2 Samuel 7

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In the seventh chapter of 2 Samuel, the prophet Nathan delivers an oracle to King David from the Lord, in response to David’s offer to build a house for the Lord. This passage is significant because it establishes the royal theology of the Davidic dynasty which is central to the ancient Israelite religion, and also predicates the blessings of the Lord’s promise for all of Israel on the realization of his promises to David concerning the his dynasty and the eventual construction of a new Jerusalem temple. In application to modern Saints, this passage also teaches that sometimes God suspends the realization of our righteous desires to serve him in anticipation of greater roles or purposes he has for us to fulfill and greater blessings he has to offer.
The books of Samuel detail the history of the Israelite people from the time they entered Moab and the promised land, through the destruction of Jerusalem and their subsequent exile in Babylon. It is also in the books of Samuel that the kingship of Israel is established, a mantle carried first by Saul and then by David. In particular, this section of 2 Samuel describes …show more content…

It is undeniably significant that through his mortal mother Mary, Jesus Christ himself is descended through the line of David; had Judah been free and ruled by her sovereign during his lifetime, Jesus Christ would have been the rightful King of the Jews. During such a time of subservience if not outright captivity, the ancient people of Israel might have found comfort in verse 15. Here the Lord promises that while the Davidic heir will be subject to punishment when due, he will never again be rejected of the Lord like unto