2br02b Death Parlors As Ethical Suicide Studios

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According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 million people commit suicide yearly. In the short-story 2BR02B death parlors were called "Ethical Suicide Studios" because it stabilized the population, wasn't messy, and it benefitted society. There are many reasons in "2BR02B' why the hostesses refer to the death parlors as "Ethical Suicide Studios".
In today's society, suicide and overpopulation are two major issues. In "2BR02B" hostesses made people comfortable by referring to their suicides as anything but the term "suicide"; this includes terms like "weep-no-more" and "why worry". Vonnegut showed this in the short-story by introducing institutions such as "Kiss-me-quick," "Lucky Pierre”,"Waring Blendor," "Weep-no-more" and "Why Worry?”. Another reason why hostesses called death parlors “Ethical Suicide Studios” was because the death parlors solved the problem they had with overpopulation. As it claimed in the short-story 2BR02B "In the year 2000," said Dr. Hitz, "before scientists stepped in and laid down the law, there wasn't even enough drinking water to go around, and nothing to eat but sea-weed”. The death parlors in 2BR02B were given many different names by hostesses.
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Some ways the death parlor benefits society are that it stabilizes the population and effectively prevents overpopulation. This is shown in the short-story when Dr. Hitz claims“without population control, human beings would now be packed on the surface of this old planet like drupelets on a blackberry! Think of it!".Another way death parlors benefit their society was that it allowed people who wanted to commit but didn’t have the guts to actually do it to use an alternative. In the short-story, this is shown when the painter picks up Mr. Wehlings's gun with the intent of committing suicide but he couldn’t do it, so he dialed the number “2BR02B”. The death parlors are called”Ethical Studios” because they benefit