2 Paragraphs 17 And 18 Jesus

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Jesus was very authoritative/stern and kind throughout all of Mark’s gospel. Him driving out demons in an authoritative way (pg. 1 paragraph 7, casting out demon) along with healing many people (pg. 2 paragraph 4, man with leprosy) show both these characteristics quiet well. At times, like when the Pharisees did not want him to help a man on the Sabbath (pg. 3 paragraph 6) and during the storm on the boat he was portrayed as somewhat angry and maybe even impatient with both groups (pg. 5 paragraph 7). These characteristics were shown multiple times and can be seen below in “Other Examples of Anger/Impatience.” On pages 17 and 18 Jesus is portrayed as very prophetic and by the end of the gospel Jesus comes off as very humble and calm during