1920's Economic Changes

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The European economy during this period between conflict actually improved. Income convergence kept going and even grew. It wasn’t just the rich countries, but all of the countries in Europe saw economic improvement early in the 1920’s. The rich countries tended to come together in times of peace whether or not their economies were unified. This tells us that the factors of trade and labor aren’t the only aspects that cause income to fluctuate. Although these differences could be caused by less important forces like diffusion of information and technology. The European migration during the early part of the 1920’s consisted of Germans leaving the territories of Ukraine ,and Czechoslovakia to return to their maiden country of Germany. Additionally, France and Poland needed workers for the rebuilding of their own countries, so they recruited men and their families to provide the necessary labor force. Russia’s governmental officials moved a large amount of the prisoners to Siberia where military colonization was …show more content…

That way when the war was over there would have been jobs for the workers that built things for the war to transition into post war products to trade with countries throughout the war. This transition to post war products would have helped the migration of whole families to remain in in their own communities, because jobs would already exist in their own communities and they’d be more likely to stay where they were. World War 2 might have ultimately saved our world economy, but I don’t think that was Hitler’s plan. It might have saved our economy but it was a horrible price to pay for it. All of the people that were killed and the families that were torn apart just because of their religion was unnecessary. In my point of view, the war was over a ridiculous topic and should have been avoided with peace between all the nations of the