The Nuremberg Laws And The Protection Of German Blood And German Honor

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The Nuremberg Laws had consisted of two unmistakable laws. Those laws were Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. The Reich Citizenship law singles out Jews not for their religious practices, but for racial antisemitism. Family genealogy is used to distinguish the Jewish. For example, in the “Nuremberg Laws” it states, “ People with three or more grandparents born into the Jewish religious community were Jews by law” (3). Also, the racial status was inherited by children and grandchildren. Furthermore, the Law for Protection of German Blood and German Honor had been placed to banned marriage between a Jew from marrying a non-Jew German. The law had also “...criminalized sexual relations between them…” (“Nuremberg Laws”). …show more content…

These laws allowed the Jewish to be persecuted for being their race, or marrying a non-Jew. Each law allowed more antisemitic laws to be pass. Which helped Hitler gain power, while Jewish people were losing power. For instance, in the section “The Nuremberg Race Laws” it describes, “In 1937 and 1938, the government set out to impoverish Jews by requiring them to register their property and then by “Aryanizing” Jewish businesses” (5). The laws did not only affect Jewish businesses, but other occupations such as doctors and lawyers. Those who were Jewish lawyers could not practice, due to the race laws. Jewish doctors may not diagnosed non-Jew patients anymore. The result of Nuremberg Race Laws had taken away marriage rights, gave a racial status, and taken away businesses and occupations away from the Jewish. In the end, the Nuremberg Laws were the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, and the foundation of antisemitic

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