Why Is Benedict Arnold Considered A Traitor

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The world’s most well known traitor was once a Patriot during the Revolutionary War. He betrayed his friends and country within a blink of an eye. This was something no one expected.
The former militia man in the French and Indian War and ex-general during the Revolutionary War, well known as Benedict Arnold, was born in Norwich, Connecticut. He was born on January 14th, 1741. As a child, Benedict’s life was a challenge. He came from a family with a father that was the reason the family was in debt, while Arnold’s mother came close to him and taught him education and the importance of respect. He was soon pulled out of school due to his father’s debts. Mrs. Arnold believed that her son was sent to her through a “saint on earth” (Wells). Along …show more content…

Then in 1767 he met and married his first wife, Margaret Mansfield. They had three sons together within the next five years. Because of his history as a militia man, he entered the Revolutionary war as a militia captain. The first major battle he lead his men into was the capture of Fort Ticonderoga in New York. Benedict also took part in the Battle of Quebec and the Battles of Saratoga. His work ethics and war strategies brought him great success and gave him a magnificent …show more content…

They then marched to Freeman’s Farm. On September 19th, General John Burgoyne attacked. In defense of the land, Major General Benedict Arnold lead Colonel Daniel Morgan’s men and Henry Dearborn’s men to block off British troops. Once the battle reached the clearing at Freeman’s Farm, General Horatio Gates declared the battle to an end. Burgoyne took claim of the the land and made camp, waiting “for reinforcements from New York” (Battle of Saratoga). When Burgoyne decided that the reinforcements weren’t coming, he attempted a second attack on October 7. Arnold ignored Gates orders of not attacking and joined the battle. His men were able to run Burgoyne’s men up to Saratoga where Gates’ army surrounded them and forced them to

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