultural Personal Statement

    548 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am a first generation American. Both of my parents are from Tunisia, a nation whose location is unknown to most my schoolmates. I have always kept in touch with my Tunisian culture; I have visited Tunisia numerous times, as all of my extended family resides there. I was lucky to be raised in a multicultural household, with both Tunisian and American cultures being the prevalent cultures at home. This multicultural aspect is dominant in all aspects of home life; language, cuisine, and recreation

  • Operation Torch Case Study

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    - Seize and control the airports and ports from Casablanca to Tunisia. - To convince the French and Spanish key military leaders’ to support the operation TORCH. - To destroy the enemy supply system. 7. b. - Combat support from Italy and Sicily (CV) – the Allies control of the airports and ports from Casablanca to Tunisia will help to mitigate the combat support for the Axis operations from the operational bases in Italy and Sicily. Therefore, the Allies would gain the air superiority to support