A Beautiful Spirit In Nancy Brinker's Promise Me

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How meaningful is a promise? According to Nancy Brinker in her well-known book “Promise Me,” a promise to her means more than life. At an early age, Nancy lost her most important supporter, her sister Suzy. Devastated and affected, the only piece left of her sister was a sincere promise and their last few memories together. Throughout this captivating memoir, Nancy portrays her sister’s beautiful spirit and how they shared a part in her struggle while also learning to globalize and raise awareness for Breast Cancer.

Nancy and Suzy shared a bond some sisters will never experience. The two were inseparable even despite their completely different personalities. Suzy was the popular girly girl while Nancy was the shy tomboy who excelled …show more content…

Nancy Brinker had created the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization. (“About Me.”). Nancy had globalized the breast cancer awareness in not only women but also in men all around the world. She is the leading supporter of funding for the disease. She has raised billions of dollars for research and for the opportunity for screenings globally. She even founded a Race for the Cure 3 Day race, which runs all over the world raising funds for the cause. Nancy has since stepped away from the organization, but her mother still leads and runs the foundation. They honored Nancy by having her lead as the United States Ambassador, and then a few years, George W. Bush asked her to lead as the White House Chief. Since then, Nancy received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from the former President Barack Obama (“About Me.”). As shown, Nancy put in every effort she possibly could towards raising funds and finding the cure to what took her sister.

Throughout her book, Nancy intrigues her audience by pouring pure emotion and truth into every word. She writes as if her sister is still living and vibrant as she once was. Nancy has never lost faith or given up when trials such as cancer consumes her. She chooses to rise up and to fight this battle to not only make everyone else proud but to fulfill the promise she once has