1984 Winston's Unorthodox Characters Essay

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George Orwell’s famous book 1984 is a dystopian novel written in the year 1949. This dystopian novel describes a world much different than our world today. In 1984, there are a few unorthodox characters that perform some unconventional actions. Some of these characters even try to rebel against the government and the celebrated leader, Big brother. Winston is the main character that works in the newspaper department changing facts and stories into ones that are approved by the government. Julia is another unorthodox character that works in the same building. She too hates big brother, and she is ecstatic when she finds out Winston shares the same opinion. The unorthodox character O’Brian acts as if he hates big brother at first, but over time …show more content…

Julia is Winston’s lover one of the only people Winston can trust. She hates the party and Big Brother just as much as Winston does. Both Julia and Winston have to be cautious and keep away from the telescreens, which are big T.V. screens that watch citizens for unorthodox behavior. They also have to stay away from the thought police, which also watch citizens for unorthodoxy. That could include knowing too much, disobeying Big Brother, or even thinking too much about society. Julia rebels against the party for different reasons than Winston does. Winston rebels by thinking about how the world used to be and how it could be better. Julia rebels only to live for the now moment and to have fun, which includes the unorthodox act of sex. A love affair was the reason why Julia and Winston met: “He flattened it out. On it was written, in large unformed handwriting: I love you” (Orwell 90). Julia took a chance betting that Winston was also against the party and gave him that note. Winston and Julia are able to enjoy each other’s company, and together they rebel against Big Brother. This was not the first time that Julia had an affair with another man and broke the laws of the party: “Of course. Hundreds of times – well scores of times anyway” (Orwell 105). Julia loves having sex because it breaks the party’s rules. She does not let the party get the best of her. Not only is Julia unorthodox, but O’Brien is unorthodox …show more content…

Winston doesn’t believe for one second about the party’s rules and desperately wants to find an alternative place where he could live and have actual freedom. Winston is not rebellious in the ways Julia is, for example: just for sex, and a reason to do something different and irate the party. Winston wants to know what the past was like before the party was created and before everyone had to obey to Big brother and his laws. Winston’s desperate about finding freedom. He even goes out to where the proles are to look for information on the past. The proles are the poorest people in the party and don’t do much in society. Winston asks an old man if he remembers what the world was like before big brother. “Tell me about your life when you were a boy” (Orwell 74). Though the old man had no answer for Winston. He had not remembered what it was like before big brother. Or maybe he just chooses not to. Winston was upset but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Winston rebelled, even more when he met another old man who owned an antique shop. His name was Charington and he was very nice and welcoming to Winston. He told Winston that there were no telescreens inside of his store and that he also has a bedroom upstairs above the shop. Winston was beyond excited to hear that news and asked of he could use the room for unorthodoxy purposes. Charington agreed and from then on that is

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