9/11, Stacles Of Terrorism, By Douglas Kellnar

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The Truth About Terrorism Can you recall what you were doing when your first heard about 9/11 or the terrorist attacks in Paris? Most people can remember because of the shock that they felt in that moment. This is exactly the fear that terrorist groups like ISIS want to instill in the average citizens of the world. The violent acts they commit don't have near as much of an effect without the help of the world's media. The media is the catalyst that can help an organization rule countries through the fear they help generate. The media is ineffectively covering the terrorist attacks from ISIS, because they do not understand the goals of ISIS, they cover terrorist attacks with a secret agenda, and they help the terrorist organization by publicizing the events for the whole …show more content…

For this reason, terrorist organizations like, ISIS, rely on the media to show their awful killings. In Douglas Kellnar's, " 9/11, Spectacles of Terror, and Media Manipulation: A Critique of Jihadist and Bush Media Politics," Kellnar discusses how the media aids terrorists groups by repeatedly showing the massacres that they commit. This was particularly true in the case of 9/11. These terrorist acts were the most documented event in history. The media constantly was burning images of planes hitting the twin towers and people jumping from burning buildings into their viewers brains. Why would the media do this? The average viewer might think that the news media wants to show how awful of an attack this was. However, if its examined more closely, the media isn't showing this just for the reasons viewers may think. As Kellnar states in his essay the attacks were covered just how the terrorists wanted them to be, " The 9/11 terror spectacle unfolded in a city that was one of the most media saturated in the world" (3). Al-Qaeda picked New York City for a reason, they knew that it would be covered in gargantuan