How to Read Literature Like a Professor

Reading literature like a professor is an invaluable skill that can help any reader gain more insight and understanding of the texts they are reading. In his book, “How to Read Literature Like a Professor,” Thomas C. Foster outlines various techniques for unlocking hidden meanings in literature. He explains how readers should be aware of literary devices such as symbols, motifs, archetypes, and patterns that will enable them to better comprehend what lies beneath the surface of each text they read. Additionally, he emphasizes how knowledge of literary history can enhance one's ability to understand certain references made within works of fiction or poetry. By taking into account different elements such as cultural context and historical allusions when analyzing literature, readers will have access to deeper interpretations than those provided by simply looking at plot structure or character development alone.

Foster also encourages readers not only to look for symbolism but also apply it while exploring multiple perspectives on the same text; this could mean considering authorial intent alongside audience reaction in order to uncover its true meaning(s). Furthermore, examining genre conventions offers further insight into why certain stories are told in particular ways; with this method being particularly useful when trying to interpret pieces of classic literature which may require some additional research outside the scope of just reading the work itself. All these tools combined make up Foster’s overall strategy for developing an analytical approach toward every piece one reads: no matter if it is classical or contemporary, applying these methods provides endless possibilities for interpretation.