10 Tips About Successful Families

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10 Quick Tips About Successful Families

Addiction is a disease that affects not just the addict but the entire family. Families that have come together to facilitate successful addiction recovery know this and provide addicted family members with lots of love at home and the right kinds of support during their stay at drug rehab in Utah. Here are 10 tips to help your family be an addiction success story.

1. A clear understanding of how their addiction affects others motivates some addicts toward recovery. Share the issues addiction has created for you openly with your loved one rather than hiding them or softening the blow. Don't be overly emotional or dramatic but do keep your account descriptive and accurate.

2. Understand that the path …show more content…

Get everyone help. Addiction affects every member of the family and beating it takes cooperation from all involved. Therapy and support groups offer help and comfort for those struggling to help an addict they love and often prevent them from accidentally slipping back into enabling behaviors. Find others who have been there and learn from them while you lean on them.

5. The only financial assistance you and your family should provide to your addict is help paying for care at a treatment facility. All other financial assistance will somehow be used to feed the addiction. Make sure your entire family and extended family understands this.

6. Be open about the problem. It is tempting to be tight-lipped when a friend or family member suffers from addiction. Your first impulse it to protect them, their job and their reputation. This behavior is quite harmful, however, as people may inadvertently and unknowingly help an addict use if they are not aware of his problem. The more people are aware of the situation, the more people can watch for behavioral cues that something is amiss. There will also be more people to hold the user …show more content…

Don't wait for your loved one to hit bottom before offering help and addressing the issue. Sometimes the bottom is death or incarceration. Most addicts have some understanding that their behavior is self-destructive. Though they may not yet be ready to hear your message, keep repeating it until they are. The goal is to step in and get help before they hit bottom if at all possible. Don't let anger, denial or guilt trips stop you from stating your concerns and acknowledging the problem, even if you're the only one doing so at the moment.

8. Have a treatment plan at the ready. You never know what might trigger an addicted person to decide it's time to get help or when it will happen, so be ready when they do. Know where the person needs to go and how to get them there. Leave immediately for treatment as soon as the person agrees rather than giving them time to change their mind. Have insurance information, clothing and other admission needs at the ready so you can jump into action without hesitation. If your loved one leave rehab and then relapses, make your preparations anew so you're ready the next time as