
2-Methylbutane Lab Report

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When a looking at an energy graphs it is easy to find the eclipsing and gouche strain energies. The eclipsed energy Islamist the highest peak of a graph second to an eclipsed methyl. The gouche energy can be spotted on the graph as the second lowest peak on the graph. It is not the lowest point but it is hangs low. The lowest point that would be the closes to the x axis as possible. On the butane graph there are about 2 gouche points and 2 eclipses present. On the second graph for the compound 2-Methylbutane there is only 1 eclipsed conformation and 1 gouche conformation. Lastly, the 2,3-dimethylbutane structure has 0 gouche conformations and 2 eclipsed conformations. My predicted conformations were correct for butane. For butane I predicted that all of the structures would be totally eclipsed …show more content…

I also predicted that the clips confirmation would be projected at approximately 120° and 240° on the graph. In addition I also predicted that 360° a total eclipsed conformation would be shown which the graph also displays. However, I did not predict for correct projections for 2-Methylbutane or 2,3-Dimethylbutane. I assumed that both would have a total eclipsed conformation at the beginning and at the end which was correct. On the other hand, I predicted that there would be 2 eclipsed conformations and 2 gouche conformations for both structures which was incorrect. For 2-Methylbutane the graph shows 2anti conformations, a point that looks as though it is totally eclipsed, and a normal eclipsed point. On the graph for 2,3-Dimethylbutane there are 3 anti conformations and 2 gouche conformations. As a result only the maximums the I predicted were on the graphs at the exact location that I predicted them to be. I was not sure where the minimums would be on the graph so that prediction was automatically wrong. I believe that one conformation may be lower because of the structure of the

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