Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

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Although, I do not know what you are wondering, but you should be wondering about the 7 wonders of the world. Think of it as a perfect travel itinerary from a long, long, long time ago. The Seven World Wonders today are labeled as Chichén Itza in Mexico, Christ the Redeemer a Statue in brazil, Colosseum in Italy, Taj Mahal in India, Great Wall of china, Petra in Jordan, and the Machu Picchu in Peru. Those are great things, but I believe we need to dig deeper than that. I believe the Seven World Wonders should be the ISS, The Large Hadron Collider, Christ the Redeemer, Internet, Rome Colosseum, The Great Wall of China, and the Mars Exploration. Those Seven World Wonders truly makeup society today. The ISS (International Space Station) its amazing we have something the size of a “football field” floating around in space, with people living in it for months at a time. The ISS is benefiting life on earth in many ways, but there is one in specific I would like to discuss, a tiny hut village in sub-Saharan Africa, drinkable water is vigorous for human survival. Unfortunately, many people around the world lack access to clean water. Using technology developed for the space station, at-risk areas can gain access to advanced water purification and sanitization systems, making a life-saving difference in these communities. This is …show more content…

Also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre. It is the largest Amphitheatre in the world and considered to be one of the greatest. Overhangs were extended from the top story to protect the audience from the hot sun as they watched gladiatorial combats, hunts, wild animal fights. The Roman Colosseum became a symbol of power. Today the Roman Colosseum is impossible to use due to the interior, the Colosseum hosts large events and only a few hundred watchers can be housed in brief seating. The Roman Colosseum is in my seven World of Wonders because it held significant

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