1984 War Is Peace Essay

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War is Peace “The object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.” - George Orwell 1984 p.199.
To call the battle in 1984 a war would be misleading due to the fact that no military is involved besides a select few elite members of the party. The largest worry for civilians is the occasional rocket bomb that may kill a handful of people. The idea behind war becoming the exact definition of peace is almost completely based on the idea that each superstates goal is to keep their social hierarchy system from becoming non existent. They each need to have their citizens pyramid. An upper, middle and lower class are necessary if the government plans on keeping its’ citizens from realizing …show more content…

In 1984, to be ignorant is to be a blind follower of your government and governments leader. If you follow the rules, you won’t get hurt. I suppose you could call that a benefit, but I don’t think you could call it a “strength”. Strength, to me, is having enough knowledge that the government is scared of you. To be smart enough not to blindly follow something just because that’s what the majority of the population is doing. When comparing this novel to what is happening in the world today, I see a lot of similarities. Our country is currently divided. Although not all american citizens are necessarily following our president blindly, I do believe that a vast majority of our nation is undereducated on who it is they voted for and are afraid to vocalize that they don’t like the consequences of their vote. On the other hand, I suppose you could say that the group that is against President Trump is also uneducated in terms of only reading the headlines or the bad news about him. Either way you side with this, the fact is that being uneducated or ignorant is the route cause of our divided nation. To be ignorant of what is going on around you is not a way anybody should live. You should want to be taking in as much knowledge about this world as you possibly can while you have your time on it and to say anything otherwise just seems preposterous to me. Knowledge is