1984 Propaganda

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The first piece of propaganda that we used in the video was ad hominem. This was shown early in the video when Nishant attacked our competitors by calling them “ugly” and “horrendous”. Ad hominem propaganda was used many times by Big Brother and the thought police in the 1984 book by George Orwell. One of the times that this type of propaganda was expressed was when O'Brien, a member of the thought police, was making fun of Winston by, in essence, calling him stupid. He does this when he is making fun of Winston’s vocabulary that he uses, and says “Even when you write it you’re still thinking in oldspeak” (Orwell 18). This displays O’Brien outright making fun of Winston, not because of how he acts and his beliefs, but because he thinks he is stupid. We used this type of propaganda in our ad because instead of saying that our competitors had bad food or a gross environment, we just said they were ugly because nobody wants to go to an “ugly” restaurant. Ad hominem is a good property of …show more content…

This was when we used Mr. Bishop, a world-renowned nutritionist, and Mr. Thermond, a shark tank investor. An example of this from 1984 is when Big Brother re-writes history. When history was changed by Big Brother, the people living in Oceania didn’t think anything about it. They didn’t think twice about it because they lived under this type of government for a long time and thought that Big Brother knew everything. These different examples change the way people think about certain things. For the ad, it kind of made people look stupid if they didn’t go to Derby Delights and Dining. If a shark tank investor is willing to invest in it, and a world-renowned nutritionist says it’s healthy, then there aren’t any reasons to not go. Right? That is a good idea. Right. In 1984, Big Brother used their reputation and influence to manipulate their people and make them believe something that isn’t