Ventricle Essays

  • Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper

    689 Words  | 3 Pages

    Christina Markevich 10/29/2015 Congestive Heart Failure What is Congestive Heart Failure? Congestive Heart Failure is something that occurs when the heart is no longer able to pump enough blood to the rest of the body, or when is just is not able to pump blood as well as it should. Some people happen to have either of these problems, some people have both. What causes the heart to become weaker? There is a number of causes, but most of all, the arteries may narrow in the heart. That is another

  • Heart Auscultation Case Summary

    455 Words  | 2 Pages

    (S4 atrial gallop), heard during the patient’s physical examination, is often an abnormal finding due to reduction in ventricular wall compliance.1,2 Additionally, S4 occurs due to rapid deceleration of active blood flow due to a nondistensible ventricle.2 S4 can be heard in patients with hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and acute myocardial infarction (AMI).1,2

  • Mitral Valve Regurgitation Essay

    858 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mitral valve regurgitation is one of the few heart conditions you may unknowingly have for years and learn to live with the affects of this condition before ever being diagnosed. Mitral valve regurgitation occurs when the mitral valve is letting blood leak backward into the upper chambers of the heart. The mitral valve is located between your heart’s two left chambers . Mitral valve regurgitation, or mitral insufficiency as it is known, is a common heart valve disorder. It is a disorder affecting

  • Essay On Cesarean Section

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    Childbirth is a normal part of everyone’s lives. All humans are delivered through childbirth, and those who are born grow into a toddler, a child, a teen and to an adult. While the most known method is vaginal birth, sometimes this does not work because of dangers. The Cesarean section is a type of surgery where the baby is extracted from the abdomen. This method can come with benefits; but with many consequences as well. The C section (as it is often called) is where the delivery of a baby happens

  • Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery Case Study

    902 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) is the most common aortic arch anomaly. The estimated incidence is 0.5-2%. They are often asymptomatic, but approximately 10% of people may complain of dysphagia lusoria4 or other compressive symptoms. In ARSA of the Innominate artery, the right subclavian artery arises as its own branch from the aortic arch distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. Its relationship to the esophagus is variable with 80% posterior to esophagus, 15% between the esophagus

  • Heart Failure: A Case Study

    673 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. Heart failure does not mean that your heart has stopped or is about to stop working. It means that your heart is not able to pump blood the way it should. It can affect one or both sides of the heart” (Chung 2013). Mrs. Organa because your heart pumps is weak, the blood flow moves at a slower pace inhibiting sufficient nutrients and oxygen needed to meet the body requirements. It is important to make

  • Essay On Left Ventricle Hypertrophy

    776 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction: Left ventricle hypertrophy can cause congestive heart failure to the patient. Common cause of the disease is due to the hypertension. If left ventricle hypertrophy is untreated, it will easily causes congestive heart failure. Abstract: The reasons that why I setup this hypothesis is because the patient have chest pain, this pain may come from congestive heart failure. Besides, the patient has medical history, such as hypertension and diabetes which increase the chance of chronic heart

  • Heart Sound Lab Report

    3126 Words  | 13 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Phonocardiogram is a physiological signal that results from the vibrations created by closure of heart valves and it represents the recording of the heart sound signal. A normal cardiac cycle is comprised of two major sounds- first sound (S1) and the second heart sound (S2). The first heart sound has four components in it, due to the closure of AV and semilunar valves. The second heart sound has two components, one due to closure of aortic valve and another due to closure of pulmonary

  • Open Heart Surgery Research Paper

    1150 Words  | 5 Pages

    prevent any heart problems from occurring, but as that is not entirely possible new devices are helping save people 's lives. Three devices and treatments that are being used in hospitals today include, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Left Ventricle Assist Device and a MitraClip. These treatments and devices are making a huge impact on how heart problems are being treated in hospitals to save people 's hearts and lives. With

  • Congenital Heart Defect Essay

    416 Words  | 2 Pages

    A young couple wakes in their beds , the first day home since they had their baby. But something is wrong, their child is not in its’ crib, instead he is still in the hospital , the neonatal intensive care unit to be exact. He has to have surgery ,because he was born with a congenital heart defect. What are congenital heart defects? In order to understand congenital heart defects, first we must understand what those words mean. Congenital means something one is born with, therefore congenital heart

  • Left Ventricle Dysfunction Case Study

    1035 Words  | 5 Pages

    Based on the symptoms of Mr. Rowan is having shown that he is suffering from left ventricle dysfunction. It started with the decrease in the cardiac output, the venous pressure increases and causes the fluid to be leak out from the blood into the interstitial fluid. In the lung, the fluid leakage causes dyspnea due to pulmonary edema and a productive cough is a response in cleaning the fluid inside of the lung. The increase in the systemic venous pressure forces the extravasation of fluid to dependent

  • Mitral Valve Research Paper

    1071 Words  | 5 Pages

    The mitral valve, which is also sometimes referred to as the bicuspid valve, is one of the four cardiac valves1 in the heart, located beneath the left atrium and above the left ventricle (Figure 1), preventing backflow of blood between these two chambers of the heart. The word mitral comes from the latin word mitra which translates as a turban or belt2. Figure 1 Diagram showing where the heart chambers, blood vessels and valves are located3 Figure 2 Cross section of the heart, showing

  • Analysis Of Paul Cardall's Before My Heart Stops

    637 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Before My Heart Stops is the memoir of Paul Cardall who was born with a congenital heart defect and his life, faith, disappoint, sorrow, heart transplant, and the new chance of life. Cardall was born with a double inlet left ventricle (DILV) and had his first surgery in less of 24 hours of birth and parents were given the news that their infant son life expectancy was short. Cardall, at the age of 36 was the longest living person with congenital heart defect/disease in the state

  • Atrial Septal Defect Essay

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    (this is low-oxygen blood), and blood on the left side of the heart stays on the left side (this is oxygen-rich blood) which is then pumped to the rest of the body. But in this particular condition when a defect or "hole" is present between the ventricles (or lower chambers), blood from the left side of the heart is forced through the defect to the right side every time the heart beats. It then goes back to the lungs even though it is already rich in oxygen. Because of this, blood that is not yet

  • Describe The Difference Between Atria And Ventricles

    341 Words  | 2 Pages

    four chambers: two atria (left and right) and two ventricles (left and right). The two atria chambers are located at the top of the heart; whereas, the two ventricles are located at the bottom of the heart. The chambers help blood flow smoothly through the heart. The atria chambers are the receiving chambers. Their objective is to receive blood returning to the heart. The blood flow into the atria from the veins and fill the ventricles. The ventricles are the discharged chambers. This is how the blood

  • Bileaflet Valve Research Paper

    1165 Words  | 5 Pages

    prevent calcification that was prevalent in the previous mechanical valves. Calcification occurs when calcium deposits stick to the valve flaps which hinders the movement of the valve and the ability to allow fluid to move back in the atrium or ventricle that it originally came from. The structure of the bileaflet heart valve is fairly simple. It is composed of a suture ring that attaches to heart tissue after the hold valve is removed. There are two leaflets that attach to the outer circle and move

  • Persuasive Essay On Open Heart Surgery

    1856 Words  | 8 Pages

    “An average heart has four chambers; two upper, called the atria and two lower, called the ventricles. The right side of the heart receives blood that is returning from the body. This oxygen-lacking blood arrives in the right atrium, where it is pumped into the right ventricle.” (Blaser). This is the structure of the heart, an organ every person in the world has, and that so happens to be the most important organ in an organism’s body. The heart helps people get oxygen, keep the organs alive, and

  • Essay On Congenital Heart Disease

    785 Words  | 4 Pages

    Congenital heart disease is a problem with the structure of the heart. It is present at birth. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect. The defects can involve the walls of the heart, the valves of the heart, and the arteries and the veins near the heart. They can disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart. The blood flow can slow down, go in the wrong direction or to the wrong place, or be blocked completely. The sign and symptoms of severe defects in newborns

  • Artificial Heart Valves Research Paper

    584 Words  | 3 Pages

    Based on the anatomy of the heart, heart tissue, and the heart valves, certain material specifications need to be taken into consideration to ensure that artificial heart valves function like normal healthy heart valves. When one of the four heart valves can no longer function sufficiently it may need to be replaced with an artificial heart valve. There are two main types of artificial heart valves: mechanical, and biological. Mechanical heart valves can be grouped by their method of implantation;

  • Supraventricular Tachycardia Case Studies

    838 Words  | 4 Pages

    Supraventricular Tachycardia, Pediatric Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm in children. It can make a child’s heart beat very quickly. This can be frightening, but it is rarely dangerous. Episodes of SVT start suddenly and usually go away on their own. Children with SVT usually do not have other heart abnormalities. Most babies with SVT outgrow it by the time they are one year old. Older children may need treatment if the episodes are frequent and