1984 George Orwell Analysis

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Another influential factor in substantiating the society or country to have totalitarian government is the brutal torture and violence exercised by the dominant leaders to their people. In North Korea, Kim Jong Il has created concentration camps with the purpose of isolating those people who stand against the politics from the society, where he commands the guards to torture, beat, and execute the prisoners. Any and all citizens who try to transgress and escape the country are subjected to be locked in the camps because Kim Jong Il considers their attempts to be an act of disloyalty to him. In this sense, the reason that the citizens or people are sent to the concentration camp in North Korea and to the prison in 1984 reveals to be very identical …show more content…

(Orwell, 245) Therefore, the cells in 1984 are also under great security with no windows nor clocks but with telescreens watching them. (Orwell, 238-239) Like those concentration camps in North Korea, the prisoners who are locked in the cell almost die out of starvation due to the scarce amount of food provided to them. (Orwell, 248) Very much identical to the environment of the North Korean concentration camps, Winston, as one of the prisoners is brutally tortured by O’Brien for all the mistakes that he has performed in the society. O’Brien attempts to psychologically manipulate Winston by physically torturing him with a needle and a dial, making Winston to suffer in fear. (Orwell, 259,264-266) Furthermore, O’Brien is not hesitant to torture Winston with rats, his greatest fear, when he is not willing to behave and say as O’Brien dictated. (Orwell, 302-305) Both leaders of North Korea and the society in 1984 have once again prove themselves to be very powerful by torturing and showing brutal violence to the prisoners as a consequence of violating the regulations, and thus building immense fear among …show more content…

Their dictatorship is designed to gain veneration and obedience in people to easily yield to any and all dictated demands. When Kim Jong Il becomes responsible for leading North Korea followed by his father’s death, he begins to rule with such cruel and absolute power, causing the violation of citizens’ human rights and privacy and even their death from starvation. With his absolute power of taking complete control over the citizens, Kim Jong Il invades citizens’ privacy by monitoring their media uses and violates their human rights by restricting their freedom of travelling overseas. (“North Korea, Events of 2016”) Moreover, Kim Jong Il causes many citizens to die from starvation because he has decided use the country’s money to maintain the military and to develop the nuclear weapons, which otherwise could have been spent to feed the population. (“Kim Jong Il, leader of North Korea, dies”) After all, Kim Jong Il is capable of controlling the citizens with his dictatorship because he generates great fear in citizens by using the method of public executions, forced labor, and austere detentions like imprisonment, enslavement, or torture. (“North Korea, Events of 2016”) As a result of Kim Jong Il’s dysfunction way of using his dictatorship to procure citizens’ obedience and veneration, his portrait is held up in public