Name Index — S
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- Sargent, John G.
- Attorney General, 1925-29 (under Coolidge)
- Sawyer, Charles
- Secretary of Commerce, 1948-53 (under Truman)
- Saxbe, William B.
- Attorney General, 1973-74 (under Nixon)
- Attorney General, 1974-75 (under Ford)
- Schlesinger, James R.
- Secretary of Defense, 1973-74 (under Nixon)
- Secretary of Defense, 1974-75 (under Ford)
- Secretary of Energy, 1977-79 (under Carter)
- Schofield, John M.
- Secretary of War, 1868-69 (under A. Johnson)
- Schurz, Carl
- Secretary of the Interior, 1877-81 (under Hayes)
- Schweiker, Richard S.
- Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1981-83 (under Reagan)
- Schwellenbach, Lewis B.
- Secretary of Labor, 1945-48 (under Truman)
- Scott, Winfield
- Election loss to Pierce, 1852
- Seaton, Frederick A.
- Secretary of the Interior, 1956-61 (under Eisenhower)
- Seward, William H.
- Secretary of State, 1861-65 (under Lincoln)
- Secretary of State, 1865-69 (under A. Johnson)
- Seymour, Horatio
- Election loss to Grant, 1868
- Shalala, Donna E.
- Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1993-2001 (under Clinton)
- Shaw, Leslie M.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1902-07 (under T. Roosevelt)
- Sherman, James S.
- Vice President of the United States, 1909-12 (under Taft)
- Sherman, John
- Secretary of State, 1897-98 (under McKinley)
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1877-81 (under Hayes)
- Sherman, William T.
- Secretary of War, 1869 (under Grant)
- Shultz, George P.
- Secretary of Labor, 1969-70 (under Nixon)
- Secretary of State, 1982-89 (under Reagan)
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1972-74 (under Nixon)
- Simon, William E.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1974 (under Nixon)
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1974-77 (under Ford)
- Skinner, Samuel
- Secretary of Transportation, 1989-91 (under G.H.W. Bush)
- Slater, Rodney
- Secretary of Transportation, 1997-2001 (under Clinton)
- Smith, Alfred E.
- Election loss to Hoover, 1928
- Smith, Caleb B.
- Secretary of the Interior, 1861-63 (under Lincoln)
- Smith, Charles Emory
- Postmaster General, 1898-1901 (under McKinley)
- Postmaster General, 1901-02 (under T. Roosevelt)
- Smith, Cyrus R.
- Secretary of Commerce, 1968-69 (under L. Johnson)
- Smith, Hoke
- Secretary of the Interior, 1893-96 (under Cleveland)
- Smith, Robert
- Secretary of the Navy, 1801-09 (under Jefferson)
- Secretary of State, 1809-11 (under Madison)
- Smith, William French
- Attorney General, 1981-85 (under Reagan)
- Snow, John W.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 2003- (under G.W. Bush)
- Snyder, John W.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1946-53 (under Truman)
- Southard, Samuel L.
- Secretary of the Navy, 1823-25 (under Monroe)
- Secretary of the Navy, 1825-29 (under J.Q. Adams)
- Speed, James
- Attorney General, 1864-65 (under Lincoln)
- Attorney General, 1865-66 (under A. Johnson)
- Spellings, Margaret
- Secretary of Education, 2005- (under G.W. Bush)
- Spencer, John C.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1843-44 (under Tyler)
- Secretary of War, 1841-43 (under Tyler)
- Stanbery, Henry
- Attorney General, 1866-68 (under A. Johnson)
- Stans, Maurice H.
- Secretary of Commerce, 1969-72 (under Nixon)
- Stanton, Edwin M.
- Attorney General, 1860-61 (under Buchanan)
- Secretary of War, 1862-65 (under Lincoln)
- Secretary of War, 1865-68 (under A. Johnson)
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.
- Secretary of State, 1944-45 (under F. Roosevelt)
- Secretary of State, 1945 (under Truman)
- Stevenson, Adlai E.
- Vice President of the United States, 1893-97 (under Cleveland)
- Stevenson, Adlai E.
- Election loss to Eisenhower, 1952, 1956
- Stimson, Henry L.
- Secretary of State, 1929-33 (under Hoover)
- Secretary of War, 1911-13 (under Taft)
- Secretary of War, 1940-45 (under F. Roosevelt)
- Secretary of War, 1945 (under Truman)
- Stoddert, Benjamin
- Secretary of the Navy, 1798-1801 (under J. Adams)
- Secretary of the Navy, 1801 (under Jefferson)
- Stone, Harlan F.
- Attorney General, 1924-25 (under Coolidge)
- Straus, Oscar S.
- Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 1906-09 (under T. Roosevelt)
- Strauss, Lewis
- Secretary of Commerce, 1958-59 (under Eisenhower)
- Stuart, Alexander H. H.
- Secretary of the Interior, 1850-53 (under Fillmore)
- Sullivan, Louis W.
- Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1989-93 (under G.H.W. Bush)
- Summerfield, Arthur E.
- Postmaster General, 1953-61 (under Eisenhower)
- Summers, Lawrence H.
- Secretary of the Treasury, 1999-2001 (under Clinton)
- Swanson, Claude A.
- Secretary of the Navy, 1933-39 (under F. Roosevelt)
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