9/11 English Short Story

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1. MaleCra

For a brief moment in time, you were a moment in someone’s life. A mere extra, passing through their thoughts in milliseconds, but milliseconds of their story nonetheless. For every person you’ve exchanged eye contact with, you have made a contribution to their existence, be it significant or not.
2. fuzzum111

FACT: If you were to take a live sea sponge, blenderize it, then leave the sea sponge smoothie to sit over night. When you woke up in the morning, you’d find that the surviving sea sponge cells have found each other and started to reform a new sea sponge.
3. Whacked_Bear

You were once the youngest person in the whole universe.
4. EvanTreborn

The word “suns” is written the same way upside down.
5. danrennt98

That there’s …show more content…

8. IranianGenius

Each year, hundreds of trees grow because squirrels forget where they buried their food.
9. Tigrael

If you took the whole solar system and shrunk it down so that the Sun was at your head and the orbit of Pluto was at your feet, Uranus would be just where you’d expect it to be.
10. guy-le-doosh

During the space race, the Apollo astronauts were given sleeves in which to put their dicks and piss in a bag. The problem was that they kept slipping off, because none of them would take first two of the three size options: Small, Medium, Large.
Instead of redesigning the entire system, NASA came up with a simple solution. They relabeled them as Large, Gigantic, and Humongous. The problem was solved.
11. AmyEarhart

a group of bunnies is called a fluffle
12. lucious_leftfoot

The act of holding you arms above your head with clenched fists will make you feel more powerful. Its also been recorded that even blind people who haven’t seen the act before, will raise their hands in the air to express joy.
13. …show more content…


Dolphins try to rescue humans who are drowning. It’s as if they realize we can’t hold breathing as long as they do and push you upwards and even try to reanimate bumping you in the stomach. Although , this is believed to be done out of instinct (since we are about the same size of a baby dolphin and they have to perform this when baby dolphins are born, pretty much the same way newborn babies need a slap to start crying and breate) but I choose to believe they do it because they are awesomely intelligent and nice.
21. Revelgoodpeople

The definition of the word “Sonder” – n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.
22. TheSamsquatch

Whales have lifelong friends that they visit regularly.

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