
12 Years A Slave Historically Accurate

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I watched the movie 12 Years a Slave. The movies is set a few years before the Civil War, Solomon Northup, a freed black man from New York, is kidnapped and sold as slave in the Southern region of the country. Northup is treated to the brutally and crulely by one malicious owner, however, he also finds unexpected kindness from a different owner, as he struggles continually to survive and keep some of his dignity. Then in the twelfth year of the disheartening and demoralizing situation, a serendipitous encounter with an abolitionist changes Northup’s life forever. The movie was very moving, enlightening and educational. I thought that the cinematography in 12 Years a Slave was exceptional and, all the people acting in the movie did a great job. The movie 12 Years a Slave does an amazing job of depicting how brutal and degrading slavery really was. I think that most of the movie is historically accurate and there aren’t very many historically inaccurate scene. The most inaccurate scene that sticks out to me is the scene in the film, is shortly after Northup is kidnapped, he is on a ship headed south. A sailor enters the below deck area where the slaves are being held and is about to rape one of the slave women, suddenly a male slave stops this from happening by pushing the sailor away. The sailor without stopping or thinking stabs and …show more content…

In the face of fear and peril the other slaves try to ignore Northup and pretend to be busy their daily routines. This scene was impactful to me because it showed how wicked and ruthless the slave owners were. It also conveyed how terribly the slaves were treated that they were terrified to even slightly step “out of line”. Overall I thought that scene was one of the most impactful because it did a good job of showing just how awfully slaves were

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