Minimise Abuse In Health And Social Care Essay

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3.1. Explain existing working practice and strategies designed to minimise abuse in health and social care contexts Adult Protection Tactics Many working practices are applied minimising abuse in Health and Social Care Sectors- Adams (2007) states that "in England, multiagency codes of practice aiming to tackle and prevent abuse of vulnerable adults developed in the light of the publication of the official guidance No Secrets (DOH and Home Office, 2000)". Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) Adams (2007) states that "The protection of vulnerable adults (POVA) scheme was introduced in England and Wales in a phased programme from 2004, as required in the Care Standard Act 2000". That make a list of unfit vulnerable adults in England and Wales. …show more content…

Important thing of using information technology is more secured and quickest than the paper based ancient system it is also protective). It ensures the security of being heard the conversation between the cares providers. Anti- discriminatory and anti-oppressive activities minimise the chance of additional abuse. How to evaluate the people who are service user and worker before their entrance in care work were shown in POVA frame work. Partnership working makes closer within service provider and service also make possible way to know their requirement. Working with numerous working agency is very essential for the protection of vulnerable adult abuse which is not possible by one agency.For enhancement in profession relating to the care of vulnerable protection from abuse local authority have to monitor it very closely with appropriate application of legislation. Organisations of Care have to be ensured about the adequate skill of their worker before going to the service. If it is not maintained there is possible to be occurred e.g. Victoria climbie and Baby p. They died in their premature age only the cause was that the care worker was not enough