I wasn’t surprised to know that people in the 1900’s felt controlled by their mass Medias. In their time mass media consisted of newspaper, radio, and television. Today our version of mass media consists of a lot of variety of electronics. The biggest form of mass media is the internet. The internet, has granted us with vast amounts of information. It’s really powerful it has had a great force on media. In the years where internet was still not available they only had newspaper and radios. Normally newspapers and radio have opinionated people with their own opinions and beliefs. People listened to this and really they had no other ways to get their resources. To the public if some of these opinions and beliefs sounded reasonable why not agree. …show more content…
Anyone can go online and submit their own opinions and beliefs. Everyone today uses the internet as an everyday resource. The bad part about all this is that as long as it sounds reasonable or you can relate you may want to believe.
Most of us are unaware that we don’t know how much media we use. Some can use it for hours and not feel the time flying by. It’s a way of entertainment and people just see it as that. Television could have been a form of the internet back then. Television consists of news, movies, shows, cartoon, ect. Some people maybe just didn’t know when to stop. I don’t think we are able to distinguish the good and bad effects of excessive internet. The bad effects on excessive use can be having to recharge your phone more than once. You will not see it as excessive use. Instead you will just think to yourself oh my phone need to be charged. All the forms of mass media back then could have had people that didn’t have the kind of electronic in