
9/11 Short Stories

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1 Ace pulled a pistol out of his back pocket and pointed it towards the sound of the approaching police sirens. “How did I get here?” Ace thought. “I never wanted this to happen.” As the police cars breached the horizon, Ace shot a round into the direction. The one car swerved and crashed into a telephone pole, turning the car into a mess of twisted metal. Four other cars then came around from behind it. Ace turned around and ran. 2 Jim Callaghan worked as a Principal at a High School in Maryland. Never had he more been enjoying life, for he loved the country and wanted to live there for his whole life. Jim also had a wife and a teenage son named Josh. They lived in a reasonably large house for his teacher's salary and Jim was proud of every …show more content…

It was a Wednesday, an unremarkable day to say the least. Jim was driving his small car up to the drive when he saw harsh grey smoke pouring out from the large red barn that sat nearby their house. Three fire trucks sat in front of the barn while a group of firefighters scrambled to stop the fire. Jim pulled his car next to the house and ran up to the nearest firefighter. “What the hell is going on here?” shouted Jim. The firefighter turned …show more content…

He was seven years old. They whole family was on a trip to New Mexico. They had decided to drive there to save money. It had been three days of driving on long highways when they had decided to stop at a roadside motel and get some shut eye. They had finally gotten their suitcases up to their room when Josh tugged on Jim’s shirt sleeve and told him he had to use the restroom. Normally, Jim would let Josh go by himself, but it was getting dark outside, so he went with him. The bathrooms were in a separate building from the motel so they walked through the lobby and outside. Upon reaching the bathroom, Josh went in by himself, as he was already too old for an adult escort. Thinking he had nothing to worry about, Jim leaned up next to the bathroom door and

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