Name Index — B
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- Babbitt, Bruce
- Secretary of the Interior, 1993-2001 (under Clinton)
- Bacon, Robert
- Secretary of State, 1909 (under T. Roosevelt)
- Badger, George E.
- Secretary of the Navy, 1841 (under W.H. Harrison)
- Secretary of the Navy, 1841 (under Tyler)
- Baker, James A., III
- Secretary of State, 1989-92 (under G.H.W. Bush)
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1985-88 (under Reagan)
- Baker, Newton D.
- Secretary of War, 1916-21 (under Wilson)
- Baldrige, Malcolm
- Secretary of Commerce, 1981-87 (under Reagan)
- Ballinger, Richard A.
- Secretary of the Interior, 1909-11 (under Taft)
- Bancroft, George
- Secretary of the Navy, 1845-46 (under Polk)
- Barbour, James
- Secretary of War, 1825-28 (under J.Q. Adams)
- Barkley, Alben W.
- Vice President of the United States, 1949-53 (under Truman)
- Barr, Joseph W.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1968-69 (under L. Johnson)
- Barr, William P.
- Attorney General, 1991-93 (under G.H.W. Bush)
- Barry, William T.
- Postmaster General, 1829-35 (under Jackson)
- Bates, Edward
- Attorney General, 1861-64 (under Lincoln)
- Bayard, Thomas F.
- Secretary of State, 1885-89 (under Cleveland)
- Belknap, William W.
- Secretary of War, 1869-76 (under Grant)
- Bell, Griffin B.
- Attorney General, 1977-79 (under Carter)
- Bell, John
- Election loss to Lincoln, 1860
- Secretary of War, 1841 (under W.H. Harrison)
- Secretary of War, 1841 (under Tyler)
- Bell, Terrel H.
- Secretary of Education, 1981-85 (under Reagan)
- Bennett, William J.
- Secretary of Education, 1985-88 (under Reagan)
- Benson, Ezra Taft
- Secretary of Agriculture, 1953-61 (under Eisenhower)
- Bentsen, Lloyd M.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1993-94 (under Clinton)
- Bergland, Robert S.
- Secretary of Agriculture, 1977-81 (under Carter)
- Berrien, John M.
- Attorney General, 1829-31 (under Jackson)
- Bibb, George M.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1844-45 (under Tyler)
- Biddle, Francis B.
- Attorney General, 1941-45 (under F. Roosevelt)
- Attorney General, 1945 (under Truman)
- Bissell, Wilson S.
- Postmaster General, 1893-95 (under Cleveland)
- Black, Jeremiah S.
- Attorney General, 1857-60 (under Buchanan)
- Secretary of State, 1860-61 (under Buchanan)
- Blaine, James G.
- Election loss to Cleveland, 1884
- Secretary of State, 1881 (under Garfield)
- Secretary of State, 1881 (under Arthur)
- Secretary of State, 1889-92 (under B. Harrison)
- Blair, Montgomery
- Postmaster General, 1861-64 (under Lincoln)
- Bliss, Cornelius N.
- Secretary of the Interior, 1897-1899 (under McKinley)
- Block, John R.
- Secretary of Agriculture, 1981-86 (under Reagan)
- Blount, Winton M.
- Postmaster General, 1969-71 (under Nixon)
- Blumenthal, W. Michael
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1979-81 (under Carter)
- Blythe, William Jefferson, III
- Father of William Jefferson Clinton
- Bodman, Samuel W.
- Secretary of Energy, 2005- (under G.W. Bush)
- Bonaparte, Charles J.
- Attorney General, 1906-09 (under T. Roosevelt)
- Secretary of the Navy, 1905-06 (under T. Roosevelt)
- Booth, John Wilkes
- Assassin of Abraham Lincoln
- Borie, Adolph E.
- Secretary of the Navy, 1869 (under Grant)
- Boutwell, George S.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1869-73 (under Grant)
- Bowen, Otis R.
- Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1985-89 (under Reagan)
- Boyd, Alan S.
- Secretary of Transportation, 1967-69 (under L. Johnson)
- Bradford, William
- Attorney General, 1794-95 (under Washington)
- Brady, Nicholas F.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1988-89 (under Reagan)
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1989-93 (under G.H.W. Bush)
- Branch, John
- Secretary of the Navy, 1829-31 (under Jackson)
- Brannan, Charles F.
- Secretary of Agriculture, 1948-53 (under Truman)
- Breckinridge, John
- Attorney General, 1805-06 (under Jefferson)
- Breckinridge, John C.
- Election loss to Lincoln, 1860
- Vice President of the United States, 1857-61 (under Buchanan)
- Brennan, Peter J.
- Secretary of Labor, 1973-74 (under Nixon)
- Secretary of Labor, 1974-75 (under Ford)
- Brewster, Benjamin H.
- Attorney General, 1882-85 (under Arthur)
- Brinegar, Claude S.
- Secretary of Transportation, 1973-74 (under Nixon)
- Secretary of Transportation, 1974-75 (under Ford)
- Bristow, Benjamin H.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1874-76 (under Grant)
- Britton, Nan
- Mistress of Warren Gamaliel Harding
- Brock, William
- Secretary of Labor, 1985-87 (under Reagan)
- Brown, Aaron V.
- Postmaster General, 1859-61 (under Buchanan)
- Brown, Benjamin Gratz
- Election loss to Grant, 1872
- Brown, Harold
- Secretary of Defense, 1977-81 (under Carter)
- Brown, Jesse
- Secretary of Veterans Affairs, 1993-97 (under Clinton)
- Brown, Ronald H.
- Secretary of Commerce, 1993-96 (under Clinton)
- Brown, Walter F.
- Postmaster General, 1929-33 (under Hoover)
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr.
- Attorney General, 1953-57 (under Eisenhower)
- Browning, Orville
- Secretary of the Interior, 1866-69 (under A. Johnson)
- Bryan, William J.
- Election loss to McKinley, 1896, 1900
- Election loss to Taft, 1908
- Secretary of State, 1913-15 (under Wilson)
- Buchanan, Elizabeth Speer
- Mother of James Buchanan
- Buchanan, James
- Father of James Buchanan
- Buchanan, James
- President of the United States, 1857-61
- Secretary of State, 1845-49 (under Polk)
- Burleson, Albert S.
- Postmaster General, 1913-21 (under Wilson)
- Burnley, James H.
- Secretary of Transportation, 1987-89 (under Reagan)
- Burr, Aaron
- Election loss to Washington, 1792
- Election loss to J. Adams, 1796
- Election loss to Jefferson, 1800
- Vice President of the United States, 1801-05 (under Jefferson)
- Bush, Barbara Pierce
- Mother of George Walker Bush
- Wife of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Barbara Pierce
- Daughter of George Walker Bush
- Bush, Dorothy
- Daughter of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Dorothy Walker
- Mother of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, George Herbert Walker
- Election loss to Clinton, 1992
- Father of George Walker Bush
- President of the United States, 1989-93
- Vice President of the United States, 1981-89 (under Reagan)
- Bush, George Walker
- President of the United States, 2001-
- Son of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Jenna Welch
- Daughter of George Walker Bush
- Bush, John Ellis "Jeb"
- Son of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Laura Welch
- Wife of George Walker Bush
- Bush, Marvin
- Son of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Neil
- Son of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Prescott Sheldon
- Father of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Bush, Robin
- Daughter of George Herbert Walker Bush
- Butler, Benjamin F.
- Attorney General, 1833-37 (under Jackson)
- Attorney General, 1837-38 (under Van Buren)
- Butz, Earl L.
- Secretary of Agriculture, 1971-74 (under Nixon)
- Secretary of Agriculture, 1974-76 (under Ford)
- Byrnes, James F.
- Secretary of State, 1945-47 (under Truman)
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