
Explain How The Men Who Developed The Fingerprint Classification System

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Who were the men who developed the fingerprint classification system that is still used in the United States?
Henry Faulds developed the fingerprint classification system.

Our fingertips are covered with hundreds of microscopic sweat pores, which makes our fingers moist and able to grip better. On a separate sheet of paper draw the structure of the skin.

Why do forensic examiners look for Core and Deltas. Define Cores and Deltas.
Looking for cores and deltas could narrow down suspects. Cores are the center of the fingerprints and deltas are a triangular area shaped like a slit formation.

At the crime scenes, investigators look for three types of prints. List them.
Investigators look for whorls, loops, and …show more content…

in China T’ang dynasty, fingerprints were used for business. Dactyloscopy started in the 19th century by William Herschel. He required indians to add their fingerprints to contracts. In 1877, fingerprints were used to identify prisoners. In Japan, fingerprints were molded in pottery which interested Henry Faulds, a health missionary in Tokyo who published scientific paper in 1880 about fingerprints identifying criminals. Henry Faulds thought that fingerprints were very unique. fingerprints could be used for sorting purposes to help with identification. The ink and transfer method was first used to discover criminals. Identification used to always be an issue for the criminal justice system. Before, prisoners used to often get branded or tattooed, or even limbs cut off to be identified as a criminal. This practice was then abolished in the early 1800’s. Photography used to help but then became too overwhelming for the system. in 1881, Alphonse Bertillon suggested using body measurements to identify offenders. Height, weight, width of head length of foot were examples of the measurements that were to be used. Science of human measurements is called anthropometry. Francis Galton studies dactyloscopy and anthropometry and published 2 books which were used to classify fingerprints using loops, whorls, and arches. He showed that fingerprints stay the same from birth to death, no 2 fingerprints are the same even on identical twins and fingerprints can not be

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