1865-1910 Dbq Essay

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The United States expanding across the world was caused by many things. During the time from 1865-1910, one of U.S.’s goals was to get rid of European presence in the Americas, and cast an American presence all over the world. The reason for America to grasp control like they want to, is so they can benefit themselves in numerous ways. The objective of this goal was drawn up by the U.S. government, not exactly the people. The main reason for American expansion during the time of 1865-1910 was to gain more global power, strengthen economically, and the people felt a religous movement to expand. First, one of the reasons for American expansion was to gain more global power. Document one is from the treaty signed between Russia and Seward. The …show more content…

Document three is by Captain Mahan who strives for a better navy. The document states America is ready to expand its markets across the world, but the only thing holding them back is the Navy. The Navy needs to be stronger for America to have safe and secure foreign markets(Document 3). The document demonstrates how America is pushing for expansion, but they physically could not due to an inadequate navy. Document five expresses how America gives China a complete safety net, and how the American government will watch over China until a solution is found. The true reason for America to do this is because America can take over ports and increase trade. This trade will highly benefit America. One last reason for expansion due to economical reasons is that America had more goods to sell to the world. During the time between 1865-1910, America's factories, big business, and agriculture all skyrocketed. Factories were booming because many Americans were moving to the cities. Big business that produced goods helped spread economics to the world scene. The agricultural revolution helped crops be harvested way better and faster, allowing for crops to make an appearance at the world scene. The great improvements that factories, big business, and agriculture brought, pushed hard for America to expand, and